I can't take this crap anymore. It's time to get pro-active!

by BONEZZ 60 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Hortensia

    How about taking out an ad in the local paper -- "Daughter (name her name), I know JWs keep you from talking to your own father and brother, but how could you ignore your 93-year-old grandmother? She is so depressed because you won't talk to her, won't answer her calls. What kind of religion is that? It's a religion that teaches people it's all right to be heartless and cold-hearted."

  • laverite

    Wow, the video sounds like a great idea -- something like that deserves to be seen widely. JWs are so two faced, it's sickening. Let the world know the truth.

    And, an ad in your local paper and on craigslist (missed connections?) would be a good addition. Finally, a G-ma website with the video, the whole story written out for the world to see. People need to be warned about the harmful nature of JWs.

  • laverite

    And as you know it won't bring her back to you (would anything??), but at least you will have done something without taking this *&^$ from the Watchtower Corp "religion." With an ad, craigslist postings and a website too as well as the youtube video, everyone will see what a destructive religion she is caught up in. I'm so glad you aren't going to let Watchtower Corp get away with this.

  • gingerbread

    You'll be punishing your daughter - in public ??

    As wannaexit says "I hate this religion."

    Your ex-wife has allowed the religion to destroy the natural relationship between father and daughter. Show your daughter that you're a better person than that.

    Accept the fact that your daughter is an adult...and set the right example yourself.

    Grow up and be a Dad to your only daughter.



    Thanks for the support and comments.

    This not a knee-jerk reaction. It's been a long time coming. I'm probably most pissed for the way she's treated her G'ma. Her and my Dad helped raise both kids as my wife and I were building our business. My mom and dad both left not too long after me. Both were 50-year members and upset with the child molestation and the U.N. fiasco. My daughter married a young dubbie who has climbed the ladder to elder. So her and her husband are moving on up, with parts on the assemblies and carry much status in the cong. They are young mover and shakers...very impressed with themselves.

    I have tried to talk to her in the past. She never had time to discuss anything. I also sent her a letter telling her I will always love her. No reply.

    It's time to spank her!


  • laverite


    I disagree with Ginger. As far as I am concerned, your plan is an excellent one.


    Ginger...of course according to you she has a right to treat people with disdain and outright hate. Not returning calls from her G'ma. Hanging up on her. Shunning her. Shunning her brother. Shunning me. I never did anything to her but love her and give her a great life.

    But to give her some of her own medicine would be bad?

    Why should she be able to get away with such disgusting acts of hate? Actually she has gotten away with it for years. We've all turned our cheeks and there are no more cheeks left.


    Oh yeah, we're talking about a 32-year old woman...not an 18 year old.

  • laverite

    "Grow up and be a Dad to your only daughter." -----> Very condescending. I'm sure Bonezz would love nothing more than to be a dad to his children.

  • KiddingMe

    I agree with gingerbread and others...maybe you can take another route to try to reach your daughter. It's the religion you hate, your daughter is the one that will be hurt by addressing this publicly. It plays right into the hands of the WT and the picture they paint of exJWs. It may confirm in her mind that her actions in the store were appropriate but taking a different approach may open her up.

    Maybe video G'ma and send to your daughter directly via email or postal mail. It can't hurt to exhaust all non public remedies first.

  • KiddingMe

    Bonezz, my response was before seeing yours to Gingerbread--however, I still don't see what benefit could come from this. This "persecution" may even contribute to their next part on the assembly.

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