The Small Quiet Voice

by Satanus 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Do you hear it? Not talking about voices. I'm talking about that little niggling thing, on the side. Its the thing that we ignore when we think about what we should do, what others think about us, what god wants of us. Its on the side, there, when we identify w our ego in our headlong persuit of whatever we are persuing. Its pushed aside when fear motivates us. Do you notice it?


  • Knowsnothing

    You mean our conscience? It's good to meditate about life and where you are going periodically, regardless of if you are religious or not.

  • mrsjones5


  • Satanus

    The conscious - what we know or think that we should do, which we may not always do. I think the conscience can be hyjacked by religion or an image of a person of authority. For instance, when we are young, our image of our parents can make our conscience bother us for things that we want to do against their will.

    As well, our image of god can work on our conscince in the same way, if we want to do things that go against our image of god.


  • Satanus

    Yes, intuition. People sometimes say, 'something' told me that there was something not right, or whatever.


  • talesin

    I noticed it about my relationship,,, yup, too true.



  • Satanus

    The wt sabotages our trust of our intuition w the scriptures about the badness of our hearts. It tells us that men cannot direct their own steps. We are wicked at our core. That voice, if it is our own, is not to be trusted.

    Rather, our TRAINED conscience should guide us. That is wt programming which has overlayed the natural inner voice which springs form the deep subconscious. The deep subconscious is devoid of ego, will, fear, desire. Its pure, so to speak. Ego, will, fear and desire are functions at levels higher in the mind. Not that all those things are bad.

    The wt talks about the small, still, quiet voce that job heard, after gods windstorm passed. That is supposed to be the voice of gods spirit. The wt is supposed to be guided by that spirit and the individual jw is supposed to let gods spirit guide him or her. However, there is no room for that to happen, even if it was there. Wt proframming and all the fears that the wt uses drown out anything of the individual subconscious.

    Anyway, this small, quiet voice isn't from the wt god. Its something that all people have.


  • SophieG

    Intuition is the voice?

    Conscience is the guide?

    My intuition is usually right.

  • Satanus

    I started recognising it after i left the wt. Before that, i didn't know/believe that it existed.


  • mrsjones5

    Intuition can be wrong if its core is base on ignorance and inexperience.

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