Someone in here is a mole

by focariedu21 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I pretend to be the Lone Ranger Not because i am scared to be outed but because I have a business that relies on my name and the business it is attached to and it turning up in google. My customers do not need to know anything about my personal life. As for the JWs? I dont think any of them give a damn about me kids are safe. This is the internet dude...what did you expect? The net is full of forums with alias's... thats called common sense not hypocrasy. Oz

  • Pickler

    Good for you forcariedu21! You are living your life how you want, not at the beck & call of a corrupt organisation.

    Keep posting! I'm from Sydney (DFd) so no fear of & another Sydneysider are planning on meeting up sometime soon, PM me if you want to meet.

    I'm not a mole I swear!!!!!

  • l p
    l p

    Hey Pickler, when are we catching up?

    Yeah I just got a little nervous with this opening thread because when i hear that someone is from Sydney I email and tell them my name etc and bring up meeting too trusting...

    anyhow? anyone else from Sydney want to meet not DF'ed...not formally DA'ed...I just left


  • rebel8

    I'm sorry someone did that crap to you.

    But...I don't get the "mole" posts we have on here quite often. This is the Internet. Choose to post it here and the world can see.

  • focariedu21

    Guys I understand about the openness of the Internet and we can all appreciate its function but my problem isn't about the information being spread about here and there but the way this guy went about it. He left a text msg on my brother in laws phone and then cancelled it so nobody could track him down but accused me of other things that aren't related to the Internet. He dropped off most of the literature under his door and every one thinks I did and that's what I called this guy a coward c'ause he's got no balls to approach me with his problem as a holy Christian man should do "go make peace with your brother first then if your brother doesn't listen bring in the congregation " but they can't even do that and they call themselves Christians.

  • Pickler

    l p......hahahaha, when I first read this thread I didn't comment on it, I just felt guilty (by association) because I'm from Sydney!!

    I've put enough information on here, anyone that knew me would recognise me, but, doesn't matter because the only person I wouldn't want to read it is my mother & she is to strong a JW to ever visit an apostate site.

    Why don't we catch up next week, or the week after (after school holidays) I'm looking forward to it.

    Anyone else welcome to join us....

    I will email you l p

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