Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)

by slimboyfat 406 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    DisMember - How can you read what you have writen a few minutes ago and claim you are not judging?

    You don't know what is going on in SBFs life and what has caused him to take this decision. JWs pour vitriol on those who leave - are you going to do the same to apostate apostates?

    not only are the people in the org not real.. but those that have left it are just as fickle, weak and possibly fake as well

    Who does that leave - just you apparently.

    ETA - Bohm just said it with style!

  • Dis-Member

    Cofty: I am not afraid to admit that I am as lost and confused as the next person. Perhaps even more so. This flip flopping deeply disturbs me and hurts me.

    Don't know if I am coming or going. I start to believe people here are sincere and consistent then all of a sudden everything turns on it's head. Double whammy.

    Going out to get a blood drink.

  • metatron

    I always thought you were a closet apologist, SlimBoy.

    Good Luck, anyway.


  • losingit

    Stillin-- yes,that's what I thought the witnesses were about :-( I'mm sad to see sbf leave. I always appreciated his posts. I've been tempted to go back. So I understand the pull the society has. I hope he finds what he's looking for. So long slimboyfat!

  • transhuman68

    Goodbye threads are never genuine. This isn't the kingdom hall- when someone really leaves they just stop posting. This is just attention-seeking...

  • SloppyJoe

    The problem with going back is you can stop coming here and not read anything and it will work for awhile. But guess what happens, the GB eventually does something that reminds you why you ended up here in the first place. You cannot forget what you know, and the organization has been pulling the same wool over JWs eyes for generation after generation, even the ones that overlap. This is my story. Good luck.

  • cofty
  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    SBF - people can change and problems can be overcome. I hope that you have not been fed empty promises - the elders may have asked for your forgiveness of them in how they dealt with you. They can promise you a lot and feign true love but it will be only a matter of time. Whatever happens, stay positive and remember that support is available here so you don't have to cope on your own all over again.

    I hope you find the peace your are looking for.

  • suavojr
  • suavojr

    Some of us have to stay inside and wear a mask and others cannot stomach it, but once you know TTATT you will never go back to sleep.Nevertheless I wish the best in your journey SBF

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