Is the Universe Conscious?

by still thinking 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    Yes. The channel the video is posted on promotes the person's low-quality website, which, to my complete lack of surprise, solicits donations via paypal.

    Now all they need to do is convince everybody that salvation depends on people getting this information and that people should volunteer their time to spead the message and you have another WT corporation according to Russells marketing plan. I'm just being facetious of course.

    But you're right we need to take into account the profit motive, and not be oblivious to it and how it might cause an information distortion, and a cherry picking of facts to support the agenda.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Does the universe have a collective consciousness?”

    I have bacteria living in my gut. The whole universe for this bacteria is the limits of my gut.

    Whatever level of synaptic activity occurs between nerve cells of these bacteria it occurs to me it would be hard—if not impossible—to realize their whole universe is comprised of an unimaginably large and unfathomably more complex conscience being, not to mention one that is all-powerful by comparison.

    Yet here I am, and there they are. I can see them. They can’t see me, despite me being able to stare at them and influence them every day of the week at my pleasure.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • frankiespeakin


    Good point.

    I often thought if the Universe is conscious, just what is it conscious of, all the different electrical nerve impulses and information relaying systems, like eyes, and ears and what ever sense organs sense? It don't seem logical.

  • free2beme

    YES! Nothing in your body, no chemical reaction for thought and no flow of knowledge you dreamed up... was not already here, and much older then you, before you became it or thought it. The universe is not producing new material and growing in what it was at the begining. So with that said, yes there is a connection to everything and we are all connected across this world and all others in time, space and history. Think for example about this, the water you drink and the ground you walk on was once the same material that the dinosaurs drank and walked on. It will be here long after you piss it out and long after you take your last breath.

  • AwareBeing

    Hi still thinking, how are you today?

    A) A little more on low vibration is that it's also called low frequency.

    Thus when one speaks of raising his/her vibration, meditation is used.

    [One reason for this is to cleanse the mind and body, especially of negativity.

    You can see an aura become white clean in You Tube videos.

    Auras are a type of energy that we emit, like the batteries in "The Matrix".

    Well practiced meditationalists are able to cleanse and heal someone's aura.]

    B) Another purpose in raising one's vibration is to become one with the universe.

    This does not distinguish between Creator/evolution, godhead/goddess,

    monotheism/pantheon, or any other man made descriptions.

    A higher frequency is said to bring harmony into the physical life,

    and unify the intellect of others on a sub-conscience level.

    We share our knowledge while we dream; meditation later, draws it up.

    Thus; in this sense, there is a conscious activity at play between people!

    C) Earlier, I too mentioned the ego, the bad kind is often spoke of.

    There is a good side to ego however; that keeps us from looking foolish.

    Such as when our pride wants to retaliate; yet ego maintains a civil appearance.

    D) Finally; the vast universe operates in an orderly fashion, except when...

    a star explodes, a tiger eats a small animal or a world ruler declares war.

    Yet from the components of the atom on up into multi-verses and higher dimensions,

    you'll find a unifying pull towards cooperation and mutual coexistences.

    In order for the amount of evil that currently exists, isn't reasonable to conclude;

    that a far powerful force then exists to overpower negativity and keep things together?

    So being the case, one may rightfully ask: Is there a great conscience to it all?"

    And if so: "How can we tap into it, learn, share and work with it?"

    Did I leave anything out?

  • cofty
    In order for the amount of evil that currently exists, isn't reasonable to conclude; that a far powerful force then exists to overpower negativity and keep things together?

    I don't think that's a reasonable conclusion at all.

    The world looks exactly as we would expect it to look if there was no higher intelligence in control. There is suffering and there is well being and it is all totally random.

    Shit happens - stop asking why and enjoy the ride.

    the vast universe operates in an orderly fashion, except when...a star explodes, a tiger eats a small animal or ...

    If stars didn't explode there would be no life. You are made of star-stuff. There are atoms in your right hand that were forged in the heart of an exploding star light years away from the exploding star that forged atoms in your left hand.

    Reality is far, far more amazing than fantasies about vibrations, auras, chakras and woo.

    Did I leave anything out?

    Yes. Evidence.

  • no lies please
    no lies please

    Thanks for a great post. Love this subject.

  • molybdenum

    I think a good question is to ask

    "Is the Brother taking the WT study conscious"

    Read para 1/ question/ answer( directly from the paragraph)

    Read Para 2/ question/ answer ( directly from the paragraph)

    Read para 3& 4 / questions / answer ( directly from the paragraph)

    continue to end of study article........

    How can someone be conscious and do this?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    "Is the Brother taking the WT study conscious"


    I am great today, thanks for asking AwareBeing.

    There have been some thought provoking comments on this thread but my mind is not quite on this topic today. So I shall just read and mull it over for a bit. Maybe I will have more to contribute tomorrow. I the meantime, Thank you all.

  • Jeffro


    the vast universe operates in an orderly fashion, except when... a star explodes, a tiger eats a small animal or a world ruler declares war

    No, that's just stupid. There is nothing objectively 'bad' about 'a star exploding', a 'tiger eating a small animal', or even a 'world ruler declaring war'. 'The universe' doesn't 'assign' any 'positive' or 'negative' values to those or any other events. Each of those things can subjectively be seen as negative or positive in certain contexts.

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