July 15th Study Edition Is Up..

by confusedteenager 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedteenager

    They used words like "perceived" and "discerned" to introduce their new ideas...which are just that. IDEAS.

    If they were honest, and admitted that it is in fact just ideas, and not facts sent straight from heaven, they would be a lot better off.

    Especially considering alot of these ideas are just bizarre.

  • unstopableravens

    just showed wifey: her response why do you care your not a witness anymore ?, i said yes thats true but you are and i care about you. it seems as though it does not care what it says she going to accept without and concern for truth.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    A note to all Watchtower Study Overseers:

    Start Your Engines

    You only have until September to:

    A. Study it up and make out you believe and understand every word.

    B. Pull a sicky and let someone else take those meetings

    C. Book a vacation for the whole of September.

    D. Fade fast

    E. Resign

  • confusedteenager

    Here's one of many things I do NOT understand: If the wheats and the goats are going to be judged during the great tribulation...then why is it necessary for there to be a second round of judging during Jesus' millenium reign?

  • unstopableravens

    verse 29 says after the trib nothing happens during wt is wicked pure evil

  • dissonance_resolved

    I read through it once and now I have motion sickness... Really? I mean, really? The cognitive dissonance is deafening.

  • confusedteenager

    My brain is dissolving into mush dissonance_resolved so don't worry, you are not alone. I slyly just commented to my father, telling him that there are some really confusing things in the new study magazine. It is my hope that maybe his critical thinking skills will finally click in. This stuff just does not add up.

  • sd-7

    Dang it! Sorry! I made a new thread about this, my mistake...didn't see your thread...


  • sd-7

    For the sake of merging my thread with yours in a ha ha, Jedi mind-meld, ha ha ha, no, really, Vulcan mind-meld...I'll paste in my opening post on the thread I started...

    "Rather surprised--this is quite early. Usually it's not out until the 15th of the month. One thing I noticed, which all the hubbub about all the other articles seems to have overshadowed, was on page 26, a brief article about Mark Sanderson, the newest member of the Governing Body.

    Sounds like he was on the career path of a company man. What I found noteworthy, which probably shouldn't be, was the sentence, "Brother Sanderson was raised in San Diego, California, U.S.A., by his Christian parents and was baptized on February 9, 1975."

    First I note the term "Christian parents". It occurred to me, as Blondie often wisely points out, that they clearly mean "JW parents", and that "Christian" is a loaded language term, that would mean "Christian" to outsiders and "JW" to insiders, as JWs consider themselves the only Christians. How weird is that, a simple term like "Christian" doesn't even mean Christian?

    Secondly, I note that he was baptized in 1975. So he survived the Great Disappointment of 1975 and the Great Purge of the early '80s. Also, he was baptized 40 years after the old cut-off date for anointed ones, 1935. So then...how did he become anointed when he would've been looked upon as 'mentally unstable' or questionable up until the year 2007, when the 1935 cutoff date was removed? Hey, never mind. That never happened, since 1935 never existed as a cutoff date, in line with doublethink, and there has always been room for more anointed ones.

    Also, there's a new picture of the new and improved 8-Man Channel of Commmunication, The Faithful and Discreet Slave, The Masters of Our Faith and Future Rulers of Earth, THE GOVERNING BODY!!!! But...I guess I'll leave it to better men to post the photo itself, if they so desire.

    So...guess I'll put on an apron, grab my knife and fork, and chow down on this deep, spiritual food they have so lovingly, painstakingly, 5.28-out-of-8-votes-ingly provided...and discuss it in more detail later if time allows."


  • sd-7

    I'm only 4 paragraphs into the first article, and I'm noticing a lot of use of the word "we": "We thought", "we perceived", "we discerned". Who is the "we" here? The combined powers of the Faithful Slave? All JWs reading the article? It's a clear example of needing to use a more specific narrative voice. Most JWs weren't around when the WT thought the great tribulation started in 1914 and was paused in 1918, were they? Okay. Let's get on with it...it's like a mental prostate exam up in here...


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