Another new book: Jehovah's Witnesses - AN EXPOSE, written by a former elder and retired veteran United Airlines pilot

by AndersonsInfo 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • clarity

    To give our own opinion on here is welcomed & expected.

    But when we have made our point ......... to go on in a trashing way,

    may discourage many.


    So the ones for whom the book is intended, may never bother to look into it.


    What is the point of that? This man is trying to support truth!


    To me, it sounds disloyal, to take a body of work

    intended to further the cause of exposing tyranny, and

    make it seem unworthy.


    Also, if a person exposing so much 'bad press' about a man

    & his family .............. were to have someone do that to them,

    well unto others ....huh?


    I actually can't wait to read what he has to say......


  • Quendi

    Writing, as we all know, is an art and not a science, and some of us bring more talent to it than others. I have appreciated the points both Barb Anderson and my friend Oubliette have brought to this thread. I will say that if one goes through the pain and toil of writing a book, he serves his readers very well by having it proofread and edited by someone skilled in these things. Otherwise, he will dilute the impact of his message or story.

    Some of us don’t care about the finer points of writing because if we are interested in or captivated by the subject, we will read regardless. Others, like me, are more discriminating in what they take in. If an author is careless with his facts, does not arrange his material well, and is unconcerned with basic grammar and syntax, then I don’t want to read his work. I’m not saying that you have to write like Tolstoy or Hemingway, but at the very least a writer should aspire to think like they and other great authors did. That kind of care and attention to detail will give cut and polish to a work that will win both praise and respect.


  • PaintedToeNail

    Barbara-I sincerely doubt he would remember me...I've never been too terribly memorable. I hope that he has mellowed with age, maybe even getting out of an extremely male dominated organization caused him to reevaluate himself, and learn even the ladies have the right to think. Have fun whenever you do meet him.

    I want to thank you for alerting everyone to all the ongoing child abuse cases, this must be a rather daunting work for you and you do it so unflaggingly. Thanks again!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I always been of the opinion there is no such thing as a badly written book, only badly read books.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ‘I served in every position of responsibility in congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses and also helped teach several schools for congregation elders and others. I served on judicial committees, was the assembly overseer for circuit assemblies, and was the program overseer for a district convention. I have lectured to tens of thousands of people at many large Witness district conventions’

    Jim Staelens’ list of positions of responsibility is not unique to him. There are literally tens of thousands of JW men used by WT in similar ways.

    There are roughly 110,000+ congregations worldwide with each having a COBE, Secretary, and Service Overseer. Many of these individuals like Jim Staelens wear many different hats at a congregational, circuit assembly and district convention level. Not to mention Circuit Overseers and District Overseers who fall into this category. I know dozens of JW men myself who presently are being used in these same multiple capacities.

    Many of these men know the intricate workings of WT and who knows how much dirty laundry or dirty secrets about ‘Mother’ they could relate if only they had the balls. It just makes me wonder how many of these Elders right now, today, are entertaining thoughts of going awol as Jim did. Can you imagine the damage that can be brought on the organization with just a handful or more coming out of the closet, so to speak.

    So to Captain Jim Staelens I say… go pal and may many others follow your lead and expose ‘Mother’ for the harlot she is!

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I would have thought that the time to form an opinion about a certain piece of writing is after you have read it through.

    That is what I will be doing, anyway!


  • GromitSK

    I do like a well-written book review, but as BB mentions this can only be done after having read it and of course it is subjective to some extent. Like most people I suspect, I have bought book which were demolished by critics because I was curious about the subject and found them interesting and books that people raved about that became fuel for the stove on a cold night.

    Oubliette isn't reviewing the contents of course and doesn't claim to as far as I can see. Who can say what this guy's motive is for writing the book though I'd be interested to know how he came to leave after having been so prominent in the organisation. It could be simply ego or he could have an astounding reason like Ray Franz.

    The observations by someone who knew him are, to me, interesting.

    I am not convinced airline pilots are any necessarily more egotistical than folk in any other role where they have authority and are accustomed to people doing as they are told. I trained with an airline pilot many years ago and I would say he was rational, confident and somewhat understated in his manner. He was a former military pilot too. On the other hand, give some window-cleaners power and see what happens :)

    I should think a lot of books are written by egotistical, unpleasant people. That doesn't make them unworthy of reading of course. Then again no book purporting to be factual or objective should be read with one's critical faculties disengaged.

  • AndersonsInfo

    If and when I write a book, there’s only one person I want to edit my work – compound complex. And, i nstead of a nearby cublicle once again, I wish he/she lived in a nearby house, or town, so I could avail myself of her/his expertise and humor.

    And for what it’s worth, after CC does the editing, I think I’d send the finished manuscript to Oubliette. That way, with CC and Oubliette's input, I’d end up publishing the perfect book! That also would be the way to remove Oubliette from JWN's critic's corner. (Hope you know Obliette that I'm just teasing!)

    In a way, the different reactions to Staelens’s book have been a learning experience. I don’t want to stop announcing new books on JWN, so probably will continue to do it, but let the author beware and the chips fall where they may.

    Any suggestions from posters on this matter will be considered.


  • VM44

    The Watchtower and Awake magazines "edit" the life stories of individuals that are published in the magazines.

    The result is that all the stories sound like they are being told by the same person!

  • grumblecakes

    meh, $20 for it! negative. if youre gonna put it out there to help faders and exjws, dont do it for profit, thats slimey. at least make it affordable!backseatdevil wrote a really reavealing and heartfelt book about the inside of bethel...and put it out FOR FREE.

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