The Small Quiet Voice

by Satanus 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Watkins

    Thank you for your kind thoughts, Xanthippe and Satanus.

    The emphasis on demons and demon activity grated on me when I was 'in'. Superstition at it's zenith. Much easier to blame the devil than take responsibility for our own unfortunate choices.

    That voice was neither demonic or angelic sounding... just the facts, ma'am. So Jung's theory makes sense in a way, but I'm struck by the comparison:

    "the collective subconscious, or collective unconscious, according to jung, could well be the source. Jungian theory is along the lines that we are all connected, there. If so, we borrow knowledge, or share knowledge w each other on that unconscious level. That 'extra' knowledge sometimes bubbles up to the surface mind"

    It's no more difficult to believe that God communicates with us, even when we're not really listening, than it is to believe every human is connected by an interactive collective subconcious. It's kind of the same thing... It's like an awareness that, thought we're aware of its existance, we don't understand how it really works... or why. There may be more than one answer to the question, lol. And to each their own on how to interpret their unique experiences. It is all about the experience I think.

    Along this same line of wondering comes Near Death Experiences. NDE's have been explained by a lot of different answers, but I heard a new one the other day that seems to fit most situations, but not all, as they're so individual and widely varied circumstances. It was said that when one is near death, the brain races to connect a former experience to the experience at hand, looking for a way out of death, a remedy, a memory of something - anything - to save self and defy death.

    btw, the death of my child was held up to me during my fade: "Don't you want to see your baby again in Paradise?" Such an broken, fearful bunch to think that was 'encouragement'. Truthfully, they loved and encouraged me right out of that cult! (and I love 'em for it!)


  • Satanus


    Thankyou. My experience is more or less, along those lines.


  • villagegirl

    John 14:20...

    I mean the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, for it can neither see nor recognise that Spirit. But you recognise him, for he is with you now and will be in your hearts. I am not going to leave you alone in the world—..............

    the world will see me no more but you will see me, because I am really alive and you will be alive too.................

    you will realise that I am in my Father, that you are in me, and I am in you.

  • Seraphim23

    I left the WT at 19 due to being gay, but even before that there were little intellectual niggles in my mind with things that didn’t seem to fit as neatly as I thought they should into the WTs world view. Funny enough one of those was my own personal predilection for dreams that foretell future events, ranging from disasters in the news to local cats going missing and what happened to them. I know this might sound strange to some but it’s normal for me. However due to the WTs world view that I had, I thought these were from the devil. So I used to pray that they stop but this didn’t stop the dreams. So intellectually I had two choices of how to interpret this. One was to consider that what the WT said was in error, or that I was so disapproved of by God that he wouldn’t even stoop to helping me being affected by the devil.

    In the end of course I realised the WTs view was the wrong one. Of course this doesn’t mean that these dreams are from God. There are many interesting theories as where this comes from. Remote viewing for instance works for almost everyone who tries it, to varying degrees, but it is not easy to think God would provide such information for military purposes.

    I personally think it is too easy to say God sends this information although I do believe in God. Everything may well be from God ultimately but not everything is directly and I think this phenomena is one example in some cases. There is another possible view of course and that is the idea that God is in us and we are in him in a kind expanded trinity idea. It would be a bit like saying the collective unconscious is God. I think this idea has merit although the individual nature of personal consciousness which is seemingly indivisible is a problem. To be blunt, If I am not me but several, I never was me. It is a bit like the problem of numbers in that infinity is made up of infinite numbers, so what is number 1 then? Infinity and finite things are intellectually exclusive concepts and the two cannot be made to fit together in any model of understanding, even though the two are obviously connected. I guess beyond this line of the mind all bets are off.

  • doofdaddy

    The small quiet voice has come to me numerous times. Once while caught in a whirlpool in the Ganges river I accepted my fate and thought how ironic, dying in the Mother Ganga. A calm inner and very rational voice said "Your children will never know what happened to you as the Indian police won't retrieve your body from the river." This bit of common sense gave me the adrenelin rush I needed to swim back to the surface and out of the vortex. When I finally drifted back to the bank a female voice, again very calm and rational said "When are you going to stop jumping in and considering the consequences later?" This of course went far deeper than my swimming preference and took years to fully apply. Very soon after this, Jung's teachings came to me and I started to understand.....

  • Satanus

    Very interesting, doof.


    The solution is simple, really. Deep meditation transcends the ego. The ego is a contstruct of the thinking mind. It is false, fake. Step out of it and it ceases to exist. It comes back, later, cuz of our need for it, for an identity. We need identity. Our identities and our igoes fear nonexiatence. The scratch and claw to hold onto existence. Surrender, and you will see the solution to the dilemma.


    Ironically, as an unbeliever, i see the same truth in those words. I see a huge clue in john1:1. Jeus was god. Second to that; we are all god. As jesus was, so are we. He said we would be like him - brothers.


    The solution is that we are all god. I use that term, but its not the standard biblegod. Its the source, our source. We are all part of it. Our individuality is a delusion, if you will. But, we are all extensions of the source, probes, sort of. Its a way for the source to experience consciousness and possibilities, through us. We play these individual parts like actors play parts. Death is the end of the show/play.

    Have you heard of enlightenment? It is, simply seeing what we are, at our core, shorn of ALL our constructs. Constructs are: ego, beliefs, values.

    There is an example of this in nature, aspen in utah.

    Pando, or the Trembling Giant, is a remarkable massive colony of a single quaking aspen trees spread over more than 100 acres in Utah. Every tree in the area shoots from a single organism, and they share a giant underground root system. It's estimated that Pando collectively weighs 6,615 tons, making it the heaviest living organism on the planet.


  • Seraphim23

    I agree to a certain extent with what you say Satanus. I certainly can go as far as seeing some merit to the idea that Jesus being God and man applies also to us and well as a case for a collective unconscious. However I also see a case that consciousness cannot be divided. Even a fake reality needs a real projector and screen of sorts and the screen is our own individuality to my mind. I think we are dealing with questions that cannot be understood without generating logical contradictions. We see this with quantum mechanics as well with waves and particle contradictions. The problem is both are true even though it goes against a nice consistent way of understanding. Thus I think you are only correct with half the equation, or half correct. There is also the truth of the other side.

  • Satanus

    'consciousness cannot be divided.'

    All is one. It may be echoed in the words jesus is supposed to have said: you will be one, as we are one, or to that effect.


  • Seraphim23

    The thing is why does God need to experience anything at all if he knows all? If all that is experienced is fake, then it isn’t real experience, and God knows nothing. If so called reality is needed in order to experience anything and it is fake there is no experience just as there is no reality. This is but one contradiction to this as an exclusive view point.

  • Satanus

    The standard idea of god is that he knows everything. Ask yourself, at the time that there was nothing yet created, how could god know everything? Does not knowledge come from experience, or at least scenarios that can be played out in the mind? If god had no experience at all, how could he know anything? Perhaps, our realities are just scenarios being played out in the mind of 'god'.

    And so, the source gains the experience through these constructs that we experience. These (the universe, us and the multiverses, if they exist) are that means for it to gain the experience.


    Ps, My impression is that we may be smarter than the source is. But then, what do i know?

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