Your views and ideas on forum areas and organization?

by Simon 147 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Paris

    I am not villagegirl. When I signed up here I had to give my real name and email and wait till they checked me out. I read some of villagegirl's posts before and after they called me that, posts and I did agree with a lot of them. Yeah I admit it. May be we have things in common ? I am sure you all have your "favorites" and social "clubs" or groups you feel more akin to? Many of you seem to hold identical views. So I am allowed to like some people better than others ? I actally knnow some here in the real world.

    I am an ex JW therefore excuse me if I do not like Elders for various reasons. I do not think this site should be all one type of person. I went to a "Christian site" and quite frankly it was loony-tunes. DJS all I can say about the call for "empirical data" and "evidence based" is that as I posted on another thread, even science, that is theoretical science is not, "evidence based" Like the Higgs Boson particle theory that was an idea, a Hypothesis a mathematical mechanism, with no proof at all, for 40 years. Science does not start with "proof" it starts with a QUESTION and a question with NO ANSWER. Art starts that way, creative process starts that way. Dance, music. I have no need to "prove" anything to anybody, I am not trying to convert or preach to anybody about anything, but I assume ( unlike the WT ) that women are allowed equal respect to speak and say what they think and believe here ? if I see someting I do not agree with, I say so. Unlike at the KH.

  • cofty

    Just for the record I don't believe you.

    I also have no patience for the way you and others make it all about sexism. I could not care less if another poster is male or female. I like strong women who can confidently argue their corner. Being rude and insulting is not a sign of being a strong woman and accusing men of sexism and worse for disagreeing with you is pathetic.

  • Simon

    I had to give my real name and email and wait till they checked me out.

    Huh? We don't insist on real names here.

    I went to a "Christian site" and quite frankly it was loony-tunes.

    But you want to turn this site into one?

    Science does not start with "proof" it starts with a QUESTION and a question with NO ANSWER.

    Yes, that is the scientific process - people have open minds, open to ideas, looking for answers and don't claim it's a fact until there is proof from observation to back it up, even then things are still referred to as "theory's" which dumfounds theists who claim something hasn't been proven (like the theory of gravity). We don't look for answers in some old book written by a goat herder that claims to know the wonders of the universe by promoting genital mutilation, rape and genocide.

    if I see someting I do not agree with, I say so.

    That's great in theory, but sometimes people should self-moderate.

    Speaking your mind always sounds noble until someone starts making racist or idiotic diatribes. Then it doesn't seem so good.

    Just being insulting during a civilised discussion is rude and would not be tolerated face to face so why should it be allowed here?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Paris:

    It must be hell having to go through life knowing not everyone agrees with your beliefs and opinions. Even among those who may agree with you, none will agree with 100%. It's a sad fact of life: not everyone is you.

    I'm sure your hoped-for solution would be simply to nuke humanity into non-existence so the only survivor would Just you and your own thoughts...what a lovely world that would be. Oh, and of course, the cockroaches. I hear tell they can survive a nuclear holocaust. But I'm sure before long they too would mourn the fact that they survived the apocolypse, as now they are subject to your tireless rants with no way out...not even death.

    Maybe Simon should just change the name of his website to Paris/ That way you could post every comment yourself, then congratulate yourself on how much smarter you are than the the rest of us. And, of course, you would not need to face the insufferable fact that people have views that differ from yours. The horror of it !

  • Oubliette

    I thought this thread was about forum areas and organization, but I see it's all about Paris.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I thought this thread was about forum areas and organization, but I see it's all about Paris.

    Apparently only one opinion counts here.

  • Apognophos

    I really wish the thread hadn't gotten derailed over this new(/allegedly old) poster; we were having a nice grown-up discussion before that.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    The best sites are brilliantly simple to use. Like Amazon.

    I find the site a bit confusing and often end up places I do not want to be.*

    Maybe the solution is two have only two areas to go to on JWN:

    * 1. The "Free and Open Discussion On Any Topic" forum, where a person can exchange ideas with a wide variety of people and actually learn something. Agreement or disagreement with posted views is irrelevant, as expanding your knowledge is the objective of the forum.

    2. The "People Who Have the Same Exact Opinion As Me" forum, where you learn absolutely nothing new at all but feel damn good about yourself anyway.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    One suggestion I have is getting a new set of default avatar images. Currently a new user is given a comedic, alien-monster-esque avatar by default. Those avatars, in my view, detract from the image of the site. It gives the site and its posters an aura of immaturity and may in some way detract from the credibility and seriousness of some of the discussions - if only subconsciously.

    Imagine what happens when a newly awakening but still indoctrinated, demoniphobic JW comes on here and sees these avatars that look like little monsters: "Oh look! Demonic images! " Let's not forget that there are indoctrinated JWs who equate any monster-like images with demonism.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    One other suggestion I have is reducing the column width of posts. Wide columns are more difficult to read - it's easier to jump to the wrong line when when finishing one line and starting to read a new one. Also, because the colums are so wide, If an older person zooms the page to make the text more readable, then it's impossible to read the full column width and see the name and avatar of the poster without having to keep using the horizontal scroll bar. A narrower column width with more margin space either side of the page would easily resolve these issues.

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