Every so often I receive a very uncomplimentary email thru my website from a JW. Want to read it?

by AndersonsInfo 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heartofaboy

    'Rich spiritual heritage' ?

    What 'spiritual heritage'?

    Isn't everything that's not current JW 'new light' always consigned to 'old light' & abandoned?

  • Pistoff

    In the entire email, not a word about the issue of child sexual abuse, only that you don't know your place.

    This witness learned just what leadership wanted: don't rock the boat, only the men can speak up.

    Barb, you and Joe have done countless children and their awakened parents an incalcuable service.

  • Vidiot
    snare&racket - "The bible says you need two witnesses..... Funny how the JWs only EVER use that rule in child abuse cases."

    Well, those are the instances where it's most useful to them.

  • whathappened

    This letter is infuriating. It upsets me so. If self righteousness was a disfellowshipping offense, there wouldn't be a Witness in good standing to hold the meetings.

    Great comeback, Terry.

  • Vidiot
    diana netherton - "I just will never figure out how JWs think that this approach will win us back."

    It's not about winning you back (although if it scared you back, they'd be totally fine with that).

    Its all about stating loudly and publicly what "side" they're on.

    And the loudest, most public ones, IMO, are the ones with the most closeted doubts, misgivings, and cognitive dissonance.

  • Scully

    I was trying to figure out when you started to deviate from the truth. I remember seeing parts of that program and I said to myself, 'that's like the jews going on Canaanite TV to expose all the problems of the levitical priesthood.'

    You don't think there were Israelites who complained about corrupt practices of their priests? Like sacrificing children to Molech?? You don't think that pedophiles among Jehovah's Witnesses, and the people (Elders) who shelter them NEED to be exposed? Frankly that says more about you than it does about me, especially when The Society just *loves* to slam the Catholic Church for doing exactly the same thing. They call that "hypocrisy".

    I wondered if you ever apologized to Jehovah for smearing his name all over the public media because you 'just couldn't help yourself.'

    Who, exactly, is bringing reproach on Jehovah? Don't you think that the *child molesters* and the *elders who cover it up* are the actual CAUSE for reproach on Jehovah, rather than the people who expose these disgusting behaviours?

    After reading about your Bethel history and all the wonderful privileges Jehovah bestowed upon you, you really never presented or left JEHOVAH\'s name or organization in a positive light. You talked mostly about corporate structure and politics, competitiveness, injustices and policy.

    Well, what can I say? Jehovah can handle the criticism. I don't think he needs the kind of protection you seem to believe he needs. The organization, as has been published many times, is run by imperfect men; imperfect men are not above criticism, nor are the organizations that they run above criticism. When governments and businesses screw up, people expose and criticize their mistakes, whether they involve child abuse or extortion or cheating or other manner of corruption. Do you think Jehovah tolerates corruption among his people? He didn't with Achan. He didn't when children were being sacrificed to Molech or Baal. People exposed the corruption then, and people will expose the corruption now.

    Nothing spiritual. And then portrayed yourself as this humble person filled with righteous indignation. I hope you didn't compare yourself to Jesus filled with righteous indignation when he threw out the money changers from the temple.

    Apparently you are not someone filled with righteous indignation at the thought of children in various congregations around the world being sexually abused by people who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses, just when it's Catholic priests abusing Catholic children. I feel sorry for your own children and pray that such a crime never happens to them. Wouldn't you want to know if your child was sitting next to someone known to the Elders to be a child molester, either at the meetings or at a convention or assembly?

    Because in reality you were just one of these strong women who didn't know how to stay in your place and faithfully serve Jehovah. Since when does Jehovah need any one human to straighten out his organization on policy?

    Wow, your condescending tone just reeks of jealousy. Were you overlooked yet again to handle the microphones last Sunday?

    When did you start seeing it as a man's organization and not Jehovah's? When did you abandon Jehovah in your heart? You probably would say, 'I didn't abandon him, I can still serve him on my own.' But abandon him you did. And serve him on your own--I don't think so. And over what -- Policy!

    You exchanged a 'rich spiritual heritage', like Esau, for a mere 'bowl of stew.'

