Design or Non-Design, finally we know, Darwin's Doubt

by QC 371 Replies latest jw friends

  • marmot

    On the topic of old world vs new world monkeys, do some research on dentition patterns and prehensile tails. This was like a sledgehammer to my closely-held WT view on evolution.

  • QC

    (Resoration pics from "DESIGN" post above)

    Fibonacci and other mathematic ratio beauty DESIGN patterns (above) permeate our atmosphere and scenery of plant, animal and human displays, as well as stock markets trade arrays. This sophistication is not by chance, it’s meticulously conceived .

  • cofty

    Fibonacci sequence - therefore Jesus!

  • QC

    cofty, there is a sweet spot for you.

    Got'a let that anger go!

  • cantleave

    QC - you should let the stupid go.

  • QC

    Hi Robin. Do you think you will EVER get something right?

    You're batting 0 for N x

  • bohm

    random pictures + assertions ==> therefore jesus!

    if you cant arse yourself to make a cogent argument, there is nothing to discuss.

  • cantleave

    Who is Robin?

  • cofty

    QC - You are a typical example of what I was talking about on another thread.

    The anti-science and pseudo-science lobby never attempt to make a coherent point. They copy-paste chunks of text they don't understand, they embed videos by creationists who ramble on about things we have already rebutted, they hurl personal insults of the worse kind and they never engage in discussion.

    If you have truth on your side why are you impersonating somebody who has nothing but dogma?

  • QC
    Who is Robin?

    Everybody knows but you. Check into a mirror.

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