They lied to you Jack......

by Tech49 78 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goodsoul

    Jack, thanks a lot for your story! but one question raised in my head and I would like to ask you something.
    You mentioned

    ==No, We can't just slam the door and walk away, but we CAN be awake and not be bullied around.

    I was an elder too and once I realized that I was tricked by WTS, I was nit able to stand it anymore. I couldn't allow this mind control cult to rule my life anymore. And me and my wife just slam the door and walk away.. and never come back during last 8 months.. and have no regrets about it. Some our relatives accepted this and still keep relationships with us.. some don't. But just because we have no tolerance for hypocrisy, deception, and guilt-trips- as you, we left it.. We are still not DF'd, but honestly- we don't care about it.
    I just want to ask you, why you still IN, since all your family realized TTAT? What now WT is giving to you?
    sorry, maybe I didn't get whole idea of your story(english is not my native language), but I just curious.
    Thanks in advance.

  • konceptual99

    Good to hear from you Tech49. Your story resonates with me but I can honestly say that being able to share other's experiences has been a big help to me as I seek a way out of this mess.

  • DesirousOfChange

    your reference to fading....................."coasting!"

    Welcome. Your story causes that deja vu feeling.

    We have come to enjoy the pace and the "feel" of coasting too.

    BTW -- to JWs who question our "coasting" -- I call it "waiting on Jehovah".

    Let 'em argue with that one.


  • Tech49

    To answer the question posed by GOODSOUL:

    Why not to just close this chapter and begin anew? That's a difficult one for me and my family. While the many things that awoke me are indeed souring to the palate, they are still things that have soaked in and become who we are for over 30 years. You have to remember, just getting to the point that I can be comfortable, even on a small level, to put these words down in a forum like this... takes time. I am not one to make quick, instant decisions. While my wife and I are continually planning our future, we are talking about little things as they come up. It's almost like building a new house I suppose. Sure, you can just go buy a brand new one that someone else built, but we want to do this one ourselves.

    We want our kids to learn from this experience. Since they too are involved, and a part of the building process, its just as important that we help them see the dangers that lurk. Yes, they are involved in the congregation, are very social, love their friends, have a great time keeping busy, and enjoy field service. We try to point them more toward the practical applications involved with community service, including field service. Don't push a doctrine, or the idea that YOUR religion is the only one, or that their is only ONE way to a goal. Focus on a happy message, bring joy to someone's morning. Don't be pushy, dont have as your focus placing literature. Share a scripture with someone. Plain and simple. Since so many hold the Bible in high regard, share something positive with them that YOU have enjoyed. Have a good conversation, if possible, and leave it at that. I can't stand the "offer them literature" mode. BLECK!

    So you see, its all a gradual process for us. Part of this process is showing the family the WHOLE picture, not just walking out of something that has been ingrained in us for so long. We are looking at it like taking the family on a guided tour. We are encouraging the kids to look at college courses, is their something you might want to do, a class you want to take? Is a degree beneficial for what you want to do? Don't worry about what other people say or think. Look at the options, decide for your self. We are here to help, and in only a few very short years, they will be on their own, like fledgling birds taking to the skies. By then, our gentle actions will have ensured that our family is NOT under the control of a few individuals in downtown NY City that DO NOT have the best interests of my family at heart.

    Some may take issue with our decision, but it is ours to bear. We do what we feel like, for that particular day. If we go to meeting or field service, its because we want to. All of us have a spiritual need, sometimes we do what we are familiar with. Muscle memory. What we will NOT do is make our decisions for today based on what someone else will think! As a recent elder, I feel I can be best suited to help people right where I am at. Things will change in time. No one's situation is the same as the others, and no one's situation is perfect.

    And just to clarify: I am not an EX elder, or ANTI this or that. I don't like titles, never have. Lets call me a RETIRED elder.

    Jack Harper

  • jookbeard

    good to have you on board bud

  • tornapart

    Welcome Jack. I'm with you on this one. I've been 'awakened' for a year and a half now and I'm still 'in'. I understand exactly what you're saying. Some can just walk away without a backwards glance. For others it takes time... a long time even. I'm finding that the longer I stay in, the more chance I have of helping my family and friends see behind the curtain themselves, it's not something that can be rushed.

    I look forward to your experiences! :)

  • lisaBObeesa

    Nice to meet you, Jack. Love your outlook on life.

  • hoser

    I watched the movie and made some jw connections. The main one is as a jw you're just a clone/drone doing a job for "mother" and when you are worn out "mother" will replace you with another clone/drone.

  • flipper

    TECH 49- Welcome to the board ! You are the 3rd " retired " as you will, or " former " elder I have seen joining the board in the last week. Yous is an incredible story but be assured you are among friends here who have been manipulated by the WT organization for 30, 40, or even 50 years as well ! I was in from birth until age 44 and then I exited 10 years ago. Freedom of mind is indeed sweet ! We are glad to have you here and I'm happy to hear your family is happy now that you all have more time for each other. Good for you. It's the way it should be. Take care, Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • goodsoul

    Thank you for answering, Jack!
    I totally agree with you at the point, that everyone has his own situation.
    I wish you and all your family the best on your way!

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