Another new book: Jehovah's Witnesses - AN EXPOSE, written by a former elder and retired veteran United Airlines pilot

by AndersonsInfo 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PaintedToeNail

    Staelins was the type of elder who could really speak charismatically. He was also a major egotist. His son 'J' is/was a real estate agent in Wisconsin...he appears to be somewhat influeneced by his father's personality. His son 'E' married a woman who was somewhat older than he, a pioneer sister from a huge family. Don't know what happened to his daughter 'P'. He had younger children also, one who died falling off a bicycle. His wife 'D' was sweet, but totally and completely controlled by her husband. He wouldn't let her dye her hair, wear makeup or do anything w/o his permission.

    He once gave a talk at a congregation in the area where he insinuated women who were not menstruating were like animals in heat...that went over like a lead balloon and he started losing his thunder and people started to question his rationality. He really denigerating women.

    His apostacy from the WTBTS seems to give credence to their thought that apostates are egotists who try to get men to follow them, he was an egotist and I cannot feel that his defection is a victory for any of us who have left the org.

  • AndersonsInfo

    I guess my husband, Joe, loves “bad” writing, Oubliette, because he's had his head in Staelens’s book all day. He finally came up for air to eat lunch, but right now he's back in his chair reading. During lunch Joe told me a little bit about what he read, and, I must say, it sounds to me that the author led an interesting life as a pilot, and as a JW. In the Press Release, Staelens writes that his book “…contains information from airline procedures, accidents, tragedies and events that readers will find both riveting and very relevant to this expose’.” Well, Joe said that’s exactly what is keeping him glued to the book.

    In addition, although Joe is a Humanist in outlook and is not particularly interested anymore in examining scriptures to make a point, Staelens, Joe said, does a competent job in using the scriptures to reveal WT’s misuse of the scriptures, but that’s just Joe’s opinion; you might think otherwise.

    I have not read JEHOVAH’S Witnesses – AN EXPOSE,’ but until I do, I am reserving judgment now. Moreover, when I do read the book, I won’t share my opinion on the board because I don’t want to influence anybody in their decision-making whether to buy the book of not. We’re all so different that what I might like to read, someone else might not like to read because “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”

    However, I can tell you this – I’m not hearing from Joe that Staelens claims to be a professional writer; he does, however, claim to be a professional pilot.

    Oh, by the way, as you can tell from my writing, I’m not a professional writer, far from it. (Actually, I’m not a professional anything.) But, I’ve heard tell that many people find my “testimony” about what I saw and experienced as a JW and Bethelite interesting and informative! Each of us have a story to tell and if there was a rule that to share our story we would have to be a professional writer, no former JW would write a book, and, to me, what a loss that would be.

    From what I've observed, most professional airline pilots do come off as self-assured, but they better be because of all the lives they hold in their hands. I never cared too much for “arrogant” elders, though, "PaintedToeNail." We hope to meet Captain Staelens and his wife soon (They moved to Tennessee a few years back), and perhaps we’ll discuss the assertions made here on JWN by you. I sure hope Jim Staelens, Sr. has a good sense of humor. Maybe he’ll remember you! I'm just saying...


  • villagegirl

    If this guy wants to sell books he needs to invest in a web site designer

    this website is out of the 80's The graphics are amateur, old school amateur.

    Go to

    You own the template outright and they walk you through how to insert your own text

    and products and attach a paypal option - You do not have to have use as the host.

    The templates astart from free to about a hundred bucks and they allow you to upload

    your photos, products, book for sale whatever. I would not buy the book based on the fact the

    writng on the site is not even good writing.

  • Oubliette

    Hi Barb, I'm glad your husband is enjoying the book.

    I'm surprised so many people here are taking my opinions personally.

    I've only known one airline pilot in my life. A retired captain for Delta. He was the most humble man I've ever met. He was also never a JW. I can't say how I knew him for it would reveal to much personally about myself, but we had a professional relationship that became a friendship.

