Which country is better to migrate Canada or Australia?

by His Excellency 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witchettygrub
  • jgnat

    Village girl, if English speaking Caucasians received a review along the lines of your scathing expose I am sure it would come across as hateful and narrow minded.

    Alberta is short handed. We have shortages in labourer, retail, fast food services and the trades. At our car dealership the shuttle driver and the counter girl are from the UK. Filipinos at the fast food outlet. My doctor is from South Africa. Without immigrant support Alberta would be in a lot of trouble.

    Recent Asian immigrants to Vancouver were expats from Hong Kong, nervous about the return of their city to the Chinese. Across the ocean they found a beautiful coastal city not too different than what they had back home. They brought their money and trusted their children in our care.

    Asians have also enriched Vancouver.

  • prologos

    see likes of Stronach/Magna on the other side of Canada from the earlier wave.

  • iCeltic

    I've lived in both Canada and Australia and I'd have to say Australia is the best (for me)

    It is very expensive to live in Australia, especially Sydney, but that's relative to the wages here too. I'm glad I don't drink coke since it's $5 for 2litres!

    Someone came into my work the other day and called me a bloody foreigner, which I thought was ironic in Australia. But on the whole Aussies love people, very friendly, I've met some of the best people I've ever met in my life here.

    The weather is glorious, yes hot at times but sure beats trudging through the snow, freezing trying to work.

    The beaches are outstanding.

    The bike trails are great.

    Loads of beautiful national park.

    it like anywhere, has lots going for it and things against. Expensive. Property in Sydney is abnormal prices. The people, the place, the food all great and of course the wine, now that is amazing, some of the best wines I've ever tasted.

  • villagegirl

    The USA has a Black president. But he is highly educated.

    Education makes a difference to your experience as does State.

    Racism differs in the USA by State.

    California has the greatest diversity, best University

    system, University of California. Racism is also according to

    education. University educated, West Coast, higher income,

    tend to not be racist or would be embarrassed to admit they were.

    Its not politically correct. Stay away from all Southern States, like

    Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina, Georgia,Tennessee, all very racist.

    Any State that was part of the Southern Confederate states that had slavery

    remain racist. Slavery ended in 1865. Segregation in Southern States took

    another 100 years. The Civil Rights act was not enacted till 1964.

    Do not even think about going to Southern States. California is like a

    whole different country.

  • brinjen

    Karter: "BRINJEN why wasen't J.C born in Australia??...couldn't find 3 wise men let alone a virgin."

    I'll have to remember that one.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    LOL. Jesus was born in Australia. In his current incarnation he is A J Miller.

  • LouBelle

    I would go to Oz! much better weather, though they have horrid hunter spiders. So make your house as bug ad spider proof as possible.

  • fulltimestudent

    I would go to Oz! much better weather, though they have horrid hunter spiders. So make your house as bug ad spider proof as possible


    If your referring to the spider popularly called 'huntsman'?


    Then yes! they're rather scary, and their bite will irritate but is not deadly.


    If you're new to Australia, then these are the ones to avoid.

    Blue Mountains Funnel-web Spider, female

    That's a Blue Mountains Funnel Web spider (Many of which are currently getting burnt to a crisp in one of the worst bushfieds ever).

    There are other sub-species. Here's the sub-species called the Sydney Funnel web:

    Sydney Funnel-web Spider - Atrax robustus

    They are all dangerous, and can kill you if not treated quickly. Fortunately the development of anti-venoms mean that your life can be saved.

    The Australian Museum web-site says.

    Male Sydney Funnel-web spiders have a habit of wandering into backyards and falling into suburban swimming pools, where they can survive many hours. They also sometimes enter and become trapped in houses. Again, it is true that Sydney Funnel-webs have one of the most toxic venoms (to humans) of any spider. However, it is not true that all funnel-web bites are life-threatening. The venom of juvenile and female Sydney Funnel-web Spiders is much less toxic. Nor do they jump onto, or chase people, or live in houses - these are all urban myths.

    Dry daytime surface conditions will dehydrate funnel-web spiders and also expose them to birds and lizards. This is why males that have spent the night in search of a female have to seek cover at dawn. This can be any suitable hideaway that is dark, moist and cool, like a cavity under a rock, or even in a shoe left outdoors.

    - See more at: http://australianmuseum.net.au/Sydney-Funnel-web-Spider/#sthash.ggrfHnqv.dpuf

    There are a few other spiders in OZ with toxic bites. I'll try to get around to listing them later

  • fulltimestudent

    Karter: "BRINJEN why wasen't J.C born in Australia??...couldn't find 3 wise men let alone a virgin."

    I'll have to remember that one.

    Brinjen, here's another one, that pokes fun at out (original) origins

    Why are Aussies less intelligent than the English?


    Because we're (Aussies) all descended from convicts that were so dumb that they got caught and sent to OZ.

    The smart ones did not get caught, stayed in England and became Lords and Ladies.

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