I had cataract surgery on Feb 12

by Lady Lee 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    My dad had his done a few years ago and he has 20/20 vision in one eye - he said it was absolutely painless. His other eye is another story - I was with him went he went and had it lasered a few times for MD and shudder at just the thought of it...huge needle and painful. Congratulations! sammieswife



    Quebecers would stop if the sign read..


    ................................ mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    Wow, Lady Lee, that's great

    It's times like these I'm glad that doc wasn't convinced by a Jehovah's witness

    to tell you to " Wait on the Kingdom "

  • wasblind

    Question: Does this surgery help floaters in the eyes ?????

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    yes that might stop them OUTLAW

    I don't think they would do anything for floaters. Floaters are inside the eye itself and cataract surgery doesn't go into the eye. It deals with the lens alone and the sac that holds the lens in place.

  • NVR2L8

    wasblind...I thought you already had eye surgery given your name!

    I also have floaters in my eyes and I asked my optometrist last night when I was getting an eye exam....she told me these are normal for my age (58) and that I should live with it.

  • blondie

    Great, Lee. Floaters have to do with your retina, internal as Lee said. Get an eye exam if you have that problem asap, it can get worse, the retina releasing from the back of the eye.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions


    I hear nothing but good things about those surgeries from the folks who have them. Miraculous!

  • gma-tired2

    Lady Lee it sounds your surgery went well. Husband had this surgery in 2011and he is glasses free first time since he was 12. Enjoy your sight

  • mouthy

    Oh I have cataracts also...Not ripe yet!!!! Thanks for sharing.... I wont be afraid to have the Op if I need it
    But I dint think I will need my eyes in the bucket box

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