After the cult how many reject faith in anything?

by Seraphim23 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • tootired2care


    domestic or wild it doesn't make any difference to this discussion. I'll leave it here: ask yourself, does it make any sense at all to have to atone to a god for actions/thoughts that are rife in the nature in which he created?

    If in the off chance your answer is no, do many of his other demands make sense? For example how do you personally reconcile Jesus commandment to remain no part of the world? I can attest to the fact that this simple command has huge ramifications and burden, it is the root cause that made me miss out on a good and healthy childhood. How do you as a believer reconcile that? I think almost everyone on this forum can attest to that being some of the worst council/advice ever recorded.

    edit; ps, you cannot on the one hand make statements and lay blame on God, if there is a God, without accepting the Devil, which clearly explains why there is pain and suffering, which therefore absolves God. You can't say everything is God's fault because he created Satan, a perfect angel who chose to do bad. and is responsible for all of the pain and suffering man has suffered as a result.

    Actually I can, he could have just ended satan at the outset, rather than banishing him to the childrens playpen, and punishing innocent offspring of men over some pathetic and petty bet.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I felt that I owed everything to God. I was the role model JW and made elder in under 7 years from baptism.

    But that was then. Jehovah isn't there and God did not prevent that gun from firing, so there is no debt.

    I have read some psychology and do not consider myself "knowledgeable" more than the next fellow, but I know that spiritual experiences happen internally for a reason.

    Thanks for asking, *lost*. I am fine these days. I wrote it all out in my book for therapy.

  • OnTheWayOut

    That would read better: God was not the reason the gun did not fire. All credit goes to me, not Him.

  • Seraphim23

    OnTheWayOut, thank you for being so candid with your reply, because it takes bravery to be open about intimate and personal experiences such at yours. Sounds like a very heavy experience and I agree that your assessment of what happened on reflection could well be the correct one. Certainly some experiences can be taken for revelatory experiences and assigned to God or simply the supernatural when they are not, and can be explained in conventional ways. I think there are other kinds of experience that would more unarguably be explained metaphysically of course. I am very glad you came through all that.

  • LouBelle

    *lost* I have done so much reading, I have really taken in as much as i can and continue to do so. It's my life experience that I have come to the conclusion there is no god and I'm good with it. So we can agree to disagree because we both can respect each others choices. I thank you for all the support you have shown *hugs*

  • Satanus


    You have a pm. To make it work, you need to click it twice.


  • Seraphim23

    Just got your PM. Thanks for letting me know how to access it. Still getting used to way this board works. It’s the morning here and I’m working but Ill reply in a PM a response to you a little later. Was a very interesting PM by the way.

  • jhine

    first , thank you Lost , unstopableravens the church that I attend at the moment is C of E , but if I moved I would have no problem going to Baptist , Methodist etc anywhere where God is worshipped in the name of Christ . Cofty and return of the parakeeet ( some brilliant names on here , I would love to know the stories behind some of them ) first perhaps I should appologise for making a somewhat sweepng generalisation , though I did not actually say all atheists , just meant a lot of people that I know who get wound up with anger and bitterness , hold grudges , perhaps miss out on getting the enrichment that some people could bring into their lives because they judge that person by clothes or something trivial . If that is not you then sorry for any offence caused .

    I noticed that someone has quoted figures for so called "religious wars " well my point was and still is that the people responsible for those wars in the name of religion are not truly following whatever religion that the proffess to follow , they are following their own selfish and sinful desires . NO major religion actually advocates killing in its name ,and these people will have to answer for their actions . Usually wars are fought over land or power or plain hatred and glossed over by the excuse of religion.

    Just because someone calls themselves Christian it does not mean that they are , as someone wise once said you can sit in a garage for a week it would not make you a car .

  • *lost*

    loubelle hugs girl x

    yep, don't matter what anyone believes. what matters is being a good person.

    much love

  • Seraphim23

    Satanus sent a reply via pm

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