How do believers defend a god who is going to murder billions and pin it on them?

by tootired2care 327 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • adamah

    if i'm right then i gain and you lose. if your right nobody wins. i like the winning team.

    Playing the Pascal's wager card?

    It's flawed reasoning, and here's a start:

    (Richard Dawkins rips Pascal's wager to shreds in the God Delusion, too)

    But the REAL question is, how did you determine that God IS worthy of worship and respect in the first place, without using your own "flawed" human powers of reasoning to make that MORAL determination?

    Could YOUR choice to decide that God is worthy of worship, DESPITE available evidence that indicates God is an immoral character, actually be WRONG?


  • Ucantnome

    i wasn't being serious Adam

  • cofty
    i don't think it's circular. the God i'm talking about it the creator nothing is greater - ucantnome

    The fact that you think you can imagine a theoretical omnipotent god isn't evidence of anything.

    if i'm right then i gain and you lose. if your right nobody wins. i like the winning team.

    Ah Pascal's Wager.

    You lose the only life you will ever get grovelling to an imaginary deity. You suffer the indignity of believing you are a broken sinner.

    You're not. Get off your knees.

  • Ucantnome

    my daughter doesn't think much of Dawkins arguments, i don't think he's a theologian

  • adamah

    i wasn't being serious Adam


    Well, you should probably add a smiley then, as it's impossible for me, a non-omniscient being, to read your mind (although I guess someone who actually BELIEVES in the existence of such beings that CAN read their thoughts wouldn't assume that in others, too).



    my daughter doesn't think much of Dawkins arguments, i don't think he's a theologian

    You let your daughter do your thinking for you?

    Even worse, you let theologians do your thinking for you?


  • Ucantnome

    i don't think i've ever grovelled to anyone Cofty.

  • TD

    I'm not a believer, but if I was, I would take issue with the use of the word, 'Murder.' It is not a synonym for, 'Kill'

    Murder is, "..the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."

    A wild animal might kill you. A wild animal can't murder you.

    Even among humans, accidental death, justifiable homicide, capital punishment and various other forms of killing are not murder

    If there is a God who created all life and who is the final arbiter of what is right and wrong, then he would hold the power of life and death and it would not be murder.

    I do see your point though...It would not be a very 'nice' God.

  • Ucantnome

    but there is a truth to it isn't there Adam?

  • Ucantnome

    Afraid your wrong there Adam.

  • Ucantnome

    But your probably wrong on lots of things

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