Is There Other Sites Many Members Are Bailing To? M.I.A JWN People, where did they go?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mamochan13

    What latest schism? Did I miss something??

    I'm like jgnat (and probably many others). I come and go. I've found that certain personal crises precipitate a need to connect with my JW upbringing (last year family deaths), or other things come up where I want to reinforce what I believe. It's a good thing.

    But there's plenty of people here who have connected with this community and stay here, and that's a good thing, too.

  • finallysomepride

    i came back....briefly

    just been soooooooo busy

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Nice to see you Mamachan, Roberta, Finallysomepride too! I missed the latest schism so I will read "Outlaw's Post", everything in the past I read from "OutLaw" is funny, it's hard to fathom anything more than good old fun and playing.

    I thought we left the Kingdom Hall because we were tired of people wearing their emotions in their sleeves or the harsh shunning that ensue's a friend that fails to meet the happy people's expectations. People are people, I am learning better to relate to nonJWs and I am having problems with meetings some of the wrong people out here too. Users, Snakes and Gossips exist outside the Kingdom Hall but they don't expect perfection or you to be any different from them.

    The biggest relief I love is I do not have to listen to the garbage out "Jehovah's Witnesses being the best people in the World", they are not from my experience the worst but not the best!

  • bigmac

    not seen elder elite for a while.

    or wobble

  • Scott77

    I may be leaving sometime later to focus on private life. But not so soon but sometime late. Then must be back of course.


  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Yup. As mentioned before, there are many new discussion groups. Many are invitation-only. Many started after the big atheist/believer wars where many ignorant things were said by all. Some were banned, others just left. It's very unfortunate, we lost some of our very best posters over that little kafuffle.

  • sd-7

    I've gone to another site from time to time. Not nearly enough people posting there, though--it seems like this site is percolatin' 24-7!

    Honestly, some folks here have been rather aggressive with their opinions and I think that can do more harm than good. Of course people sometimes need to be told things that are uncomfortable for them, but there are ways to do that without name-calling and insults. I would hardly be surprised that some would not wish to return to this site, given how many times I've seen this done to people or to myself. Sometimes people just want to vent or need a kind word to encourage them, not a boot in the face when they're already having a struggle in life. We can return to the cult if we want that sort of treatment from our fellowman.

    That said, I'm sure even the least tactful of us may actually have good intentions. Or not. It doesn't concern me to the point that I never want to come back, just gives me cause to take a break sometimes. Well, actually, it's just that this site is addictive and has some really insightful people on it, personal differences aside. It's enough of the good here to outweigh the bad, but then...I don't generally get into the more heated debates so... Maybe it's not as good as I'd like it to be some days. But that just tells me I should either double-check before I submit a thread about my personal life, or rethink my argumentation, or just not say anything.

    But I'm kind of a doormat (or drama queen, depending on who you ask), so...I may be wrong.


  • *lost*

    I have an affinity for this place. Although i think it may be a little on the harsh side sometimes for timid ones.

    Atheist / believer wars ????

    how can I get more info ??/


  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    percolatin' 24-7!

    I swear "percolatin" is one of the greatest words ever. I don't think I've ever seen it spelled until now btw.

  • Pterist

    IMHO, the site badly needs better moderation. Regular users should not have to report personal attacks on others, stalking, foul language, and hijacking of threads. I have moved on to other sites, however, this site is a great source of inside information about what is going on in the org. and comforting to see those who learn the TTATT and don't throw Christ out with the bath water.

    Shalom friends

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