Why do JWs get married at a young age?

by XPeterX 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Got married at 21 (wife was 24).

    We left the Borg together in 2010. She left me in 2011.

    Life has been a crazy adventure for the past 5 or 6 years.

  • mrsjones5


  • Dagney


  • Mum

    They have no goals or anything to look forward to. Worldly kids are looking forward to college and career, fun times and broadening their horizons.

    Add sex to that, and you've got the "reasons" JW's want to get married before they're eligible to have a driver's license!

  • bigmac

    to get away from overbearing parents

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Bigmac has it right for my ex. She had terrible, controlling, manipulating, passive aggressive parents who controlled every move she made. Any objection would launch a tirade of scriptures that could last an hour. I didn't care for her parents and made it clear my house is my house. That along with the no sexo was enough for her to marry me.

  • Magwitch

    I got married at 20. It had nothing to do with sex (especially considering the sexual appeal of the eligible bachelors in my hall). It had everything to do with my parents. They forbid me from moving out of the house unless it was as the wife of a spiritual brother. All of my older siblings were married and out of the house and I had to get out too.

  • gingerbread

    1) Control : Get the young folks to marry "in the lord" as soon as possible. This begins a new family unit in the congregation that immediately has the WT belief structure imposed upon it - submission/headship. Married couples are ten times more likely to remain in the "truth" compared to a single person.

    2) Financial : Young people raised in the "truth" often have minimal life skills or education to become financially independent - especially home schooled folks. Getting married allows two single persons to pool their resources.

    3) Perceived Freedom : Get married to get out of the house you were raised in - and from parental control.

    4) Sex : A couple can now "get busy" without the guilt. Often the young couple has been intimate on some level - and kept it to themselves. So they marry out of guilt or obligation. Premarital intimacy can also be used by one of the persons involved to force the marriage i.e. "if we don't get married now, I'm going to confess to the elders."

    It's my guess that these reasons for marriage have produced two results now so common amongst Jehovah's Witnesses : miserable/unhappy/unfullfilled marriages and families .... or divorces - which now happen in my part of the US at rates equal to the general population.

  • sir82

    Since even phone calls were considered dating

    In the 21st century, text messaging is also considered "dating".

    You can't make this stuff up!

  • Tylinbrando

    Guilt for having sexbefore and wanting to have sex period.

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