My Judicial committee

by label licker 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    It was six hours long. At the beginning of the week I had four accusers and by the time I went (half way throught the week) I was up to twelve. I was charged with apostasy, malicous slander, lying, revileing. It was a kangaroo court. First accuser(ms) said I discouraged him from pioneering and gave two incidences. It got thrown out for those incidences were with my hubby. Second accuser said three times she couldn't remember and looked at the elder asking him the question what do you want me to say to her. Third accuser said I never said any names but he "felt" I was talking about a person because we drove past the persons parents house. Fourth accuser was an elder who said I had gossiped to him and his wife about something I said to an elder. Then he said I didn't gossip to him after all and that he was listening to a conversation I was having with an elder about that elder to his face. That got thrown out. Last accuser said she didn't know the context of the story but only remembered that she gave a comment that she was a pioneer. No story just that answer. WTH?

    Elders said that their first prioriy worldwide is apostasy. They said that since the computer has come out, satan's tool, apostasie is running rampid for the last couple of years. Umm, hasn't the computer been around since the 70's?I wanted to say don't you mean since the new light? There were other families that got shepherding calls in the congregation for the same thing-asking questions! But their meetings weren't jc hearings like mine.

    They said that the other seven couldn't come but the accusations were so wild. By the way, there was not one witness to these accusations. I called the co and gave him a transcript of the jc hearing. He read it and called the next day to say they had twenty-five accusers. I said how do you go from the beginning of the week with only four, half way through the week up to twelve and then when I wanted to appeal it, it was finally up to twenty-five accusers and where were the other thirteen accusers that were not mentioned during my hearing.

    The dfing offences all got thrown out for there were no witnesses nor no accusers. Revileing was suppose to be that I jokingly nudged someone in the arm which was a lie. I don't do that to sisters. So it got thrown out. Oh, one other thing guys and gals, every last accusation that the elders had were dated back from three to five years ago. The accusers couldn't remember jack yet I had to give an answer in my defence to blah blah blah!

    I asked the co why I couldn't appeal it and he said I have to be df'd first in order to appeal it. So I asked him to df me but he had to follow what the body of elders had decided. He couldn't help me but when I told him I had taped the whole meeting, he asked me if he could have the tape. I said I would have to ask my lawyer because here it's against the law to tape if you don't warn first. The elders said IF I have a recording device on me and I said yeah yeah they then said the meeting has to be kept confidential. Again, I said yeah yeah. So there you go, I said yeah yeah four times. I didn't lie. The co said he would like to listen to it and if he thought there was something wrong that he would right my wrong. Wait a minute, he had just finished telling me he couldn't help for the whole body was in agreement. That if one elder felt it wasn't fair and spoke up that the co would intervene. Whatever. I thought that you could appeal a public reproof since the repentent wrongdoer was repentent over a disfellowshipping act. The co told me you can't appeal over reproofs. When I called an elder yesterday and told him I wanted to appeal it and could I he said I could but then I could end up df'd. That they gave me the easy way out with a public reproofing.

    The elders said be careful of the internet and that the apostates have old magazines of half truths on there. I had to try not to laugh at that one since I had two percocets and a thermos of half blueberry vodka at my side. I was helping the holy spirit

    So in the end I got publically reproved over discourageing ones to pioneer over three years ago and it was only the two that got discouraged out of ten of them. These were the two that as soon as their hubbies were made ms's the pioneer wives got pregnant. The only advice I got from the co was just hang in there. I told him to tell our elders to leave us alone now. He said he will tell them.

    On the way home that evening hubby said he blows off his jc and gets df'd and I go in sipping booze and getting stoned and gets a public reproof. WOW! The last three weeks of the elders hunting us down, sitting outside our property all morning, the phone calls ect... has tired me out. We had three funerals to go to this month and there was no compassion from these guys. So glad we're out.

  • jgnat

    Maaan, what a crazy witch-hunt. Doesn't exactly make you feel all warm and fuzzy, does it?

  • label licker
    label licker

    I could even prove that it was a witch hunt for there's a family in the hall that had called us to let us know what the elders told them about us behind our backs. The co was going to call them tonight but never did. I have it on tape an elder admitting he was wrong on the new light when he hunted my husband down, argued with him so hubby threw his hands in the air and walked away and this punk yells out at him your df'd. It almost felt like he got shot in the back.

    I also told the co I would like to apply the scripture at Deuteronomy 19:15-20 plus 2 Corinthians 13:1 where if someone makes a false statement against someone then that person can do to him what he wanted done to you. And at the hand of two or three witnesses. I had witnesses as to how I encouraged the pioneers as well as the families that are willing to come forward and tell the co that the elders lied to us. The one elder actually had the balls to ask us if we would go the the families and let them know they weren't lying and we said you crapped in the toilet now you flush it yourselves!!!!!!!

  • LostGeneration

    So any chance this JC recording is going to end up online?

  • Londo111

    Thank you for sharing. What a cult!

  • label licker
    label licker

    It will go online if I get df'd for then I have nothing left to lose. I have a sister who's almost seventy and never married. I want to leave the lines open incase something seriously happens to her health wise where I would have to help look after her. She's on welfare with poor health now and noone goes to visit her. How someone can devote themselves to a group of men who ripped her off of life and the bare necessities. The sad part she is willing to live like this. But I do know for sure noone from her hall gives a rats ass about her for she has told me so. Right now she won't talk to me for I told her to look on youtube under trinity brochure and her voice got shaky and she accused me of shaking her faith. I think I scared her and that wasn't my intensions.

  • Listener

    Was this a nightmare or did it really happen?

  • label licker
    label licker

    It did! And while this was going on we had to go to three funerals within two weeks and then this. How can these animals go to the doors and preach love and forgiveness and then live such a hateful life and practise hate? Satan is good at what he does.

  • Mum

    So you're forced to live in the 17th century for the time being. Welcome to the 21st, where it's much nicer, especially for those of us who have freed ourselves from this b***sh**!

    I'm sorry about your loved ones who passed on.

  • haboob48

    Wow! Just Wow! If ONLY I had the strength that you have! Job WELL DONE! You did so well!


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