i think i found a church

by unstopableravens 166 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • barry

    Loubelle, Sounds like you have been affected by the prosperity gospel. I have heard in Africa they preach all the time about money and how you will be blessed if you just give more to the church. I have some friends that go to Africa in their holidays and help in the churches their. Barry

  • punkofnice

    When I still believed in the sky daddy the first church I went to was totally brilliant. Loving, charitable, ran a soup kitchen, and all round helpful in the community. I wouldn't hesitate to go back for a visit and service every so often because they're such a good bunch.

    Then I went to a rather cold Anglican Church in a village and ended up at a pentecostal church. It was the convulsing and talking in tongues that didn't fit with me. It all seemed very deluded. Especially when 2 old birds were trying to heal a blokes foot by shouting to get 'satan' out of his legs.

    Of all the things Satan is supposed to be capable of and he decideds to hone in on some old blokes legs.......

    I now realise god doesn't exist. Just because I want a sky daddy to make it right doesn't mean squat.

    I still visit cathedrals and attend Evensong as it's beautiful and uplifting.

  • unstopableravens

    punk: god is real, sorry you went to acrazey place, why did you even go to the other churches, when the first was awesome?

  • punkofnice
    why did you even go to the other churches, when the first was awesome?

    I moved out of the area.

    god is real

    Oh, ravens! Behave you naughty Charlie Brown lookalike. He can't possibly exist apart from in the imagination or the desparate wishes of people.

    If he even did exist he just looks on with indifference as others suffer.

    I'm not worshipping a thing that offers 'freewill' as long as I go along with it's choice. A thing that says: 'Worship me or you'll suffer.', A thing that says: 'Adam and Eve sinned so I'll torture them and their offspring for generations, for thousands of years. Then I'll kill myself to show my love and save them, then I'll still torture them ad infinitum. If they do worship me then they can have the everlasting privilege of praising me!'

    If god is real, he's a real egotistical plonker!

    Anyhoo, back to the thread.

    People settle into the church they feel comfortable in.

    I reccomend choral Evensong if they do such things in the USA.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    A wise friend once told me, "If you find a perfect church don't join it, because you will ruin it".

    I'm glad I found one that needs the gospel, every minute of every day.

  • LouBelle

    Barry - yip. I am so over giving money - I've been giving my whole life, either out of obligation, being moved, robbed, you name it. I'm looking after myself and my family now as best I can. I will give with my time or skills - many don't want that though *shrug*

  • Glander

    En-Poss - " If I expand it to a mile, there are at LEAST 7 churches. There are at LEAST 157 churches in the town in live in, ~50 sq miles. There are over 3 churches per square mile."

    As I recall, the little town of Turlock, Ca boasted it had the most churches per capita of any US city.

  • unstopableravens

    dep dog: amen bro, punk ,

  • happytobefree

    Unstapableravens if you believe in the word...then tithing is an act of obedience...it all belong to God.

    But giving is something that I have found very freeing after leaving the JW. The monies given to church (at least mine) help pay salaries to those who have chosen to give the life to help others learn the gospel. It help pay for rents/food/shelter/clothing for those in need (and you do not have to be a member of the church...you don't have to be a believer...you just have to have a need).

    I think this is what I love most about leaving the JW...if you passion is preaching, then you can get paid for it, it your passion is playing music you can pursue your craft and get paid for it. This is very refreshing, because also the church encourages you to pursue higher education, training to become a more effective Preacher, Christian Counselor, Musician, etc.

    If you attend a above the board church...they will have a yearly or even quarterly review of the finances.

    ...not saying you are thinking this way unstopableravens....but some ex-jw still have the JW talk in their head about churches just wanting money...the good part about a good church...you are not being judge if you give or not. No one really care.

  • FlyingHighNow
    If you attend a above the board church...they will have a yearly or even quarterly review of the finances.
    ...not saying you are thinking this way unstopableravens....but some ex-jw still have the JW talk in their head about churches just wanting money...the good part about a good church...you are not being judge if you give or not. No one really care.

    Good comment. The JWs plant a lot of mistaken and misguided ideas into the heads of the flock. It's hard to shake them all when we leave.

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