Which country is better to migrate Canada or Australia?

by His Excellency 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Paralipomenon

    Based on the criteria you provided, I think most would be hard pressed to point to either as standing out from the other.

    I know some Canadians that moved to Australlia and loved it, and some Australlians that moved to Canada and loved it.

    If pressed for points either in favor or against, I would say that if you are a business owner, having the US close is a benefit, if you like to travel, there are more exotic destinations closer to Australlia.

  • mouthy

    I believe Canada .I am a Limey by birth,Loved England. But I find Canada is a wonderful
    I have been to the U.S.A ( not for me)being black should have nothing to do with it.I have
    3 black grandkids,( another three in Montreal they must not talk to me ( JWS))The black ones here
    are doing well got good jobs,( except 1 )
    Good luck in your discission.I have friends in Aussie land ,who love their country as I do mine

    Mouthy as usual

  • OnTheWayOut

    Captain Obvious said: People talk funny in Australia... Canada is best.

    That should read: Eh, people are aboot talking funny in Australia... Canada is best, eh? Now put on your runners and lumber jacket, eh, loan me a toonie, eh, and let's go to Tim Horton's, eh.

  • steve2

    The wonderfully perceptive Tammy wrote:

    "(I always thought that Australia was to New Zealand, as the States is to Canada... meaning New Zealand is OBVIOUSLY better;) )"

    For this alone, Tammy will receive the day's Perspicacity Award. I love the use of the uppercase OBVIOUSLY...

  • tec


  • ThisFellowCheap

    @HE, make your choice quick! I wanna go the other way!!

  • Scott77

    Well, several factors should be weighed in when deciding where you plan to persue a master degree. Cost of living, education, type of degree, racial make-up or diversity. There is no black people in Australia except aboliginals and Asian immigrants. Being far from your family would be an issue as there is less flights from Africa to Australia than it is with Africa to Canada. Toronto is a diverse mulit-culture city. I think that would be a solution for you. Also, Australia is not a developed country but Canada is. Therefore, your degree if obtaied in Australia, may matter less in international job market than if you had got one in Canada or USA.


  • biometrics

    Black skinned people need greater exposure to sunlight to produce the correct levels of vitiman D. I'd be seeking a country with a lot of sun.

  • barry

    You would have to learn to speak correctly because we speak the Queens english over here in Australia. Don't believe those other people that say we talk funny

  • 2+2=5

    Southern Queensland in Australia would have some of the best weather in the world, IMO.

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