Why do JWs get married at a young age?

by XPeterX 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea I was called down several times on the phone dating issue. What a lame religion cult I bought into

  • LostGeneration

    I'm going to go way, way, way, out on a limb here and speculate that the reason JWs get married at a young age is because they want to have.........


  • Badfish

    Because they wanna get laid.

  • loosie

    because they are horny and want out of mom's house

  • NoRegrets

    I have you all beat! I was married EXACTLY one week after my 18th birthday! For us it was a mixture of wanting to have guilt-free sex and partly an excuse for me to move out of the house and get away from my psychopathic father. It was also largely because we were in LOVE! And we still are 13 1/2 years later! (And cult-free together! Whatta miracle!) No Regrets

  • DaCheech

    the age is not the question, but: Why the rush to get married within 1-6 months?

    What do you really know about the other in such a short time?

  • Oubliette

    Honestly, if I have to explain it to you then you'll never understand.

  • Gojira_101


    DaCheech: The whole having to get married thing 1-6 months...the elders force it on us. With my husband and I the elder actually threatened my husband and I. If we wanted him to marry us we had to get married ASAP! I guess he thought my husband and I would get into trouble..it doesn't matter that I was 28 and hubby was 25 at the time...oh yea we have raging hormones and can't control ourselves...Stupid!

    Another example: I knew this couple who had been engaged 7 years. Finally the elders hauled them in the backroom and gave them an ultimatum. Either get married now or break up....so what did they do? They got married and last I heard they were having marital problems.

    As far as getting married young, I don't know what to say. My parents were very young and they have been happily married for 34 years. Dad had just turned 18 and mom was 16. The elders gave them hell for that too.

    It's a cult, they love to control every aspect of you life, even if you don't get married then they ask you why you're not married yet, if you do want to get married then they say you shouldn't get married. Even if you are married then you have the elders getting involved in your private lives...Thank God I'm out!

    Gojira (I will never compromise my integrity)

  • thecrushed

    Sex! SEX! SEX!

  • Quarterback

    They do it to rebel against the GB.

    The GB would prefer that you don't get married, have children, burden your self with a normal family life.

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