JW family made contact....

by LouBelle 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    .....after 8 years of us being disfellowshipped. The made contact through my aunt who is still 'in' - as in she has faded but is not disfellowshipped and will pop to a meeting now and again - she does this for my grans' sake.

    The contact was from my aunt and uncle (he's an elder) These were the 2 witnesses used against me in my judicial case.

    They contacted my aunt and said to forward the message onto us. My gran is in a home for the aged - has been there for ages. Recently 2 of her friends moved to another old age home where they get their all meals served etc and my gran is lonely and wants to move there. The cost is well VERY expensive so they want us to contribute. The elder sited all of this and then had the gall to site 1 Timothy something vs another that says if we do not take care of our family it's like we are dead or unfaithful (whatever)............... Hold up I say - are we not already dead to them? Have we not been labeled apostate by them? Have we not been shunned by them?

    As harsh as this may sound I and my mother have no natural affection for our JW family - We had a very quick and harsh difellowhipping and have been strictly shunned since. When it's such a brutal cutting you go through a lot of termoil and then make your peace and acceptance with it. I and my mother have been dead to my gran, my aunt/uncle and their children for 8 years. There is nothing there for them - yeah harsh but true.

    We have replied that we are dead to them. They need to take the council of the scripture that states that the elder in the congregations have to be like fathers and husbunds to the orphands and widows, that they have to be the shelter from the sun and rain.....and have suggested that if they are so concerned about my grans' loneliness that they prepare one of their spare bedrooms for her - this will eliviate the cost of putting her in an expensive home.

    So ... contact after 8 years .... for financial support .... no how are you .... no love .... they just want.

    Sorry we are dead and thus unavailable.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Let them take care of their own elderly, oh wait one minute! The Organization when i was in the loop, had no desire to pay for the buildings they were pressuring the Congos to build for their company men. The Organization has been using a new tactic over the last ten years, they are pressuring the Kingdom Halls with land or room to build a apartment (even if it's not legal according to the county) to sign papers stating each member will donate each month for the next twenty years at 3-5% interest rate to cover the loan to the Organization. The Organization makes money on the loan, keeps the property if the Hall decides to disolve and has a win-win situation!

    All the money your Gran's put into the Organization, she will never see a penny of it. The current JWs are pressured to pay for the W.T.S.s me and women and the Organization does not give a rat's ass about the rank-and-file like your Grans.

    If she treated you like dirt and shunned you, let her Kingdom Hall and some local friends pony up the cash for her nice rest-home. Lou Belle, once famous JW Super-Fine once told me to use this phrase when the nutty whacks were asking for money "I am not in a position to do this" or "I am so broke, I wish I was you!"

  • orbison11

    oh LouBelle

    i am very sorry to hear that,,,although not surprised at all

    and i so understand why you made the decision you did


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Quote him back this scripture:

    2 Cor. 12:14--"for the children ought not to lay up for [their] parents, but the parents for [their] children."

    Perhaps if gran would have planned and saved more carefully for her retirement, she could afford the nicer nursing home where her "friends" have moved. But clearly, she listened to and gave her money to false prophets that promised that she would never grow old before the end of "this system". It must be humiliating for her to have to come begging for money from her family that she's shunned for 8 years. Perhaps if she begged for charity from those friends that she misses so much, they could scrap together the money for her to move over there with them.

  • ssn587

    very typical of some relatives, I feel the same way about some of mine, only hear from them when the need money.

  • steve2

    Turkey buzzards encircle their prey but strike only when its dead. I have heard of similar accounts in which JWs will "un-dead" a disfellowshipped person to try to get something - usually material or monetary - off him or her and won't even show common decency in the process. The need for Money has near miraculous powers of resurrection.

  • cofty

    You are quite right Lou don't allow youself to be manipulted by them. They made their choice and now they have to deal with the consequences.

  • irondork

    Asking for money is an "extraordinary circumstance"? Begging from a dead person? Have you not already been dismissed as a member of that family? Based on what relationship do they quote scripture about familial responsibilities?

    You just described exactly what I suspect my former sisters will do to me when it comes times to put their mother in a home. I have not been a member of that family for some time now. I have no obligation toward them. At this point, there is nothing they could do or say, no possible event that could persuade me to put down my coffee cup, or even raise an eyebrow in their direction.

    I wish those people no harm, as I'm sure you wish your former associates no harm. But I have coffee to drink, a kitty to play with... and a butt to scratch.

  • lisavegas420

    I hate that scriptures jump in my head like a stuck song.
    The scripture that jumped in my head after reading the OP was

    Luke 9:60 .....let the dead bury their own dead.....

  • *lost*

    well done lou

    cheeky B'stards

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