Satan's Dirty Deed in 1914

by Yadirf 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adam

    Satan did a dirty deed? Hey yadrif, I just did a dirty deed, the toilet paper ripped and now my fingernails are brown. Wanna smell my fingers?

    P.S. It's NEVER too early to start drinking!

  • DakotaRed

    Yadirf says:

    What I DID say is that Satan made sure that the Society CONTINUED to believe in that date,

    As in my signature, I again ask, if God's spirit is with the organization and in the Kingdom Halls, how does Satan's spirit operate there at the same time? How do the spirits of the two cooperate together to deceive? Indeed, why isn't God's spirit stronger to protect the organization from being deceived?

    If Satan made sure that the Society believed an erroneous date, doesn't that show that Satan is leading the Watchtower and not God? It sure looks that way to me.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Satanus

    A serious question, if you are still into it, friday. If the 144,000 number is literal, and the gender (male) is literal, is the virgin part, and jew part literal as well? Getting jewish guys to heaven without them having sex first must be what is slowing down gods choosing. How wicked must sex be, in gods eyes.

    Whatta ya say?


  • Yadirf


    Need I say anymore?? Who is the ones that sound like a broken record?
    Why do you copy what you condemn?

    BTW, is the word "are" not in your vocabulary.


  • Yadirf

    Frantic Francoitus



  • Yadirf


    As "Francois" said to you already….
    Yes, I read what he said. He said, "Too bad your mind is slammed shut. Dope." Appropriate words, but applied to the wrong person. You, and he, not only have closed minds but they are excrescent. That sort of mind is hardly of much use at all. About the only thing it can do, and not even that very well, is operate a keyboard IF while looking down at the keys.

    Case closed.
    You've done nothing but blabber the same old stuff that's been heard here a thousand times before, that's not even worth the time it would take to shove it up your posterior. What you need is someone who is willing to nurse you through all the issues that you bring up, while all the while allowing you keep your mind shut and your eyes closed to what is being said, as well as the freedom to tell the teacher and the principle to shut their damn trap. Your lack of seriousness is plainly evident. That's why you're in the dark-deep-hole that you're in. And you like it there, apparently. Of course you have plenty of people to help soothe your conscience, rebels just as you are. The entire lot of you are just like Satan, he has all those demon angels that pat him on the back and say, "Good for you, Satan. You're so smart! We're forever on YOUR side. God's so dumb, you know."

    Will it ever dawn on the Society that Satan caught us off guard, and tricked us. Yes, it will, according to Daniel 11:35.
    I trust you can figure this out. Based upon the above, the only way Daniel 11:35 can apply to JWs, is that they fully abandon the "fooled" prophet-organization. Does that not make sense?
    You haven’t the foggiest idea of the import of Daniel 11:35. YOU … with eyes shut, ears plugged … YOU think that YOU have a superior understanding of THAT verse in the Bible than ME? Ah ha ha ha ha ah haaaaaaaaaaaa! Good god a mighty DAMN man! You probably fumble around for a quarter of an hour just trying to find where it’s located. Sheesh!

    unwilling to nurse the apostates.

  • Yadirf


    The use of strong drink dulls the mind, and more often than not causes a person to mumble ... perceiving things in opposite to the way they really were stated. You ever thought about Alcoholics Anonymous? A worldly institution, yes, but then again you're worldly TOO aren't you?


  • Yadirf


    If you weren't so cheap, you'd spool more off the roll in the first place and wouldn't risk staining your nails.


  • Yadirf


    As in my signature, I again ask, if God's spirit is with the organization and in the Kingdom Halls, how does Satan's spirit operate there at the same time? How do the spirits of the two cooperate together to deceive? Indeed, why isn't God's spirit stronger to protect the organization from being deceived?

    If Satan made sure that the Society believed an erroneous date, doesn't that show that Satan is leading the Watchtower and not God? It sure looks that way to me.

    Signature: “If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?”

    Like the other’s, you too have your mind slammed shut. Satan’s spirit DOESN’T “operate there at the same time”. You’re preference is to make my words seem that way. Why is that your preference? Because you are a dropout. You are a coward. You want your freedom, like Satan does. If you remain incorrigibly steadfast on the course you are on, you are sure to join him in the lake of fire. Is that what you want? I hope not, but at the moment I can’t perceive you ever changing. But then again I’m not the judge, and neither can I see into the future as to how you personally will react when you’re told to either support the 8th king or die otherwise. That’s a “test, which is to come upon the whole inhabited earth, to put a test upon those dwelling upon the earth.” (Revelation 3:10) That test will determine, not who are the sheep and goats of Jesus' parable (Matthew 25; which is post-millennial), but who will and will NOT survive Armageddon.

    Again, with reference to your question: Did you not know that God allowed the Amalekites to strike Israel after the Exodus, as they were en route to the Promised Land?

    How do the two cooperate together? They don’t, as Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t listen to the spirit of Satan. They have to be tricked. Satan caught the WTS off guard in something that they had wished with all their heart would come pass in 1914. Satan grabbed what he saw and ran with it as fast as he could, in an attempt to save his sorry ass. At that time the WTS was in its infancy, and even now is a maturing Organization. But, like I’ve already said, it’s the best thing that this world had seen for a long, long time.

    You’re stupid, DakotaRed. I’m not just saying that for the purpose of an insult. It’s just the right word for describing your stance at the time. You NEVER catch on to what is being said. The reason being is that your mind is fully prejudiced, in the wrong direction. You have plenty of company here on this forum though, so enjoy it while it lasts.


  • Yadirf


    A serious question, if you are still into it, friday. If the 144,000 number is literal, and the gender (male) is literal, is the virgin part, and jew part literal as well? Getting jewish guys to heaven without them having sex first must be what is slowing down gods choosing. How wicked must sex be, in gods eyes.
    Whatta ya say?
    A “serious question” may ass! Out of YOU? No way!

    But in spite of it, I’ll answer that with asking you: How many lambs were the 144,000 “with”? (Rev. 14:1) Too, if one were to assume that the number isn’t literal, then just how many are there supposed to be? Indeed how many do those number, who are to serve as kings with Jesus as rulers over the rest of mankind during the millenium?


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