Is There Other Sites Many Members Are Bailing To? M.I.A JWN People, where did they go?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    New Chapter, EE, if you're out there, can you have someone forward me a link to the new forum. I lost the address and forgot the name before registring when I took a brief online hiatus. I miss New Chapter, great gal.

  • mrsjones5

    I missed them also. We didn't always agree but who cares. I'm not a yes woman and am not too fond of asskissers.

  • Phizzy

    People move on, life is so short and this lfe is the only one we can be sure of, so, I think it is great when people move on and LIVE !

    There have been so many great posters here that quite often I go back and check old threads, I am saddened that many have gone and no longer contribute, but they have gone on to more important things.

    The WT and all its nonsense soon fades to where it belongs, into insignificance, it is after all, just a very silly little cult.

  • jgnat

    I was on walkabout for two years, for personal reasons. Setting up household in a new town, and so on. I came back when it meant something to me again.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Malvinas I hope they have found happiness and move on with life, it's nice to know they are doing well, if JWN'ers drop by to say "hey I am alive and well"!

    BOTR, i joined a few splinter cells and did not like kissing ass (why did I step down? not to start being a new guy's lackey!) or pledging allegiance to a new JW self-appointed Messiah or obey the political and religious (no religious) conscience their moderator or owner of the website demands.

    Who do I miss, let's start with James Wood, NewChapter, Leoleia, DjEggnog, "Luke 7777 (he thought this was a pro-jw site, i know why he left.) to name a few. Hey, I even liked Kool-aid man with his Tabloid style of generating news and emotion here. As you said BOTR, no site is more fair than JWN or has the web-traffic, Simon goes to great lenghts to allow us enough freedom. Those booted off his site usually bought their own rope after repeated warnings and group interventions.

    If our friends have moved on with life and stopping by to say "HI!" brings back pain, who could fault them? I wish everyone a happy and rich existence with friends and love. I hope all the friends who move on are doing well and no longer have the "ball and chain" the WTS bolted to their legs!

  • Roberta804

    I am a seasonable poster on this site. When warm weather comes I am rarely on the computer period, but I come back when the weather turns cold again. It has been a very cold and wet spring thus far, I'd really would like to get out with my metal detector, but I hate cold hands. So I wait.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I think the latest schism has left some people feeling dismayed and disenchanted.

  • Tempered

    Thank Jehovah! Mr. Flipper is still posting!

  • Hortensia

    what latest schism? How come I miss all the exciting stuff? Someone pm me some gossip, dammit!

    what latest schism? How come I miss all the exciting stuff? Someone pm me some gossip, dammit!

    Just go to my last thread..What a mess..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

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