    I hope in my heart of hearts that you never have a child who suffers sexual abuse within the congregation and then be told by the Elders that they can't do anything about it because there weren't two eyewitnesses to the abuse. To know that the molester is free to molest other children, because you've been told that you'll be reproved and disfellowshipped as a slanderer if you try to warn other parents so they can protect their own children. If that is part of your "rich spiritual heritage", I'll take a bowl of stew any day of the week.

    I don't remember any christian women in the first century being involved with the Governing Body and the decisions made about circumcision, or threaten to go to the Roman Court Officials if they couldn't get a hearing ear. How absurd!

    My how times have changed! Now we even get to vote, get an education and drive vehicles. I wonder if first century christian women could drive chariots or whether they had to walk behind their husbands. Oh, and you know what? I almost forgot... women get to choose their own marriage mates now too, they don't have to spend their lives with some old guy their father knew and traded her for a few goats and a wheat field. Or if she had the misfortune to be a victim of rape, have her rapist pay her father 30 pieces of silver, and then have to live with her rapist for the rest of her life. We have the legal obligation to report crimes to the police, among which is the aiding and abetting of child sexual abuse, you dumbass.

    Please don't tell me. You would argue there is nothing wrong with sitting in on those meetings and formally offering your opinions. Then I would have to say you were an apostate-in-the-making long before you ever left Bethel. You just didn't read the signs along the way or differentiate between a personal opinion and a formal statement. And you 'argued' and 'intelectualized' yourself right out of the truth. And you are still doing it through this website.

    And yet, here you are, reading what I have to say. What are you so afraid of?

    I would suggest you either come to your senses and actually be that humble person you portrayed yourself as and ask Jehovah's forgiveness and be restored to the congregation, or join another religion.

    I'm not the one sexually abusing children. I'm not the one aiding and abetting child sexual abusers. I'm not the one who needs forgiveness from anyone. If this were any other group, religious or secular, you wouldn't be defending these criminals the way you are. Just because these crimes are being committed by Jehovah's Witnesses, doesn't excuse the organization that covers up the crimes.

    But I'd forget the website. Better yet, maybe you and Diane Wilson should get together and share notes and start your own religion.

    Thank you for that feedback, but I'm far too busy to start a religion. Besides the level of accountability is quite daunting, and the Watchtower Society knows that already. They are the ones claiming to be Jehovah's chosen people (not me!) - they have a very high standard to live up to, and they're doing a bang up job of screwing it up.

  • RayPublisher

    "We do not receive them in to our homes or greet them. We also refuse to read their literature, watch TV programs that feature them, examine their Websites, or add our comments to their blogs." (WT 7/15/2011)

    These nutty JW apologists are getting bolder and more militant, and disobeying their own governing body slave masters. They comment on many of us YouTubers videos in the same way also.

  • Phizzy

    Long may they continue to do so, I am sure they help many a doubting JW to self-examine their own attitudes, and they help the public to see what a nasty bunch the JW's really are.

    What makes me laugh is the attitude that to cover up the evil actions of Paedophiles and the like within their midst is protecting the Good Name of Jehovah.

    He would get a much better name for Himself if he "Spirit Directed" His Organizarion to root out the evil men, and then, even more important, to do its utmost, instead of the present little or nothing, to protect the vulnerable amongst its members.

  • steve2

    This is a positive sign. Why? Because the need by some Witnesses to hit back is stronger than their need to obey the GB. I'd want to congratulate the witness who wrote this for daring to rebel against her own GB. Gutsy lady.

  • Fernando

    Dear Barbara

    We know you as upstanding and courageous. We love you. We are grateful for your work.

    This poor person who wrote to you is filled with mostly venom, and has little else to work with.

    Probably a waste of time but I would ask him/her to see if they are able to provide an honest answer to this question:

    “Can I claim to be ‘in the truth’ or to ‘love the truth’ if the ‘Good News’ according to Paul, Isaiah, Psalms and Moses is not in my heart or on my lips?” (2 Cor 3:16; 4:4; Gal 2:5,14; Eph 1:13; 6:14,15; Col 1:5,6)

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