    I'm not sure why you would feel the need to defend your writing in response to comments I made about someone else's writings, but you don't need to. The way you present the facts is far different than the book in question. You shine a light on the hypocrisy, corruption and lies of the WTBTS and you do it with a voice of compassion and reason. That's a good thing.

    Tell Joe I said "Hi!"


  • Oubliette

    villagegirl: If this guy wants to sell books he needs to invest in a web site designer this website is out of the 80's The graphics are amateur, old school amateur.

    My point exactly!

  • AndersonsInfo

    Oubliette: Please understand that I'm not defending my writing; I'm defending all former JWs right to write whether they are professional or not. I believe what they say should be our first consideration, not how they say it unless they are really ignorant, unethical, etc. I feel that the professionalism of a book cover is not as big a deal as many do, but what's inside that book is to be treasured because it represents what those in our community have gone through in the WT organization. When I read their words, I feel their tears and frustrations because I walked in their shoes although our stories might have been somewhat different. XJWs will always be my "brothers and sisters." We are from the same community and most of us will in some way or the other carry the baggage of sadness to our graves because of what we have lost. That's who I am and that's why I have a hard time understanding why we are so hard on one another. I have heard the cries from thousands during the past 20 years and those voices have made me what I am today. Maybe I'm quaint and don't fit into this day and age, but appreciation and kindness expressed towards me goes a long way, and I want to show that I have that same feeling for what others do to expose the WT's oppression too.

    Less I forget, I really do appreciate your kind words about my presentation of factual info regarding the WT. It's like getting more wind for my sails!


  • Oubliette

    Barb, thanks for responding.

    Although I don't agree with everything you say, I appreciate the great compassion with which you say it. I can completely agree with that.

    Of course everyone has the "right" to write about their experiences. But that doesn't mean that everyone's work will have equal impact, merit or worth.

    I merely responded to what I personally felt were the shortcomings of Mr. Staelens' presentation and prose. Clearly, none of us have time to read everything that everyone writes.

    I've never met the man and know nothing about him other than what I can glean from his promotional writings. It was only about this which I commented. I'm not sure why that seems to have touched such a sensitive nerve with some here, particularly in moving them to then make personal attacks. That's just not right. I was expressing an opinion. Everyone if free to agree or not.

    On another more serious note, y ou write to me as if I don't know the pain and struggles that are common to being a JW, and maybe more significantly, an ex-JW. I do, more than you will ever know ... unless of course I decide to write a book. In that event I can be sure of at least one reader: you!


  • AndersonsInfo

    Oubliette, it's not that I don't know that you have suffered because you are, after all, an XJW. I would guess that you are really a very concerned XJW from what you said in your last post about everyone's work will not have the same impact, merit or worth. Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems to go against your grain because you want XJW books to be above ordinary or maybe above less than ordinary. I really do agree with your point of view if this is the case. It would be wonderful if all the actions and words of XJWs were up to the best of standards, but you know that's impossible. So we take what we can get. Over the years, I have come to the conclusion that the best worded and most factual information about the WT goes over some folks head, but some idea that might be silly or offensive to me, others are impressed with.

    No one can possibly know how much error is out there written by XJWs about the WT as I do. At one time, it got under my skin, but not anymore. Eventually, it all comes out in the wash. For a fact, I'm seeing fiction being replaced by solid facts about the WT dug up by serious researchers.

    Personally, I think that Jim Staelens book will be enjoyed by XJW men who are interested in his career as a pilot. I know that Joe sure is enjoying it even if it might have a few warts. In our opinion, "Different strokes for different folks" can be applied to what we want from Staelen's book. And I'd like to leave it at that.

    Nice to get to know you a little better from your latest posts.


  • smiddy

    My 2 cents worth :" Dont judge a book by its cover"


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Barbara's writing is one the very best examples of good grammar and correct punctuation on JWN. In addition, her development of material is logical and coherent; thus, it's easy to follow what she has to say.

    (I was a proofreader in a nearby cubicle . . .)


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