Gabby Gifford, Families of New Town

by free2beme 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    I don't own any guns.

    but, I do alot of business in the ghetto. I have been advised many times to get one.

    -->There is alot of scary shit going on around me.

    -->farmers living too far away from law enforcement need protection.

    I am not selfish enough to think that the whole world is peachy.

    These people are being used as puppets by the BIG puppetmaster

  • Giordano

    2011 al-Qaida videotape resurfaced showing U.S.-raised al-Qaida spokesman Adam Gadahn urging radical Islamic militants to take advantage of American gun laws. "America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," Gadahn said in a videotape reported by CNN. "You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?" Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said the video is "one of those in-your-face moments that mock the ineffectiveness of present gun-violence prevention. It shows the need for strong action." "He says, `What are you waiting for?'" Blumenthal said. "He's not talking about fast food or automobiles. He's talking about weapons of war. ... We're making weapons available to our enemies." The al-Qaida video was first released in June 2011. But it has gained renewed prominence in recent weeks on as the White House and Congress grapple over new gun-control proposals in the wake of the elementary school massacre in Newtown last Dec. 14 that claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and six educators. Read more:

  • sammielee24

    Cheech - I think there SHOULD be voter ID. I fail to see what the issue is with showing some photo ID so that you can vote and be 'more' assured that there is no fraud in the process. Every time I hear a lot of chatter about how difficult it would be for some people, I always shake my head. You mean that in 2013 you can't actually figure out how to visit places where there are shut in's or disabled people so you can help them out? Pretty small thinking. A drivers license has photo ID. State ID is required for a lot of things - has a photo. Union cards have photo's. I'm sure that maybe all the schools and hospitals have some sort of photo ID. Rather than spend 10 billion on an election campaign - why not funnel a billion of that where it actually counts - to go to the people to ensure they have their photo ID taken so that they have it for anything that is required of them - banking, housing, mail or anything? Novel idea.

    I also believe there SHOULD be universal background checks - I don't see any issue with that. I don't have all the answers about how they go about putting some of the information up there, but between that and some real legal convictions for illegal guns and activity, I think it might go a fair way to reducing the number of people buying guns - people that in some cases, shouldn't have that right because of prior convictions for violent activity.

    Now - free keeps saying you need guns for some 'hostile' takeover. I'm curious as to who you think is going to attack? He seems to jump from needing a gun in case of hostile takeover to a real lack of understanding that nobody is 'taking' your gun away, nobody is taking your right to buy one away, nobody is going door to door confiscating them and in case of a real hostile takeover, you still have a lot of weapons already in the system to use. What you don't have, I 'm sure you'd get pretty fast if needed to defend your country against an enemy. All that being said - sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. The tree is all the chatter about guns and fear and need - a culture of death that permeates the citizenry in accepting that they would let a child die by gunfire rather than relinquish their hold on a weapon they need because they are afraid - of something or someone all the time. The forest is the reality - a hostile takeover doesn't mean it HAS to be from an enemy wanting your gun - why would they care? Dismantling a country from the inside out through the guise of democracy, all the while living under fascism is more damaging - the country has been decimated and continues to slide downward, because the government chooses to keep handing the banks more money so they won't fail. That means that your buying power has decreased but the banking profit increases - your money has been taken away from you and will continue to be taken, so that those at the top of the game don't suffer. Keep pointing the finger at the bottom rung as the problem, when in fact, handing over 40 billion consistently to the banks to prop up all that bad debt, is one of the major reasons for the continuation of impoverishing the country. Didn't Obama just sign a law that repealed transparency in regards to insider trading for congress? I don't think there's anyone under a million bucks sitting in those offices - and they all walk out with great pensions and healthcare paid for by you - the same people who pay to keep the banks solvent. Skipping merrily along hand in hand and it doesn't matter about party - it's all a matter of process and entitlement. In every country the very act of property taxes as a legal means to take away income from the labor of a man, is detrimental to owning property as a free person. As long as you owe taxes on property, you are but a lease holder and should you miss a payment, you may just forfeit your property. You can buy that land and pay it off in ten years but you will be forced to pay taxes for a lifetime - THAT IS a hostile takeover. sammieswife

  • designs

    I showed my DL photo ID to prove who I am last Election.

  • sooner7nc

    You assholes who keep screaming about internet sales of firearms are bald faced liars. How are these mystery firearms shipped? Where are these firearms sold online? Please tell me so I can buy some.

    The fact is you are all liars and can prove absolutely nothing. May God have mercy on your soul for being such douches.

    USPS form for shipping firearms.

    UPS shipping rules for firearms

    Use These UPS Services for Your Firearm Shipment
    UPS accepts packages containing firearms (as defined by Title 18, Chapter 44, and Title 26, Chapter 53 of the United States Code) for transportation only (a) between licensed importers, licensed manufacturers, licensed dealers, and licensed collectors (as defined in Title 18, Chapter 44 of the United States Code), and government agencies and (b) where not otherwise prohibited by federal, state or local law (i) from an individual to a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector; and (ii) from a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector to an individual. The shipper must comply with and must ensure that each shipment complies with all federal, state and local laws applicable to the shipper, recipient, and package.

    Fed-Ex shipping rules for firearms


    1. Carrier will transport and deliver firearms as defined by the United States Gun Control Act of 1968, between areas served in the U.S., but only between:
      1. Licensed importers; licensed manufacturers; licensed dealers; licensed collectors; law enforcement agencies of the U.S.or any department or agency thereof; and law enforcement agencies of any state or any department, agency or political subdivisions thereof; or
      2. Where not prohibited by local, state and federal law, from individuals to licensed importers, licensed manufacturers or licensed dealers (and return of same).
      3. Carrier cannot ship or deliver firearms C.O.D.
      4. Upon presenting the goods for shipment, the person tendering the shipment to Carrier is required to notify Carrier that the shipment contains a firearm. The outside of the package(s) must not be marked, labeled or otherwise identify that the package(s) contains a firearm.
      5. The shipper and recipient must be of legal age as identified by applicable law.
      6. The shipper and recipient are required to comply with all applicable government regulations and laws, including those pertaining to labeling. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives can provide assistance.
      7. Carrier will transport small-arms ammunition when packed and labeled in compliance with local, state and federal law, and the Hazardous Materials section of this Service Guide. Ammunition is an explosive and must be shipped separately as hazardous materials. You agree not to ship loaded firearms or firearms with ammunition in the same package.
    2. DaCheech

      sammy I agree with 99% of what you write, you seem to see where our politics are!

      anyway, why is the government buying all this ammunition lately?

    3. soontobe

      See Dick run?

      you must listen to Glen Beck.
      Ohhhhh "dear". I will just let this go. Sooner, I'm just plain sorry.
      Shot it, dude! Y'all come back, now! Hear?

      The troll sisters are out in force.

      2011 al-Qaida videotape resurfaced showing U.S.-raised al-Qaida spokesman Adam Gadahn urging radical Islamic militants to take advantage of American gun laws. "America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," Gadahn said in a videotape reported by CNN. "You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

      That's either a lie, or Gadahn was misinformed. It didn't stop Democrats from repeating his lie to fearmonger in order to further their ends, however. Which raises the question: either they themselves are lying by repeating this misinformation, or they are crafting legislation without knowing what is already on the books. It's full of fail either way.

    4. BizzyBee

      Selective quoting, Burn. You missed all the really abusive blather from sooner, etc.

    5. mrsjones5

      Everyone has an asshole.

    6. sooner7nc

      This place has several in the West Coast area.

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