I get so tired of people complaining about everything President Obama says or does

by booker-t 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    I Think it is normal to criticize whoever the president is at the time, especially if ones political choice is the opposite. what bothers me about some of the people who don't like Obama is that it seems to be a visceral hatred and loathing that is far out of proportion to his politics. It's as if the very idea of a black president makes them froth at the mouth. I didn't like Bush Jr., but it was based on his political decisions and I kept my mouth shut about it unless I was with those I knew felt the same. On the other hand I have several times had people who I didn't even know start in on birther/Muslim/conspiracy crap. I have read that those who subscribe to these extreme views are older males who feel disenfranchised by the system, and that seems consistent with my observations.

  • sammielee24

    soso...Don't know who those bookers are - I have to look them up. Don't know any wrestlers either except Hulk Hogan and thats because he had a TV show. I don't care if anyone complains about or praises Obama - he isn't perfect - and people are going to have an opinion based on what he does and that's their right. As for him saying something about Trayvon Martin 'coulda been his son'....I think it was inappropriate, slimy, callous and should not have been done because he injected him squarely into a race baiting agenda promoted by others being paid by the taxpaying public. I don't care who does it - using a dead kid as a way to get more votes is slimy. So, no - I wouldn't support what he said because as far as I'm concerned it speaks volumes to the lack of respect for not only the law that he and his government are supposed to uphold, but diminishes his personal integrity as a leader.

    I don't have a problem with anyone praying for the Martin family nor if they choose to pray for the Zimmerman family. Thats their personal choice and belief system. Their right.

    A President in these situations understands full well the magnitude of every comment he gives - it was slimy. sammieswife

  • sosoconfused

    How is Trayvon all of a sudden a dead kid?? weren't you guys calling him a man-child before that was like 6ft5 200lbs and could punch with the force of a volkswagon. So because he felt that way about Trayvon you think he is slimy ROFL. How do you know he didn't really feel that way? Notice he and his government? It;s not your government as well?

    Yes this president (who I am no fan of either) had a feeling and he expressed it... you didn't like it - but that doesn't make him slimy. Just in your eyes.

    I am sure people reading the things you are writing may "erroneously" view you as slimy and bigoted. Would that be right? I guess it would since everyone is entitled to thier opinion/ SOmaybe you are right this time!

  • sammielee24

    Lisa - I agree, the rabid hatred of a President for his color is insane and I don't get it because I don't think like that. I could care less if he was green and a foot high as long as he worked for the people and did his job.

    I will also point out however, that I feel the same way about those who vote or believe the President can't do anything wrong because of his color and those extremists who also insist that unless you vote by color, you are a traitor to the cause.

    There are many a talk show host out there, black and white, who manipulate and push their own agenda including race, on to their listeners and incite a form of extremism that is acceptable.

    For most people its a matter of turning off or tuning out - but for a great many the media is their source of what is right and wrong and so they base argument, opinion or even votes on that media without ever fully investigating for themselves.

    Heaven knows we have seen this in the discussion around the facts of the Zimmerman case vs the propaganda. You say a fact - you get an opinion presented as a fact. You present the same fact and are told to back your facts up and get another opinion with no facts. Your facts are wrong - their opinion is right. That behavior can be applied to the way people vote as well. sammieswife

  • sammielee24

    sos...I'm not sure what the hell your issue is.

    I think I made that clear - I think Obama made a choice to put himself in the issue and YES I think that's slimy. I would think the same thing of anyone doing it.

    So now you get pissed that I make an opinion after YOU called me aliar - and now you use the words bigot when responding?

    I just can't be bothered with dealing with your prejudice or your racism or your hate. I don't get it. You attack and continue to attack and don't stop. I say I don't know who Booker anything is and you call me a liar? Get a grip. You need to re-evaluate yourself - I don't carry around the baggage that you appear to be carrying.

    In case you aren't able to decipher - I didn't say Obama wasn't entitled to how he FELT - I said he had no right to inject himself into a criminal case that was racially charged WITH that comment. I could care less what he feels in private and talks about with his wife about the case - this is the leader of 320 million people. He is supposed to lead - not sway the public into rioting or sway them into voting by using the death of a kid. And yes, I am using the 'kid' reference here because it's always used - I never said he was 6'5" or smashing cars. YOUR words. I always said - he attacked Zimmerman and beat the crap out of him. If you have a problem with that evidence and have other FACTS to present - I suggest you call the Florida Law Department because those were the FACTS that were produced at the trial.

    Get a grip..take a nap...go have some tea...but stop with the attacks.. sammieswife

  • sosoconfused

    I am beginning to see that Logic only has value if it indeed agrees with the "logic" of the person you are talking to in threads such as these.

