Which country is better to migrate Canada or Australia?

by His Excellency 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Tiktaalik

    @jgnat: Too true! I grew up thinking that bbq = sausages! We are a cultural wasteland!

    We Australians do not have the requisite level of refinement needed to produce such culinary masterpieces such as Poutine!

    Go Canadia!

  • tec

    Lol at all of you.

    My aunt is a Kiwi. So most of my New Zealand etiquette comes from her. But I would love to go to Australia. To visit, not to live. Except the bugs scare me off a bit. I was thinking the other day though, that it is all a matter of what you are familiar with. We have wasps and bees galore (and I hate them, lol, but can deal with them)... but if I lived somewhere where they weren't such a huge thing, then I might think it is crazy to go visit somewhere where flying insects that sting you are in abundance.

    Of course, you don't die from wasp stings. (unless you are allergic, as a fair amount of people are here) Australia has a lot of critters that are venomous.



  • kurtbethel

    I am going to throw a curve ball at you and suggest looking at South Africa. It's temperate, like California or Florida, without the extremes of Canada or Australia. The braai is the local version of BBQ and just as good an experience, with steaks, sausages and pork rashers. Being black works to your advantage there as you will get sent to the head of the line for education and job opportunities, if you think that kind of advantage is okay.

  • valkyrie

    I am going to throw a curve ball at you and suggest looking at South Africa. It's temperate, like California or Florida, without the extremes of Canada or Australia. The braai is the local version of BBQ and just as good an experience, with steaks, sausages and pork rashers. Being black works to your advantage there as you will get sent to the head of the line for education and job opportunities, if you think that kind of advantage is okay.

    Odd thinking.

    As one, newly-immigrated, non-native black person among tens of millions native black people, he could easily find himself standing at the end of a very long line - for education and job opportunities. Where is the advantage in that?

  • villagegirl

    I live in Vancouver, Canada, 30 miles from the American border

    No snow or extreme cold here to speak of. We had sun from

    June to September and October is lovely as well.

    Best universities ?

    Canadian universities are expensive, but we treat incoming

    foreigners better than our own native born. So you might get a free ride.

    UBC, University of British Columbia sells seats to cash buyers so it is about

    80% Chinese students. But they pretend thats not the reality.

    Canadians are good at pretending things are what they are not.

    American universities will publish racial statistics with an eye to balance.

    Canadians are so paranoid about being called racists they have

    allowed BC to have a 52% Asian population, claiming no- one notices.

    Everyone does. Canadians are elitist, think they are

    morally superior to Americans ( they aren't) Canadians tend

    to be less educated than say, Californians, because Cailifornians

    have access to one of the top ten universities in the world,

    the University of California, with huge campuses all

    throughout California, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC at Santa Barbara, etc

    They also have a practically free two year community college system.

    In the sciences and technology, you cannot beat California.

    Not one single Canadian or Austrailian university even makes

    the top ten international university list. Education at a two

    year acredited level is astromnomically expensive in Canada.

    But again your a foreigner, so you make get a free ride, under,

    hell no we aren't racist policy.

    Americans don't care what race you are, they do care how smart you

    are and what your academic record is. And they will ask you up front,

    "what race are you" ? Its about demographics to them. Canadians don't

    comprehend demographics and allow sudden influxes of people who have

    no skills, no education and can speak neither French or English.

    If you are black, Canadians will respond like deer in the headlights,

    and pretend to be color blind, while lowering their expectations of you.

    If you are Asian they will assume you have 50 points higher IQ than

    you actually have. Ozzies are similar to Canadians but drink more

    and are less educated.

  • doofdaddy

    but drink more and are less aduated

    Damn you edited it!

  • valkyrie

    ZAP! Ouch, villagegirl!

    That's a stinging assessment; how soon will you be emigrating?

  • jgnat

    Canada has always been open to immigration, as we have more land than people. Without immigration, we'd be in a negative growth situation. Villagegirl, without immigrants, who would pick your strawberries?


  • hoser

    yeah jgnat:

    love the poster


    we're all immigrants here


  • karter

    New Zealand by far.

    Australia is full of things that will sting,bite,poison you and then there is the animals.

    Of the 25 most deadly snakes in the world 23 are found in Australia.

    Spiders, Heaps that will bite and poison you.

    Ants that bite you...the list goes on.

    The weather is hot 46c in Sydney last summer 36c last week and its not into the summer yet.

    New Zealand has a temperate climate no wild Animals that will sting,bite or poison you.

    I was hikeing in the south island of NZ when we get to a hut you can tell the Aussies they are looking under the bed for snakes,spiders ect ....hey guys this is NZ no need to check that out.

    BRINJEN why wasen't J.C born in Australia??...couldn't find 3 wise men let alone a virgin.


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