4 sincere questions for those that believe there is a God

by S EIGHT 89 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    I would use what I believe is the Good sense God gave me to try and help those children out

  • Comatose

    Tammy that makes absolutely no sense at all and I think you know it. God is impotent and flaccid in his weakness. You make excuses that don't make any sense at all.

    Would you have helped the kids? Would the fact that the snake owner made a bad choice have stopped you?

  • Comatose

    Right wasblind and you would have been more loving and fair than god was.

  • wasblind

    Right wasblind and you would have been more loving and fair than god was.___Comatose

    I don't think anyone , no matter what thier belief, woulda stood and did nothin'

    for those children


  • Comatose

    I agree with you. Which is why I can't see there being a god. The bible portrays him to be pretty vile. Then we see evidence every day that he doesn't exist. If he does exist then I don't think I'm comfortable with his decion making.

  • wasblind

    And scince you feel that way

    you should not be forced into believin'.

    That's what free will is all about

    I think people should try and learn to respect that about each other

    And realized that even as a believer, we don't have all the answers


  • Phizzy

    An impotent, unloving God, who cares not for the plight of those he supposedly gave life to, like a father who runs off as soon as his baby is born, and a god for whom there is absolutely no proof as to his existence, yea, I really need to worship him don't I ?

  • wasblind

    Phizzy, is it your intent to push what you don't believe on others ?

    Jehovah's Witnesses use the same tactic

    There's nothin' wrong in discussin' religion

    the bible say's to question and ask

    But we all have free will to believe whatever we want


  • tec

    This question (and topic) has been asked/discussed before, and will come again I am sure. Why does God allow evil? I mean, that is the real question on this thread and it has been discussed ad nauseum.

    God has taught... He has sent us His son to teach us... His son does speak... and far too many do NOT listen. Yet the choices we make (and to be sure, man wants the right to choose for himself, and God has given us all that choice... we can listen... or not, as we choose). But our choices affect us AND our children.

    As long as man has free will and chooses to use that free will to ignore God... to make decisions for his own benefit at the expense of others... then we will have the very world that we DO have right now.

    And this world is not His Kingdom. The people of this world do not all belong to Him. He is not the God and Father of everyone. Not because He chooses to discard people... but because people choose to follow another; and He does not force anyone to come to or listen to Him. In this world, once again, we are TOLD that we will have suffering and hardship and death and sickness, etc. The Kingdom that Christ is preparing, that He will establish... THAT Kingdom is ruled by Christ. That Kingdom is ruled by truth and love.

    The kingdoms of this world are not ruled by truth and love.

    But anyone who belongs to God - through His Son and also by those who have done good to even the least of that son's brothers; who have shown mercy, forgiveness, love, etc.... any of these who man has killed in his ignorance or lack of love; will be invited into that Kingdom. Given life; resurrected; protected by God from those who will come against them to do them harm.

    Sadly, some have given up, having decided that the kingdom is too long in coming... or perhaps it won't be coming at all (just as the Israelites gave up when Moses seemed to take too long on the mountain). But some know God, by knowing His Son, and so trust Him to keep His world as to all things. Because Christ has ALWAYS kept his word to them.



  • Giordano

    Actually free will may be greatly overrated for most people when it comes to believing because our brain has been imprinted with beliefs and doctrines as well as cultural bias's from childhood on........I would guess that the bulk of humanity believes in exactly what they were taught.

    In the case of JW's we know this to be true.....was true for generations of JW's. What's changing is the internet which is one of the best tools to help one exercise that diminished free will.

    As one becomes mentally stronger it becomes easier to dismiss the JW construct. That is the first step and many go no further. The God and Jesus belief is so hardwired into our brains that many see no reason to dismiss their belief. They may or not pray, they may or not join another church. But on some level they keep a personal belief alive.

    What a non believer accomplishes is to remove or seriously erase a lot of that deep hardwired belief structure. Because at a certain point, rediscovering our free will, one must evaluate there belief in god, the bible etc. The nonbeliever reaches a level where they can, if they choose, simply dismiss belief in a higher power and disengage.

    Put another way by “The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not.”

    Eric Hoffer

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