Another new book: Jehovah's Witnesses - AN EXPOSE, written by a former elder and retired veteran United Airlines pilot

by AndersonsInfo 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Welcome chipanddale. I was hoping you’d surface. You make a good defense.

    You say you’re in your 70’s, and it sounds like you still have a lot of fight in you!

    You remind me of Caleb who relates about some unfinished business he had with the giant Anakim of his day:

    ‘…and now here I am today eighty-five years old. Yet I am today as strong as on the day of Moses’ sending me out. As my power was then, so my power is now for the war, both to go out and to come in.’ (Joshua 14:6-12)

    May God & Jesus Christ bless you as you take up with the ‘WT Anakim’ whatever unfinished business you have with them! There are many members on this forum who'd like to join you in dispossessing them.

    And thank you Barbara, again, for this thread!

  • chipanddale

    Hi from Chip and Dale from MT; it's snow covered and cold - but we are inside the house and have a nice fire in the fireplace.

    We posted on our Introduction to Chip and Dale page yesterday that we moved here the end of Sept.; our son had invited us to move closer as we are dealing with some old age and health related issues , so here we are where there are cold temps but warm hearts! We appreciate the loving care and concern for us very much!

    Greetings to all of you and hoping all is well in your corners of the world, Chip and Dale

  • AllTimeJeff

    This cult attracts the worst in people. It strangles the weak and inflates those with some kind of self esteem and self confidence with stupid visions of grandeur. I don't care about the author, so if he was a jerk, but wrote a correct expose on the cult he used to be in, that isn't a bad thing.

    Maybe his book will serve some good, regardless of how much of a jerk he might have been.

    I lived the book, so I don't need to read this.

  • chipanddale

    It is with great sadness that I am posting today; my best friend. sweetheart and more, passed away on Tuesday morning, May 6th. He died of heart failure and thankfully did not suffer! I will try to write more later. Dale Staelens

    email address: [email protected]

  • 3rdgen

    Dear Dale, I am so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest sympathy.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Dale I am so sorry for your loss.

    I saw the picture of the "playhouse" he built for your children.

    Jim must have had a great sense of humor to build and put up a 20 foot long, 12 foot high, flying saucer, in your back yard.

    I hope you find comfort in the many years and shared experiences you two had together.


  • chipanddale

    Thank you; yes he had a great sense of humor - even jokeing with the nurse in his last few seconds of liife! He had a knack of telling his jokes in such a funny way that he almost ouldn't finish them himself! HHe will be greatly missed by many!

  • Fernando

    Sorry for your loss Dale.

    I'm sure you are proud of Jim's principled stand against the apostate religious hierarchy, their corruption and their abuses.

    (Ezekiel 9:4) . . .“Pass through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and you must put a mark on the foreheads of the men that are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the midst of it.”

    May you and your family be strengthened and blessed until you are all once again reunited with Jim in the "everlasting dwelling places" spoken of in Luke 16:9.



    South East Queensland, Australia

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi Dale, I am really sorry you lost the love of your life. I know it must be very painful.

    -----> If I am not stepping in your own personal privacy space... would you mind sharing Jim's last joke with us?

    I have only been at one hospital death. She had been in a coma. No final words.

    I like to laugh and see the fun and joy in life, so I am curious, how I could possibly make my death, better for my daughter, when my time comes.

    I do apologize in advance, if I am being too forward. I do not mean to be so.


  • LisaRose

    I am very sorry for your loss.

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