4 sincere questions for those that believe there is a God

by S EIGHT 89 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • distantsun

    my question is how did God learn ?

  • extractor

    We all agree this was a horrible event. Why do we all agree?


  • mouthy

    I havent read all your responses... But I believe Satan has rule over the earth at this point.
    I think he is doing just what he set out to do RULE!!! Capture folks minds & actions.
    I believe MY GOD!! is allowing that ,as Satan had already told the Creator he could win us all
    I do believe Jesus will soon return ,,, to take back those who has not succumbed to the devils
    whims. I also believe that the Devil looks after his own.I believe that promise of Paradise
    in the 3rd heaven is still a promise by Jesus...I also believe that Christians are having more
    heartaches than unbelievers,But we were told we would suffer for the LORD as HE suffered.
    It is WAR!!!! The eathly against the heavenly

    O.K. my rock garden needs a few more rocks so hurl away

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I think we can find peace and understanding in the bible. It requires work like anything else.

    I'd rather work for the peace and understanding of the bible than work for the nothingness of being an atheist.

    At times I have described myself as an agnostic or atheist.

    I've seen it written that the Gods of this earth hi-jacked mankind and the earth and are holding us hostage.

    My favorite theory, hypothesis is that we are all God, parts of God. We are spirits having material experiences.

    We are entertaining ourselves when we come to earth, whether as men, worms, fish, birds etc.

    Our lives are just like a day at the amusement park. When the ride is over we go back to our paradise

    where everything is perfect were there are no problems.

    And we exist in perfect paradise until our next trip to the pleasure planet.

    I've also read that we create our own reality in this dimension on this planet and in the next dimension

    after we pass on from here. This is based on quantum physics.

    Molecules have been observed in 2 places at the same time. When hard core atheist pass on they

    will be in a world with hard core atheist.

    When JW's pass on they will wake up in a kingdom hall full of JW's. Same with Catholics, Baptist,

    new agers etc. In the end birds of a feather will flock together.

  • Giordano

    my question is how did God learn ?

    My answer is god, any god, only knows what we know. The gods never exceed our knowledge. Our gods always reflect our culture. If it is a violent culture our god is violent. If we strive to live a decent life our concept of god is that he/she/it....... is also decent.

    But as we get smarter we outgrow our gods. The waste bin is filled with discarded gods. They were never invented to keep pace with mankind only to reflect a specific time and place. Read any holy book to see how dumb our gods have been. No wonder all religions tend to cherry pick scripture as they despertly try to make their beliefs fit into todays society.

    We have surpassed jehovah and jesus in our knowledge and understanding, in our compassion and desire to make our world safer, and better.

    Belief in a god is a disconnect with reality. You can see it in every other religion but your own. Which is why as a Christian we can dismiss the Hindu gods, the Jewish god, the Mormon god. The gods of native Americans, African gods etc. etc . etc. They are funny, peculiar and exccentric. For some of us we can't yet see that our Jah and Jesus are little more then a wisp of smoke and a mirror.

    You can't make up a backyard god and then expect him/her/it to be real. Ask the Jews who lined up in the concentration camp 'showers'. Ask those believers at Jonestown.

    If we begin to list the history of human suffering we will be here for a life time.

    To believe in god means you have to accept that god does not care....is not moved by human suffering. Sacrificing his son does not count for anything in the vastness of human agony.

    It is simply wiser to ignore this man made monster and concentrate on helping one's neighbor or a child or an animal in their time of need. Why? Because most of us care and because we owe all of the decent people who came before us and helped to make our lives better and it is in mankind's best interests to pay it forward and hope other good and decent people will continue this process.

  • confusedandalone

    For instance the very idea that GOD who even lowly humans know is all powerful and the best ruler - why does he haev to allow anyone(the DEVIL) time to rule mankind to prove to angels (who are obviously smarter than us) that he is the best choice. My 6 year old knows this without having to read a bible.

    More importantly how fair is it that GOD is only giving SATAN about 3 minutes to rule over humans(remember that 1 day is as a thousand years).... that isn't enough time to prove anything

  • goodsoul

    My logic is: even without Satan's influence our world is very dangerous and unfriendly.

    Predators always have been predators.

    Snakes always have been snakes and could kill people.

    There was and always will be accident, that could cause death or injury.

    Universe is extremely dangerous and I don't see any logic to create such huge environment and that small, limited with recourses Earth.

    My conclusion: Earths and humans creator- is limited unfriendly demy-god. Not the Highest one.

    Maybe Earth- is just a prison. Human body- cell for soul.

    ..still thinking though..

  • jambon1

    The presence of suffering (particularly that inflicted by 'perfect creation') is one of the majors that had me leaving the religion.

    I've never, ever been able to reconcile these things & I doubt I ever will.

    It all simply doesn't make sense to me.

    I couldn't do what god has done.

  • Cabo Verde
    Cabo Verde

    After drinking the "cool aid" no wonder that you don't believe in GOD. The problem is that your view of HIM is through a religion (which by itself comes from the latin religare which means trying to be reunited with GOD).
    GOD doesn't reveal HIMSELF through a religion.

    GOD exists, and yes, HE does answer prayers. HE did when our baby girl was born with a major heart problem which required surgery (and she has done none and we have all the medical exams as proof of that!)
    HE did when our last child was born and we almost lost baby and mother due to an unforseeing situation (today he is 5 years old and my wife is doing great!)

    Againg a serpent is making the damage... But here is not the end. My heart ached when I read on the news about these 2 little kids. My hearts ached for their parents. Even for the store owner which I believed did not mean that to happened, and now will bear that terrible event for ever upon his shoulders.

    My only true hope is upon the ONE that has smached the serpent's head. Yes, it is a falled world, unjust, unkind, corrupt, dirty and all. Still, GOD so loved it, all of us, that HE gave HIS very best to die for us, when we did not deserve it.

    You have your choice to not believe in HIM, which by itself is another proof of HIS existence! Yes, since you can't be at all places on the same time, how can you say "there is no GOD?" Moreover, you can't do all things, and you don't know everything, therefore under your limitation express your unbelief is the maximum that you can do!
    I like what Ron Meade has to say: "God sent His Son to die on the cross in order to solve the problem of evil. Christ atoned for evil and secured the eventual removal of all evil from the earth. One day evil will be quarantined... then there will be a perfect world devoid of all evil. If God declared that all evil would, at this moment, cease to exist, you and I and all of humanity would go up in a puff of smoke. Divine judgment demands that sin be punished."
    We have in ourselves enough evil and it is the LORD's mercy the reason we are not consumed! But make no mistake: evil and the evil days will cease to exist.

  • wasblind

    I'm inclined to think that God gave us a brain along wit freewill

    And if we don't apply one to the other , that's when we suffer the consequence

    Even in natural disasters, we may not be able to do anything about them

    But we can use our brain and free will to get out of the way and take cover


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