Notes from a Recent Discussion with a relative of why I am not an active JW anymore.

by JakeM2012 59 Replies latest members adult

  • LostGeneration

    Nice work.

    Incredible that a guy can get a new Watchtower filled with changes about everything he is supposed to stake his life on and he can't really remember it, but when he sees you with a beard, alarms go off in his head. Cult conditioning is amazingly strong.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    Jake, my two cents- something in your friends heart is not totally convinced with the WT and your conversation might have been exactly what he needed to finally do the double take. In my experience (with family) they shut the doors quickly on any information that would contradict doctrine so the simple fact he listened to you without exploding shows promise. Thanks for sharing, this was interesting to read and kudos on the beard.

  • carla

    excellent job!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • cofty

    That is really excellent Jake.

  • westiebilly11

    goof points made by you Jake....nicely put too, Jake.

  • cantleave

    Thank you.

  • UnConfused

    “Moses had miracles to perform to prove to the nation of Israel that he was sent by God, Jesus performed miracles to prove he was God’s Son. But for us, we have no proof that Watchtower is God’s sole channel to mankind other than their self-proclamation."

    ~ A terrific point!

    "Once the mind has been expanded it can never return to the previous state."

    ~ Correct, it's like seeing things through a prism after your mind has been expanded.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    JakeM2012 - You said, "yet Watchtower puts in brackets (Not all men) and states that the ransom applies only to the 144,000"

    Can you give me a reference for that please? I'd love to have that for future needs!

  • Ding

    You did really well! The hard part is getting past all the WT programming. If you are going to get through to a JW, you usually have to ask the questions they would never ask because all they do is repeat the WT mantras.

    Note all the things your friend said that could have been written by the GB:

    “Well, this is an organization of imperfect people, and didn’t the disciples in the first century have wrong expectations?” “We are trying to stay alert and fit the puzzle of current events to the bible prophesies that we know are related to the time of the end.” (He doesn't see how different this is than, "We are in the truth!")

    "Well, you wouldn’t want to be part of Babylon the great would you joining the YMCA?” (Missing the point completely and invoking the bogeyman "Babylon the Great"...)

    He asked who I felt God was using. (Typical WT question. It assumes God is using one and only one organization.)

    “What about the preaching of the good news, who’s doing that?" (Assumes the WT news is the good news of the Bible despite the fact that "the truth" keeps changing).

    He asked me if the end did come what I thought Jehovah would do with me and my family. (The last line of defense. "If you don't obey the GB, you'll be wiped out at Armageddon. I think you did very well. Your comments really pointed out that the WT has supplanted Jesus. They think that no one can be saved except through the GB...)

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