After the cult how many reject faith in anything?

by Seraphim23 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • *lost*


    Loubelle - dearest. What you just said there hun. so true. But ... HE has done just so.

    Which is why, according to the story, we are where we are. Did you not learn these things as JW ?

    I would suggest you spend some time thinking on and researching these things. it has nothing to do with believing, that is a personal matter for all peoples. As long as people can respect others views and beliefs, and do no harm to others, there would be no problems.

    You don't have to believe. But if you get the knowledge it may answer a lot of your questions and at least give you some peace of mind.

    I could come out of all this at the end and joind the supa-postate ranks, lol.

    I treat it all like a book. I like reading about it, I like the story, I want to answer my queries etc.

    when you read the story, with an open mind and no preconceived perceptions/judgements you will start to connect the dots and understand it.

    according to he story, how many chances has God given man ? time after time after time, they just could not/would not stay faithful.

    One of the things I used to struggle with, was . WHY. Why was he so patient, why did he give them so many chances, why didn't he Zap them all, and Satan. I researched it and looked for answers, and I found them, then I got peace of mind.

    Here's one example. EXODUS

    It wasn't just the Israelites that left Egypt. there was like 1 million to 3 million people (allegedly, according to the story I heard, I need to research it more )

    There were many non-bellievers, tribes etc. they asked to go with the Israelites, becuse they knew Jehovah was with them. God didn't say, whoa now hold on there, nope, yoou go on back. He took them with Him, they were refugees, immigrants.

    After seeing and having first hand experience of the miracles etc.... they still could not stay faithful... like WTF seriously people, lol. How much patience did it take to put up with them. Think parent/children.

    Anyway, what I found out was ,,,

    HE (Jehovah God) KEPT AFTER THEM. Jehovah (Jah, Yaweh, whatever, don't matter) pursued his people OUT OF LOVE. (Tender, Loyal, Affection, Unchanging, Undying, ) - LOVE.

    think beatles, all you need is love, da da daa daa da, lol.

  • tootired2care

    I've often wondered is demanding adoration, worship and bowing down to really love?

    *lost* with domestic animals. they are generally, by their very nature, non aggressive or nasty. but sometimes you do come across a bad un, that has a bad streak, meanness.

    You should really watch this movie, this is a species wide pattern of behavior. Would you classify the systematic chimpanzee vs. chimpanzee clan wars as 'evil'?

  • tootired2care

    *lost* P.s you are forgetting about the universal challenge.

    And the first prophecy.

    Not so, if you accept this premise then it can rightly be said that god is responsible for all the evil fomented by satan on this earth, because he could have prevented it, but choose not to. Rather he decided to put the snake in the childrens playpen. In essence this whole argument means that humans are just pawns. For what? What wonderful reward has he promised for the followers great sacrifices, an eternal life of bowing down to him?

  • jookbeard

    first time I've seen that chimp vid, absolutely amazing

  • tootired2care

    first time I've seen that chimp vid, absolutely amazing

    I know when I first saw it my jaw dropped.

  • jookbeard

    their organization and unity was almost so human like, incredibly dangerous animals though, their jaw power must be huge

  • tootired2care

    their organization and unity was almost so human like

    Yes it is, perhaps we should attribute their greedy warlike culture to satan as well...

    incredibly dangerous animals though, their jaw power must be huge

    Have you ever seen the Clint Eastwood movie every which way but loose - with the orangutan? It tears apart a car with its bare hands, very impressive power indeed.

  • Seraphim23

    I’m just adding this here as I edited it into my last post sometime after I posted it, and it might have been missed as a result. I ran out of posts which is why.

    LouBelle. I had an interesting thought about the suffering in the world a while ago. It is a bit hard to convey as it’s a subtle point but I’ll try.

    The thought is that the total amount of suffering in the world and all of history amounts to a single life with a maximum of a few years suffering and then death. In fact the worse the suffering, the quicker the end, so a sort of equilibrium limits the suffering to a certain point. As humans we tend to multiply the amount of suffering by each individual who suffers or lives. For example, if a disaster happens in a faraway place and gets reported on the TV, we gage it by how many die or get injured and total it up to compare with other disasters for reference. So in essence we say that one death due to an accident is mild or even negligible compared to an earthquake that might take out a million. We get more distressed about the million and not so about the one. Yet no one has a compellingly rational objection to a natural death of old age at the end of a life span, even though a death is a death. No one talks about the seven billions deaths of the whole of present humanity that will die in the next 90 or 100 years. The thing is though, that no one person can ever experience two deaths. Suffering can only be measured by the one experiencing it, not the two who don’t. So all suffering in history really amounts to one single life and death because no one can experience another’s death. Sure some lives are worse than others, but nevertheless, one life and death no matter how bad is as bad as a million deaths or even two or three, if you see what I mean. We objectify death and suffering, but it is never objective it is subjective and experienced subjectively.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    lost: " The early christians. Let's not forget, they were tortured , they were burned alive as human torches. they were set upon in the arenas by animals for entertainment and sport. the barbaracy and cruelty of the Romans is fact. Where does modern christianity as an organised religion come from - the Romans. "

    And let's not forget that when the christians finally came into power, they mercilessly stamped out any dissent to their version of truth. The few practices they couldn't kill, they neutralized by incorporating them into their own liturgy.

    There are no heros in the history of religious faith -- only killers.

  • mrsjones5
    iWhat freedom do you have that I don't?

    I would like to know too.

    I'm waiting.

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