If man evolved?

by tornapart 427 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • *lost*

    Jgnat - thanks

  • rawe

    Hi DATA-DOG,

    "Say whaaatt!!?? I doubt the above statement. Unless it's because they are already dead and time machines are impossible." Indeed it is because they are dead and we don't have time machines.

    I'm attempting to make the point physical isolation is not just a function of geography. Time also creates a separation. For a species to survive it is important that mating and reproduction of offspring is possible. From an evolutionary perspective it is unimportant that humans alive 200 years ago were the same species as us. Since they are dead, they obviously cannot be our mates. Likewise humans that will be alive 200 hundred years into the future cannot be mate for someone alive today.

    For evolution to work, species must remain, in general stable, but even the temporal consideration shows such stability is not of the ulimate importance.



  • James Brown
  • Satanus


    Before i spend 1 hr and 49 minutes, could you maybe list a couple of the best reasons why evolution is stupid?


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Dont watch it. It's only for people who are looking for answers.

  • *lost*

    I'm looking for answers.

    But having to trawl through 2hrs of speil without any recommendations is telling me ' 2 hrs has more vlue to me if read and research',

    either way the radical atheists are gonna bash

    may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb, so to speak.

    if you bullet point some info it will draw the eye, the eye draws the mind, so go for it.

    Let the haters hate, they got nothing else.

  • Satanus

    If their 2 best shots don't stand to challenge, why bother w the rest? Thanks, jb, for not putting them up there. Not doing so says all i need to know.


  • His Excellency
    His Excellency


  • Caedes
    radical atheists
    Hasn't this been such a lovely civilised conversation on the subject, without anyone getting pissy, bitchy or nasty

    So what happened to having a civilised conversation? It seems to me that the only person not being civilised up to now has been data-dog, james brown and now you.

  • cofty
    Let the haters hate, they got nothing else. - lost

    Really lost is that what you think? People who depend on facts and reason to oppose superstition are haters are they?

    Evolution is not about atheism. The vast majority of christians accept the fact of evolution. It is only a small minority of fundamentalist christians and muslims that reject it.

    Of couse if you live in that bubble you think its all there is.

    JAMES BROWN - Here is a challenge. Choose the most compelling point from the video and write it up here in your own words.

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