My Judicial committee

by label licker 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding
    old magazines of half truths

    Maybe we should all show them those magazines and ask them to identify for us the half that is true...

  • label licker
    label licker

    Ding we tried. I had shown them two bibles where these bibles were revised the same year(1984) and at the two scriptures, the one had the brackets in and the other had the brackets out. The one elder didn't want to hear it and the other elder said he would research it and at the end of that conversation neither one wanted to look at it.

    If they go to df my wife I will make sure I get her handicap sister on video stateing what she remembers about daddy and she points at her private area. This was infront of me and my wife and the rest of her nieces and sisterinlaw.

    If the elders ask why is this all on the internet we can say isn't that what a public reproof is? It's for the whole public to know like they did to us in the hall. Except what we have to show and tell is the TRUTH!

  • Oubliette

    The elders said be careful of the internet and that the apostates have old magazines of half truths on there.

    You mean like this:

    g68 10/08

    What will the 1970's Bring? - g1968 10/8, p. 13- 14

    The fact that fifty-four years of the period called the "last days" have already gone by is highly significant. It means that only a few years, at most, remain before the corrupt system of things dominating the earth is destroyed by God. How can we be so certain of this?

    One ways is by noting what Jesus said when he gave his great prophecy about the "last days." After he listed the many events that would mark this period, he also stated, "Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." -- Matt. 24:34.

    Jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when "the last days" began. Jesus was saying that some of those persons who were alive at the appearance of the 'sign of the last days' would still be alive when God brought this system to its end.

    Even if we presume that youngsters 15 years of age would be perceptive enough to realize the import of what happened in 1914, it would still make the youngest of "this generation" nearly 70 years old today. So the great majority of the generation to which Jesus was referring has already passed away in death. The remaining ones are approaching old age. And remember, Jesus said that the end of this wicked world would come before that generation passed away in death. This, of itself, tells us that the years left before the foretold end comes cannot be many. - Emphasis in original

    For any that forgot, the 2012 Special Talk was also titled: "IS IT LATER THAN YOU THINK?"

    44 years and still ticking!!! (Actually it's 45 years now.)

    The outline is available here. (Look for the post by yknot).

  • Vidiot

    Is it just me, or is anybody else starting to get the impression that the heirarchy is becoming increasingly unhinged?

  • punkofnice

    Vidiot - I think the WBT$ is upping the rabid pressure and it's a time where they might just go too far and more reasonable thinking JWs will see the light and walk away.

    All the unchristian hate towards so called 'apostates(TM)' and shunning flesh and blood has got to get too much for some JWs.

    Unhinged indeed. Like an animal in it's death throes.

    However, I thing the GB will find a sneaky way to survive somehow and keep their paedophile ring going.

    Anyone get the feeling they already knew what they wanted to do before they held the JC but they got derailed by the proceedings being recorded and the term 'lawyer' being mentioned?

  • snare&racket

    And so the Gestapo years begin.....

    iassumed that HQ was going to go all SS on the cult, seeking snitches for any reason to boot people. It will beco e a religion of fear oh so very quickly.

    I am sorry you had to experience such an awful time, but it will have been a powerful eye opener for all the people involved. It may take a decade but I bet the people they dragged in get 'stumbled' by what they saw.

    sounds like someone had a personal vendetta wit you,,,

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    Label licker, sorry you had to go through all of that. Goes to show that those dudes will really dig for the dirt to publicly shame you, funny how the computer is now referred to as "Satan's Tool."

    Doesn't WTBS use computers for a bunch of stuff?

    Here's to putting this behind you, all the best.

  • LisaRose

    I have been out a while, but if your sister needs your help to get by, you should be able to do that, even if you are disfellowshipped. I wouldn't have the patience to sit through an interrogation like that, where it is obvious they are out to get you, yikes, more power to you if you can handle it. I think most people would be shocked that this kind of thing goes on in this day and age.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when "the last days" began.

    If it was so obvious then, why isn't it that way now?


  • Mum

    label licker: Be sure to get copies made of those tapes. Give at least one to a third party for safekeeping. Don't send out the only one you have and then not have one for yourself.

    If you take one of the tapes to an attorney and have him or her listen to it, I believe (IMHO) you might have a good case to sue them for harassment and/or stalking. You can't go into court without some kind of evidence. Do you know someone who can listen to the tape and transcribe it for you?

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