TEC Documentary hypothesis

by mP 302 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    No. I am speaking to you. You tell us the TRUTH every time, at least until it changes, then, for realsies this time, it's absolutely the TRUTH, at least until the next time, pinky swear, from this all powerful man behind the curtain that never seems to do anything except have people tell us what he wants, and, swear, it's the absolute truth, for realsies this time...

    The only TRUTH I KNOW is Christ.

    That has not ever changed.

    As for anything else that you are claiming that I somehow state as truth

    and then change... how about an example?



  • jgnat

    sab's house of treasure.


    tec, since you are not a spokesperson for whatever is behind the curtain, are you claiming absolute truth or can our own discoveries also be truth?

  • tec

    I am not claiming truth. I am proclaiming Christ AS Truth. His words.

    I'm not sure I accept the idea of absolute truth as opposed to ordinary truth. Someone posted this on my site today:

    Truth is truth even if no one believes it.

    A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.

    I'm also not really making any statement about you or your discoveries at all.

    If you were asking something else with your question, could you please rephrase it then, because I do not understand? Thank you.



  • jgnat

    I'll try, tec, I really will. Yours is a very personal faith, and what you believe is very dependent on that trustworthy inner voice of yours. No-one else can hear it of course, so I have to take your word for it. Knowing that no-one else can hear it, though, means that your statements cannot be tested, tried, or questioned. To a skeptic, that means they are not trustworthy.

    You point to Christ as Truth with a capital "T". Does that give an extra quality of truthfulness to Christ, your untestable mentor? It seems that you deny this.

    Again, to a skeptic, your proclamations of Christ as the Truth drives me to rip wide that curtain to see if anything is behind there. If I find nothing, that is equally the truth.

  • tec

    I'll try, tec, I really will.

    Thank you. I appreciate that. I know sometimes I do not 'get' what another person is saying or asking because the question relies on philosophical or theological terms and concepts that i have not read or studied.

    Yours is a very personal faith, and what you believe is very dependent on that trustworthy inner voice of yours.


    No-one else can hear it of course, so I have to take your word for it.


    Others CAN hear Him. They have stated so themselves.

    I also do not want anyone to take my word for anything, nor do you have to. I do not take anyone else's word for anything. You can look for yourself in the testimonies that are written down, in what Christ, himself, is written to have said. But above all, you can ask Him to show you, to help you see, to help you hear. Then have faith in Him that He will do as you ask. That is what I did. Didn't happen all at once. My fear and my baggage from previous teachings stood in my way. But Christ and God are both patient, and their love does not fail.

    Knowing that no-one else can hear it, though, means that your statements cannot be tested, tried, or questioned. To a skeptic, that means they are not trustworthy.

    Anything that I state can be tested. Against other testimonies, against what is known of Christ and written down, and also against love, and also against the Spirit. So yes, everything can and should be tested, tried, or questioned. I know that i have done these with anything that someone else states about or from the Spirit.

    I am not asking anyone, including a skeptic, to take my word for anything. Truly.

    You point to Christ as Truth with a capital "T". Does that give an extra quality of truthfulness to Christ,

    No. It is one of His titles, so it is more of a respect thing. Truth of God. Like... Word of God. I also don't think something can be extra truthful. It either is truth or it is not truth.

    your untestable mentor? It seems that you deny this.

    He is not untestable, as I hope I explained.

    Now I understand someone who is not a person of faith, looking at a statement Christ is Truth, and it meaning nothing to them. But for someone whose faith is in Christ... then the objections do not make sense to me.

    Perhaps it is a problem with what it is being perceived as meaning?

    Christ is the Truth... He knows and speaks the truth... and He is the Truth of God. There is no lie in Him. Truth... being an absence of lies.

    That does not mean that something else cannot be true. My jeans have a hole in the knee. That information is true. But that information is not Christ.

    Again, to a skeptic, your proclamations of Christ as the Truth drives me to rip wide that curtain to see if anything is behind there. If I find nothing, that is equally the truth.

    Rip away. Test, ask, seek, question.

    If you find nothing, then you finding nothing is true. It is not necessarily true that there is nothing though. Only that you did not find it... for whatever reason.



  • Pistoff

    The documentary hypothesis does a good job of answering real problems with Genesis and the other books of the torah.

    The fragmentation, contradictions, duplications and starkly differing depictions of God/J are consistent with multiple sources, ie, the four mentioned,

    J, E, P and D.

    What is the other hypothesis?

    That God authored it, and did a poor job of editing?

  • jgnat

    Thanks, pistoff. Good point about the bad editing. It appears that tec can add no more to the conversation because she has not studied it.

    No. Others CAN hear Him. They have stated so themselves. - tec

    But they don't hear exactly what you hear. You have also stated that some things described from the bible are not from Christ (generally anything that might make him look bad) and you have attributed good things to Him. So you are the representative standing in front of the curtain, claiming some things Christ-like and others not.

  • Phizzy

    It has been shown on here ad nauseum almost, that nothing "written down", whether in the Bible or external, can be totally trusted .

    So, we are left with a"voice" that only Tec, A.Guest and similar posters can hear. How do we know you really hear a voice ? that you are not just giving your opinion ? which would be a kind of trick, or how do we know the voice is genuine and not just one similar to the voices that Schizophrenics "hear" ?

    We cannot know, hence we are well advised to take no notice, unless you preface what you say, as did Paul, "I say this and not the Lord". If you have something "From the Lord" you may as well keep it to yourself, it has no credibility.


  • cantleave

    I really wish this Jebuz guy would make himself manifest to everyone, in an unambiguous way, and stop being a mysterious ashwipe. Why play these ridiculous games? All he has to do is come down in all his glory, with a few winged horses and levitating chariots, smile and wave and I will know he isn't some delusion of the weak minded, myth created to control people or absurbed joke.

    Jesus Christ - Come on down.............

  • PSacramento
    The documentary hypothesis does a good job of answering real problems with Genesis and the other books of the torah.
    The fragmentation, contradictions, duplications and starkly differing depictions of God/J are consistent with multiple sources, ie, the four mentioned,
    J, E, P and D.
    What is the other hypothesis?
    That God authored it, and did a poor job of editing?


    Even just looking at "writing styles" you can see that there had to have been more than one writer.

    The compliers of the bible books and letters knew this so they had no issues in leaving in supposed "contridictions" and "difficulties" that people that WANT to bible to be "inerant and infalliable" in ALL reagrds, have to deal with and try to reconcile.

    That different writers had different views at different times in regards to their understanding of God will is clear then as it is today even.

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