Appeal to NBC Dateline

by Amazing 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Amazing,

    This gave me pause

    ...but to bring in a sense of responsibility and force the JWs to change their behavior toward victims and pedophiles...
    If memory serves, BillBowen was told "WE WILL NOT CHANGE FOR ANYONE."

    Maybe this is my "nuke 'em and let god sort 'em out" mindset, but isn't it a waste of energy to try fo FORCE them to change? Individuals, of course, will see that the WTS is not what it pretends to be and they will leave it, as we did. If I may borrow from an old campaign theme,

    "EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE the "King" and his "Kingdom!"

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • Amazing

    Hi Nathan:

    "Maybe this is my "nuke 'em and let god sort 'em out" mindset, but isn't it a waste of energy to try fo FORCE them to change? Individuals, of course, will se that the WTS is not what it pretends to be and they will leave it, as we did. If I may borrow from an old campaign theme,..."

    They WILL change or be forced out of business. The Anglican Chruch in Canada is now bankrupt because of these types of lawsuits. As I see it, there are 3 scenarios, but only two viable possibilities.

    1. Good people stand around and do nothing while the JW religion continues to harbor sexual terrorism. I can't imagine this scenario continuing for any significant period.

    2. The JW religions gets a 'spirit-directed' message from their little Jehovah, and they change, but spin it to make themselves look good ... that is fine as long as they change. The truth will be that this was forced on them. I see this as the most likely possibility.

    3. Keep harboring sexual terrorists, and get sued into bankruptcy. This could happen, though less likely than scenario number 2, but far more likely than scenario number 1.

    "EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE the "King" and his "Kingdom!"
    Excellent motto for the Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America. Great job ... keep up the good work fellow commrade ... always with you in bringing trouble to the Tower.

    Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live - or demand others to live - by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible. The Watchtower, 4-15-02, pg 22, pp 15

  • TheStar


    Are you understanding us a little better? I see you at least agree with us on this issue.

    Thanks and my email has been sent. Short, sweet and to the point.

  • orangefatcat

    Amazing your appeal to Dateline is excellent. You have addressed the issue in a most humble way and your pleas for justice are equally so. How could they not want to respond to our cries for justice. I am certain of one thing, when this hits the fan we apostates will be attacked like never before by the WBTS. As the coverups unfold it will cause a domino effect, and then we will see how resilent the Society is. I dare say many people eyes in the organization will be opened. Mind you the organzition will tell the congregations not to listen to to the ramblings of those who are anti-WBTS. However I am a firm believer in the statement, "curiosty killed the cat". So lets keep our fingers crossed and hope every honest hearted Jehovah's Witness will tune into the truth and see justice prevail. Go get em tiger!!

  • alamb

    The Star:

    I guess I came across wrong. I don't disagree here very often and not on this issue.

    I just wanted to look at the bright side that maybe this is a plus on some angles.

  • Wren

    Thank you for your post. This sample letter will help. It is my hope also the exposure will help stop the abuse that is covered over from the very top of the organization on down.

  • Pureheart

    Hi Amazing, well said as usual!
    Exposure is all they need to open the eyes of the "real" brothers and sisters.


  • Sunspot

    >>I have no illusions about this program bringing down the JW religion. That is not the objective. But to bring in a sense of responsibility and force the JWs to change their behavior toward victims and pedophiles.<<

    One of my MANY character flaws (especially where the high-and-mighty Watchtower Society is concerned), is the almost euphoric and extremely gleeful anticipation of living long enough to SEE this skillfully contrived sham of a religion go down in the tallest (I wanna SEE'em from HERE) and the most disintegrating flames possible!!!

    As hateful as it sounds, it IS my objective!

    When I see a post like Amazing's, I look (fleetingly---but I look) introspectively and wonder if I'M wrong in MY feelings of loathing and disgust, or maybe, the INTENSITY of my feelings is wrong or unhealthy. I really almost admire people who are so...mmmmm....I wanna say "Christian", but that isn't quite the term I'm looking for; but I WANT to see this horrible excuse for a religion fall apart at the seams---the sooner-the better!

    Maybe some of us who have kids and grandkids and important friendships affected by this religion, might have a CHANCE at reconciliation without the WTS interference. If IT'S gone, the INFLUENCE will be gone, and nice people can begin to pick up the pieces of their lives and heal together.

    Somehow, Amazing, I just don't "see" how the "we're never wrong" Watchtower Society would ever begin to see the error of their ways (in ANY sense, let alone changing their behavior in properly (legally)dealing with molesters and pedophiles) They'll just cry "persecution" and how "Satan" is causing all this turmoil, and never look at the ROOT cause or their "justified" treatment of their sheep.

    I'm not trying to pounce on you, Amazing, or say how your thoughts are wrong........I'm just presenting MY view......Annie

    Shredded families and ruined lives;
    The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......



  • Sunspot



    My letter to Dateline is sent as well.

    Shredded families and ruined lives;
    The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......



  • LoneWolf

    Excellent job! Hope it brings results.


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