TEC Documentary hypothesis

by mP 302 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mP


    I do not 'want' to love Christ.

    I DO love Christ.

    That still doesnt answer the topic being addressed. Nobody is questioning your love of christ. Again this is a diversion and in no way makes me or you more right.

    Im happy for you to love Christ . I just want it to be an informed deciision.

  • mP

    mP * ****Im sorry your the one making the distinction, and mentioning the three internal categorisations. The BIble doesnt make them. If it does show me. I never changed anything dont put words in my mouth. Ill say it again the law in the Bible means one thing the etnire 613 laws of Moses.****

    PT: So Israel or more accurately Judah (as The 10 tribes were already dispersed by the Assyrian's,) did NOT obey all 613 laws in Babylon, right ?

    I never said they did obey them all perfectly. I said that was their system of law. Get with the program.
  • Pterist

    **** How could jesus forget these ?*****

    Do you believe Jesus existed ?, or are we just chasin you around rabbit holes as you jump from one point to another ?

  • tec

    If you feel sorry i apologise but i was just stating my observations.

    Your observations are personal and insulting. You do not stick to the topic, as you claim others should be doing. You make personal attacks.

    I accept your apology if that is what the above was.

    We have covered many points you have changed the subject to tell me about Peter and Cornelius but you never find the scriptures that backs your ALL or NEARLY ALL statements.

    And the scriptures that you find, do not say what you claim they say.

    That still doesnt answer the topic being addressed. Nobody is questioning your love of christ. Again this is a diversion and in no way makes me or you more right.

    You brought it up. So if anyone was attempting to divert, it was you. I agree that it does not make me or you right.

    Im happy for you to love Christ . I just want it to be an informed deciision.

    I do not think that you are happy for anyone to love Christ. In any case... it is an 'informed desicion'. Based on truth and the love and forgiveness that He has given to me, and those I love.

    I do not know how you think you can teach someone about a man YOU do not know, yourself.

    Why cant you just fine a scripture that backs any of your opinions about Jesus, the law, rape, slavery and so on ? How can jesus get it wrong or be at best a poor communicator

    I can and have. You do not accept them, but that is not on me.

    You actually have not found a scripture that backs your assertion. Your only support for your position is... nothing. Silence. Then, even more, everything that you draw from that is conjecture. Christ did not specifically spell it out for you, so you assume that he was okay with rape (which the law does speak against), and the rest. Love speaks against the very things you think he fails to speaks against, and He is the one who taught and lived love, mercy, forgivness. But you do not accept that, and I cannot make you see.



  • Pterist

    Good night Tammy.

  • tec

    G'night Pterist.

  • mP


    ****How could jesus forget these ?*****

    Do you believe Jesus existed ?, or are we just chasin you around rabbit holes as you jump from one point to another ?


    It doesnt matter if Jesus existed, we are discussing what is written about him in the gospels. We are judging him on what he did and what he didnt say and what his apostles themselves said about him.

    I dont believe in the Jesus the god if thats what your asking. I dont bleieve Jesus was a character we should copy or use as an example. The character in the BIble was a man of his generation. Thats why he cant see antyhing wrong with slavery or the Torah.

    It would appear that you know how to repeat xian thought but you cant actually quote the BIble on any of it.

    Anyway my beliefs are irrelevant with regards to addressing the questions myself and others have been about Jesus so called morality particularly on the topics of rape, pedophilia, slavery and torah. This is not a voting competition.

  • mP


    I can and have. You do not accept them, but that is not on me.


    I will list the others when i have more time in one go and show how the vast majority dont even mention law, slavery, rape or any of the keywords of our discussion. How exactly does talking about Peter preaching to Cornelius in anyway contribute to your proof of Jesus and the Torah ? i must be incredibly stupid but i dont see the connection.

  • mP


    You brought it up. So if anyone was attempting to divert, it was you. I agree that it does not make me or you right.

    mP: Im happy for you to love Christ . I just want it to be an informed deciision.

    TEC: I do not think that you are happy for anyone to love Christ.


    If this is not a distraction then i dont know what is. You have spent several posts telling us how you love Christ. I wold like to know how this in anyway addressing our previous questions ?

    Lets try and be objective, to me this looks like someone who cant find better scriptures so they have given up.

  • mP


    You actually have not found a scripture that backs your assertion.


    Im sorry this is untrue.

    Just look at your answers for rape and why jehovah wrote it up. Surely the simple answer is God didnt write that, men who lived 3000 years ago made it up to suit their cause. To imply that God worries about beards and cant be bothered to write a law against evil rape is worrisome. The simple fact again on this topic is that this kind of law reflects the attitudes of women in that culture.

    The same is true of Jesus priorities in his messages. They all reflect the priroties of the ruling elite. The Romans dont care about women, rape, peodphilia, they do care that slaves are peaceful and obedient and that the jews pay taxes. The shear volume of scriptures on the favourable messages about these Roman priorities is very muchtrue. The reason Jesus said to love thy neighbor is because the Jewish peple then didnt respect foreigners. Thats why they rebelled and got destroyed. Peter shows this in the texts where he refused to have lunch with gentiles.

    Its all pretty simple in the end. The sad thing is you cant demonstrate that im wrong and i can quote scriptures and point to historical events to back this up.

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