Appeal to NBC Dateline

by Amazing 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Sunspot: You make a very pointed point, this especially caught my attention:

    "When I see a post like Amazing's, I look (fleetingly---but I look) introspectively and wonder if I'M wrong in MY feelings of loathing and disgust, or maybe, the INTENSITY of my feelings is wrong or unhealthy. I really almost admire people who are so...mmmmm....I wanna say "Christian", but that isn't quite the term I'm looking for; but I WANT to see this horrible excuse for a religion fall apart at the seams---the sooner-the better!"

    My thought is that the likelihood of bringing the Watchtower Society to its demise is not feasible, achievable. Even if the organization were sued into bankruptcy, the religion has a long record of conditioning Jehovah's Witnesses to survive in case the corporation were out of existence.

    I don't know if they still do this, but even up to the time I left in 1992, the Bookstudy was still considered the prime arrangement to continue functioning in the event of serious persecution resulting in loss of contact with the mother organization. If the Watchtower Society was dissolved, I believe that these small groups would regroup, feeling validated that they were the target of persecution, and in time reconstruct a new corporation and resume operations. Their size of nearly 6,000,000 makes this very possible financially as well as logistically.

    So, my 'feasible' hopes have been confined to not bringing them to demise, but to enough exposure to force certain basic changes, and hopefully that many JWs would wake up, see the organization as not the 'Truth' but as the 'Lie.'

    All that said, if by some chance the pedophile issue and resulting lawsuits results in the demise of the religion, I won't shed any tears. Especially is several million Jehovah's Witnesses walk away in disgust, having realized that they were duped ... nothing would make me happier ... and if many or most of my close friends left the religion, this would be an added bonus beyond my wildest dreams ... yet a most welcome bonus.

    If all that gets accomplished, however, is a type of policy change that results in a safe environment for the victims of molestation, and therefore protection against having future victims, then I will still feel satisfied that something very good was accomplished in the efforts to expose them.

  • TheStar


    I owe you a huge apology. I confused you with little_lamb_on_the_hill.

    Soooooo sorry!!!

  • plmkrzy

    its in the mail

    Post Office mail

    No matter how thin you slice it there are always two sides

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