I'm new, please come and meet me!

by Julia Orwell 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthlover

    Welcome Julia and you are right about atrophy of the brain -- happens when you let others think for you -- and the society loves to do that.... obey, obey

    At least here you can think for yourself and give your opinion and doubts without being disfellowshipped. Oh, and don't go to another religion for a while, hubby still in, and even tho he has few JW friends, he will find out when the elders knock on your door and ask him to let them have access to you as you have become apostate due to going to another faith. Keep it on the QT for now and just take your time and think it through.

    My thorn is the fact the governing body has now openly taken the place of Jesus for my salvation.. its in the April WT study edition - a picture of Jehovah sitting on his throne in the Ezekiel vision and lo and behold, the next in line is the Governing body, then district overseers, circuit overseers, elders and as we know, from the GB on down, shite rolls downhill.

    Take it slow.. welcome


  • tec

    Welcome Julia.

  • hoser
  • mercedes_29

    Welcome Julia!

  • cedars

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