How do I as a future "Therapist" help ex-jws that won't move on from the WT?

by booker-t 84 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AuntConnie

    Lady Lee, since you have been here since the start of Jehovah's, how often do members like Booker-T, Papa Pump, The Rock, Andre The Giant, Roudy Ronney Piper, The Wild Samoans, The Iron Sheiks show up with claims of being near their "Thesis (Non Thesis for B.T.) or Dissertation in Sociology, Family Psych or Forensic or Group Dynamics Psychology? I know I have read through many here, it's the same old song and dance of "wanting to do surveys, censuses or claiming they are writing a book about the effects the Watchtower and Friends had on their everyday psyke" out of the goodness of their heart. The follow through is almost always zero and they disappear after engaging your fellow members and friends.

    May I guess and say that Booker-T is working hard on his degree at Berkely University and UC San Fransisco trying to get a Master's of Science degree instead of a Master's of Arts. Booker-T is a bright young student who got his B.A. at 21 years old, now he is 23.5 years old and very close to his M.S. in Psychology, he is going to use this social scientific degree to help sooth all the issues practicing and non practicing Jehovah Witnesses are battling with everyday of their life. Book-T is our benefactor, thank you Booker-T for giving so much of your life to help all the num-num members with any type of exposure to the Watchtower Bible&Tract Society, we need a hero like you!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Anyone using infromation gathered here as part of a research project would have their paper turned down. There are particular ethical requirements when it comes doing research. The info gathered on this thread won't get him very far.

    The attitude he carries regarding cultic abuse survivors would not go well in any reputable counseling program. Even a college diploma would require a better attitude.

    As someone pointed out earlier that are no cross-ver Psych-socio programs. You would have to do an independant program and then find people on both sides to supervise the student. It tales a lot to create your own program. Few people do it. Fewer profs will agree to it

  • frankiespeakin


    May be he wasn't planning on appling what he learned at college in his practice of being a therapist but instead just tell the XJW his own personal opinion which is: just get over it and move on. Which in his opinion would be therapy enough.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    144001 said: "With all due respect to the"profession" of psychology, physchologists are demonic." .... Bit of a contradiction there, I think.. 'all due respect' (!)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Then he would not be a therapist would he. I sincely hope he decides to work with some other group that hasn't already been traumatized

  • frankiespeakin

    Could be that he going to the same school this guy went before he went to serve at bethel:

    Dr Bishnu Chitrakar

    I have to wonder how this guy can say that he has no serious problems there at bethel, probably because they kick people out after they confess any serious doubt about the WT corporation or have any type of psychological problems that would interfere with a smooth running work camp. He seems like the type that would go along with the WT's game plan and not see anything wrong with it.

  • 144001


    It all started when I visted a garage sale and bought a used table. My life has never been the same.

  • erbie

    Thank you for all of your comments, I've found it very enlightening on a very personal level.

    I think Roberta makes a truly excellent point with respect to therapists who see their primary role as 'helping' other JW's leave their religion or in helping others who are struggling to 'move on'. In their case I too would question whether they themselves really have moved on. Probably they have not.

    I am ashamed to say that I am also one of those poor unfortunates who has found it impossible to 'move on'. I left the WT first and my wife and kids followed shortly after. She instantly made a new circle of friends, went back to University (which I also have done) and she just moved on straight away. Or so it seems.

    I, however, have found it very difficult to really move myself forward in a spiritual sense as I have been led to believe that all other religion is Satanic or of the Devil.

    I did go to a therapist but she always said that she was not allowed to give me her opinion as it was just that-her opinion and as such was of no real value to me. She would not even answer my questions as she said that her answer would only reflect her opinion and that I should not care what other people think.


    I quickly realized that I was wasting my time talking to a person who, for whatever reasons, is not able to express their own personal opinion based on life-experience, education, wisdom, etc. You really are better off talking through your struggles with a friend/aquaintance who is able to talk to you on a level.

    Anyway, after quite some time it has become obvious to me why I have not been able to move on and I am taking steps to change that. For quite some time a friend kept asking me to join their choral society. I repeatedly declined because I did not want to become involved with something I had always been led to believe was unclean despite the fact that I have always fancied doing it. Now I have a change of heart and believe it will do me a lot of good.

    Ultimately, for me to truly 'move on' will probably require moving away but in the meantime there are other things I can do to help myself.

    Good luck to all of you-I know its a struggle.

  • AuntConnie

    LadyLee, thank you for a fine answer, I don't think this person is really close to their M.A. or M.S. and as stated, the research obtained here would not be of any value to those overseeing his project. The only possible reason to come to JWN would be to get leads or names of people as yourself and Mouthy who could provide the student with a real person and real facts and all the problems (small and large) that go along with being labled a "ex-JW". I am out of posts for until Thursday my counter say's, thank's for a fun time Lady Lee and booker-T

  • Ucantnome

    Why do you care what the WT is teaching, or saying in their magazines, and what their DC are all about if you left years ago.

    I've been gone almost 20 years and I still have an interest in what the Watchtower is saying. I was raised as a Witness, it's part of who I am. Like being English I think. I still have a couple of friends and relatives who are Witnesses and I meet people I know who are Witnesses.

    Some of these will talk to me at times about their beliefs. Only recently I met someone who I'd worked for and knew quite well. They asked me about my view of the future. Coming to this site helped me to answer them. By coming here it has helped me to understand the reasons I left the Witnesses better. I've thought about things, looked things up. My reason is more defined. I could give an answer that I was happy with.

    Sometimes when I talk to the Witnesses I change, I feel annoyed. There are still things somewhere I think I need to resolve. For me posting here has helped. Keeping up to date with the Witnesses helps. Only yesterday I read an article in the Watchtower about the resurrection. It was good, a small piece of the jigsaw.

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