    "I think I made that clear - I think Obama made a choice to put himself in the issue and YES I think that's slimy. I would think the same thing of anyone doing it."

    " So now you get pissed that I make an opinion after YOU called me aliar"

    I'm not pissed - you sound like you are the one pissed.

    " I just can't be bothered with dealing with your prejudice or your racism or your hate. I don't get it. You attack and continue to attack and don't stop. "

    But sammie I am not the one that called the president of your country a slime ball(sounds like hate to me), I am not the one that called Trayvon Martin a Thug, I am not the one that said Trayvon got what he deserved, I am not the one that said just because he is 17 doesn't make him a child, I am not the one that says it is only right to be afraid of black men that wear hoodies and are tall and muscular. Those things are stated by you and your think tank. You claim I am attacking but you are responding as much as anyone else posting news articles from biased sources and calling others prejudiced and racist and full of hate. (see your comments above)

    So how do you figure that the president is swaying people in to rioting when he specifically spoke out against rioting? So should he have told the people to riot in an attempt to not get them to riot?

    Your buddies were the ones over-stating TM size and Stature to prove something yet you never called them on it. THat is the problem. You don't care about facts from everyone just those who disagree with you. (Hard to accept but it's true)

  • sammielee24

    I'm pretty well done with all these threads.

    There is no allowance for discussion. They have just evolved into a mess of inference and accusations and become close to being slanderous and definitely insulting.

    I've tried as best I can to stick to facts in what was made into a world wide public trial - I gave my perspective based on the facts and testimony and evidence presented at that trial. I watched it all. Hours of testimony. I have not tried to insult people - might have failed from time to time but I have come to the conclusion that racial discord is a fact of American society that the majority of people have no will or desire to change. To do so it would mean really looking at the issue and not just from one side but from many sides. It won't happen.

    In this specific case I tried to separate the race issue from the gun issue and try to figure out this case from the legal perspective of the evidence provided for us to see. I always tried to get people to separate the two because if you can't do that, if you keep inserting the motive of race as the basis for a crime, then you aren't focusing on the justice and the law but on your own assumption that all crimes must be race based. That just flies back to not wanting to really discuss racial discord on it's own and change the laws in a way that eliminates any inequalities that might be there.

    I don't see this ever happening in the USA.


  • Mum

    When discussing people and their problems, it is much more useful to describe behavior than to call names. Name calling gives no information about what the person did that is perceived as wrong or hurtful.

    Obama is one of the most intellectually gifted presidents of my lifetime, IMHO.

    Mitch McConnell and some of his cronies set out from the beginning to discredit everything Obama has tried to do. Recently, I heard Obama express frustration about how everything in Washington is ruled by politics (therefore, not what is best for the American people).

    My biggest complaint about Obama is that he is too willing to compromise and allows his opponents to get the better of him.

    All of that having been said, freedom to criticize the president and other public officials is one of the radical freedoms that make America a great country.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Amen . Alleuia. You are preaching to the choir here. Obama is my worldview. We are products of the same culture. I was completely transported to a higher realm by his first nstional speech at kerry's convention. He was magnificent and addtessed my major concerns about Christisnity in America. I felt so isolated and beaten down. My age barred me from seeing a pragmatic candidcy..Dems started supporting him for president immediately. When I saw some movement at a fundraiser? I lauged so hard that tears arrived

    I could not sit up straight. I spent many hours volunteering and contributed regularly.

    He has achieved much. W was a disastePerhaps he is too cerebral and needs some LBJ action

    A scholaris in the White House.If you read mainstream papers, he is a success with a few omissions. I might prefer someone more progressive but only centrists accomplih real word acts. SO many.membets here are so politicized yet they have no knowledge of basic civics. I speny s life time studying and working in this ares. Regular people don't need the same base

    Neutral literacy tests for simpke civics might be a goodidea. The Federz l Reserve and Illumanati crap bother me.Before you form complex conspiracies, learn the most basic facts. Yet I did the same thing beforw college. Any idiot can publish their views. II

  • booker-t

    Simon you must be smoking some "old" watchtowers and awake magazines when you make a looney-tunes comment like "because I am black" whining has been done to death. What about when Gay and Lesbians say "because I am gay" or when Hispanics say "because I am Mexican" or when women say "because I am a woman" or when any other group complains. It is not whining but reminding people that you will not tolerate any form of discrimination. For years people would pretend they were ok with homosexuality until gays were trying to get married. And now it is all out war on gays and lesbians. People say one thing privately but say something totally different in public. I think any minority group should always remind people that use to oppress that you will never let them forget. Hispanics have gone thru hell over immigration and they way people treat them. Those same people screaming and shouting send Mexicans back to Mexico probably have many Hispanic maids and servants working for them. Simon you need to wake up and smell the coffee people will not tolerate victimization any longer.

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