600 people up and left the DC after the 'apostate' talk?

by Julia Orwell 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi Flipper...Yes...Of course the attendants walk up and down the aisle and hallways with pen and paper and take count. No dispute there.

    The dispute is when that count gets taken to the Chairman's office.

    I know. I've been there, many times.

    Ask me how they come up with the exact final number count.

    Just Lois

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    I hesitate in reading too much into a difference in count at a DC.

    With that said, after listening to the "apostate" talk in the video Nicsfreedom linked, one thing is very clear.

    The Governing Body is scared. They're scared of the internet, scared of the fact that so much of the precious organization's embarrassing past of teaching falsehoods is just a click away. They're scared of anyone that won't obey them, as shown by their heavy-handed approach in labeling anyone with a contrary opinion as ones causing divisions and serving satan.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Satan's helpers -- nice thought. What an honor.

    May I ask something ot slightly. This is the longest I've heard of any Witness presentation in decades. I was amazed at how much the speaker sounded just the same as all the main speakers in the 1950s and 1960s. Within my church now, I notice they tend to sound the same. I am not referring to the content. It is the enunciation or stress on certain words. I can't explain it.

    How do you such unifrom speech patterns within a group? If you listen to TED, Pat Robertson, or the PBS Newshour, they all sound different. Is there a speech school for JWs?

  • slimboyfat

    600 people often leave a convention at the interval and don't comeback. How is this news?

  • Scott77

    " Poisonous lies " ? " Smooth talk on the Internet " ? What do you have to hide WT Society ? Why are you so frightened of JW's seeking out information on the Internet ? Scared of skeletons that might come tumbling out of closets ?
    Mr. Flipper

    Very good questions. I think, this is an honor to all of us apostates. Why? Believe it, we are having an impact on the Watchtower false teachings


  • lisaBObeesa

    It is so disgusting how they keep saying 'human apostates' They first carefully identify Satan as the 'orignial apostate' and then bring out the 'human apostate' label....

    ...if the 'orginal aposate' is The Devil, then 'human apostates' are 'Human Satans' or 'human devils'...so disgusting.

    Really, more disgusting than the 'mentally diseased' label. After all, if someone is mentally diseased, they are sick and you might be temped to feel some compassion for them, even though you might stay away from them for your own protection.

    But if someone is THE DEVIL you can and should really and truly hate them.

    I swear this is NLP stuff.

  • Finkelstein

    Organized religious institutions like the WTS/JWs are some of the biggest Apostate organizations that exist within Christianity.

    Of course they obscure this identity by its expanding size and daily working operations.

  • Finkelstein

    When you think about it, it was poisonous lies and pure adulterated Bullshit that got the WTS. off the ground and working.

    A religious publishing house full of lies and corruption.

    And that is the only " Truth " about this organization.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    You got that right. I was shocked to read DD's wife would have contributed $100! My husband used to put in $20 for the two of us. I thought that was more usual.

    And whether my friend's assessment of why 600 people left is true or not, I think assembly attendance will decline. All the hardcore old jws are getting sick and debilitated as they age, people like us are leaving, and a lot of the younger born ins are apathetic and then the battlers have to work Fridays. I don't know if my inactive hubby will want to go to the dc in August, but I sure ain't going. What a waste of time and petrol. I'm nearly off antidepressants since leaving, and a dc may just put me back on them.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Honestly, this thread is a non-event. It is not unusual at all for an afternoon session to have 600 fewer in attendance. Many times it is due to adverse weather reports, people being hungry and tired of packing their own food, boredom at the inane talks, multitude of other reasons, but not due to the JWs disagreeing with any of the talks.

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