AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • brinjen

    It was done very authortarian style... as many of their announcements. 'You're a member of this group, you will do and behave as we say' type thing. That's how a lot of it came across to me anyway.

  • talesin

    We’ve seen similar things occur right here in our JWN nest

    You CAN'T be serious? Not in the 10 years I have been on this site!


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “we are talking about the official AAWA controlled group so any talk of this other group is just a distraction…. What matters is the AAWA group and THEY are 100% responsible for everything that happend with that group.”


    My remarks you allude to are said of three things and three things only. Two Facebook accounts set up by AAWA volunteers and one Facebook account set up by someone who has nothing to do with AAWA and never has.

    My remarks were shared as information and not as obfuscation.

    I don’t think anyone associated with AAWA denies for a second that AAWA is responsible for work performed for AAWA by AAWA volunteers working at AAWA’s direction. And, I didn’t just write the incredibly technical sentence to be technical. I’m only trying to be clear.

    “Can the AAWA not see why that could be a little problematic?”

    Because AAWA understands the need for privacy, as I understand it part of the vetting communication is to fully disclose what information is shared with those accepted into the group. Hence anyone who signs up has ample opportunity to decide if that’s what they want or not. In the end only those who sign up know why they do and whether they want whatever exposure will occur. The important thing is disclosure.

    “Ehem ... please tell me where similar thingas have occurred here?”

    Do you remember Friend? He was one of your earliest customers. I know because back then he was using my machines to do his work. I helped him sign up here, and probably can prove that if need be. That’s how long I’ve been around. Do you really need me to dig through the archives?

    My point is that even JWN has suffered it’s share of gaffs. Some have been technical and others have been poor judgment. So what? My intent was/is not to disparage but, rather, to be real. When we engage online we put ourselves at a certain risk. Anyone unaware of this is prey for the taking. That’s our world. Accordingly we have to thoughtfully decide what we want to do, when we want to do it, and who if anyone we want to do that with.

    As for JWN, it’s one of the most beautiful things ever composed. In the grand scheme of things it’s a genuine piece of art! How you’ve found a way inside to kept it going all these years is beyond me. Back when Friend was Forum Director of the original H2O and asked me to help him fulfill his duties, I knew then I’d never undertake the task before you with JWN. I’d have shut this thing down a decade ago. Life is too short. My hat’s off to you regarding JWN. It has to be pure benevolence that compels you. And, I know firsthand that you’ve helped out many along the way.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • talesin

    We are talking about protecting people's privacy ......... apples and oranges.

    Why don't you just stop defending the indefensible and leave it alone. You are looking more and more foolish as this thread goes on.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “You CAN'T be serious?”


    You must be watching a different soap opera.

    Drama cast around speculation and unevidenced assertion is mainstay for some of our dear JWN participants. So far as I'm concerned letting that kind of stuff get by is a mistake. It hurts people.

    I’ve been around here a long time. I’ve seen plenty. This is a great place. But my point is that as much as those who like this place like this place (read that carefully!) even JWN has had its share of gaffs. Some technical and some as poor judgment. But gaffs nevertheless.

    I do not suggest that JWN has suffered the precise mistakes as has AAWA. AAWA has made its own as JWN has made its own. But both have made mistakes. More than a decade removed, the early ones would take painstaking effort to find, assuming the things I recall were not deleted as they probably should have been at the time.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Simon

    I remember the poster called 'Friend' but have no recollection of any incident that you are apparently refering to.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Why don't you just stop defending the indefensible and leave it alone.”


    What do you think I’m defending? Please tell readers.

    - Is it foolish to recommend that folks rely on firsthand rather than secondhand information?

    - Is it foolish to share we take time to learn firsthand?

    - Is it foolish to ask folks to give evidence for their assertions made of people?

    What precisely is it you think I’m defending. I’d like to see you spell it out for readers to see.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    - Is it foolish to put names on a website without permission?

    - Is it foolish to dismiss their concerns?

    - Is it foolish to stand up and defend it when the Cartoon character himself hides?

    - Is it foolish to deny facts that some members of AAWA have already admitted?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I remember the poster called 'Friend' but have no recollection of any incident that you are apparently refering to.”


    Very well.

    Do you want me to research and provide examples of what I’m talking about regarding JWN gaffes? It’ll take considerable time to find its remnants. But I’ll do the work if you say.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    STraw man, here comes the straw man

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