No bibles at any kingdomhalls, strong rumors the annual meeting is regarding the bible...

by EndofMysteries 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    OTWO- rumor? No.

    Your words ring true and very, very long, like a JW in service; ringing the bell and standing for an eternity at the front door of a 'not-at-home'.

    E.-readers for all. rip predicts!!

  • sir82

    Ah, what the hey, I'll jump in:

    Yes, they will introduce a new Bible.

    Also, in the talk introducing it, comments will be made along the lines of "If you were to buy a similar study Bible in a regular book store, it would easily cost $30, $40, or more! And those Bibles don't even have the divine name! Brothers, wouldn't it be fitting to show our appreciation for all the hard work that went into producing this new Bible by contributing generously to the worldwide work!"

    I figure between the US, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, and other scattered areas, they'll distribute 3 million+ Bibles within a few months.

    3 million X $40 anticipated donation each = $120 million in income. Probably costs no more than $5 or $6 apiece to print, bind, and ship them --> $100 million profit.

    Last gasp to pull in income from a dying industry (publishing)? Stocking the larder for future lawsuit settlements? Let the reader use discernment.

  • DS211

    Actually ithink theyll just cancel the bibles period....just use publications. I was told by the branch committee that the talks given in 2014 will ONLY be givenfrom the insight book starting with the topic Aaron..hiws that for more control

  • nonjwspouse

    I agree with the notion that the WT will have new bibles...on expirable e-reader form they will need to redownload every so many years. They can change the content of online stuff easily. They are already faced with tons of inconsistancies, whats the harm in more? They don't want thinking people, only ones who will follow no matter what. ( Thinking people probably don't donate, they are a drag on the "cost". )

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    The Watchtower will be introducing a brand new section in each magazine: What does the Bible really say?

    That is right, brothers and sisters! You no longer have to carry around that big, heavy book... You no longer need to fear any question or examination from outsiders, who ask you questions you can't answer, or try to twist around what Jehovah'a true message is. Wasting precious resources like paper, ink and glue, on the printing of entire Bibles, is not the best use of the few days we have remaining in this system. Who hasn't run across those annoying questions about why we use a "different" Bible? You can proudly tell them that is no longer true!!

    The important work of promoting our kingdom message, while we still have time, is going to be so much easier, with our simple and easy to use Magazines. All applicable verses will be printed right inside each magazine, so you won't have to fumble around through your bible to look them up. There is no danger of getting caught up on context, that no longer applies to our contemporary views.

    Have you ever been stumbled or confused by a question posed by a householder, or from being led to read parts of the bible that did not apply to you? That possibility will soon fade away, as you remember to trust the faithful and discreet slave, in all of its wisdom and the direct guidance from Jehovah himself! You will no longer wonder what certain passages, parables, chapters or prophecies mean. Instead, focus your attention on the most current and pertinent information. Today's message is the most important message of all. Do not be tempted by side steppers or those who would lure you into reading unnecessary scriptures. The new format will make it much easier to stay on point, when doing your important preaching work.

    We are so pleased to continue our tradition of constant adaptation, under the direction of the faithful and discreet slave. What wonderful news and comfort this will provide us in the last days! We no longer have to worry about distractions from the outside, and now, as the light has grown so bright, we can set aside our bibles with confidence. Jehovah will deliver us the proper food at the perfect time, through the divine words of His own writing department, and modern equipment to completely fulfill his needs.

    Let's not forget the beautiful illustrations! As an organization, we have always been so appreciative of the artwork and visual aids provided for us in each magazine. Beginning with the January, 2014 issue, Each monthly Watchtower study magazine will come with a glossy, full color poster, that you can proudly display in your home. These are perfect for children's bedrooms. They will inspire the dreams and imaginations of young and old. We look forward with delight, to the new light, the end of this wicked system, the destruction of the UN and imitation Christians who persecute us. Jehovah's grand design for his people is about to come to pass! We are certain you will enjoy these visual reminders of things to come. It will encourage you to remain faithful and strong.

    Does this mean one can't read the bible on their own? No, but be forewarned... doing so will expose you to the dangers we have identified in the preceding paragraphs. Instead of using your precious remaining time, with futile attempts to interpret the bible on your own, trust in Jehovah, the one who is giving direct guidance for the feeding of his people during these last days. Continue in the preaching work. Do not get distracted, as the day of the great tribulation draws near.

    If you would like to get your first 3 issues of the new magazines today, please turn in your bibles at the information desk At the end of this meeting. Each magazine will also include a "suggested donation" amount discretely printed on the front cover. This cost helps to cover the cost of printing the glossy posters. This new feature is sure to delight your family, and all those who read our publications. What better way to show our love for Jehovah, than to proudly display this wonderful artwork on our walls at home. hang them by your dinner table, so you can gaze at them while you eat. we are confident that many interesting discussions will come from what you observe in these pictures.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    My two cents? If there is a new bible it'll be only SLIGHTLY revised, no major doctrinal stuff, but enough to give a little wiggle room for the future, and it'll be bound with an updated reasoning book..

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The Breakfast of Champions prediction:

    The "new" bible will not be called the "New World" translation.

  • ProfCNJ

    We are in for some fresh news about the rumors folks!

    After my very recent call from a good friend in Bethel, one special development will really be about a NEW BIBLE. However, as regards the it's exact form or kind (hardbound or scroll-like) remains to be a mystery. That's the best clue my friend can give it to me in order not to preempt the official announcement.

  • rebel8

    I saw a jw posting that she "can just feel" there is a new bible coming. She is a liar, so anyway, she's obviously heard this rumor from someone else.

    dubs are so petty. The things they get excited about are such minutiae. The book is 2k years old or whatever. It's not new!

    In other news, I'm dusting my living room tomorrow, and I won't tell you what surface I'm going to do first. Let's start a worldwide buzz about it!

  • LostGeneration

    Lol Professor.

    Hopefully it will be in scroll form. Then victims of a JW visit on Saturday mornings can at least laugh while the witness tries to pull the correct scroll from his bookbag.

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