Looking for a partner.....

by LouBelle 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hey LouBelle, There just seems to be one problem with your plan to marry in order to move to another country...


  • Sulla

    It's not a problem, Billy, it's a constraint.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Billy>>>>>It is not about if men are jerks or not, it is if you find one, can you love him and him you?


  • AnneB

    Have you considered opening your own business? You listed several things that you are good at, plus you have training and experience in advertising. What's stopping you???

    As I see it, the only thing holding you back is your persistent reliance on somebody else to do the heavy lifting for you.

    DIY, girl!

  • Iamallcool

    I have not read all of the posts here yet, try E Harmony. I am on it right now.

  • LouBelle

    sulla my president has 5 wives so i could get used to it.

    anna i have been carrying everything on my own my whole life. i had to grow up and assume adult responsibilities from a very young age - which is fine - it has made me a very strong woman, but now i would like to share and walk along with a partner. i will however focus more on my talents and see what i can produce.

  • Fernando

    Hey LouBelle!

    African Dutch proverb: "elke pot kry sy deksel".

    Translated: "every pot has a lid".

    In other words there is someone out there that would be a good fit.

    I pray you find each other.

    Whilst the best fit is someone who will love us just the way we are, it's great that you want to improve yourself and your prospects.

    Best wishes in both the job and partner markets.


    farmer wants a wife

    Farmer in Australia looking for love?

    Agricultural Dating

  • scary21

    LouBelle , I hope everything turns out well for you.

  • mamochan13

    sulla my president has 5 wives so i could get used to it.

    Heh. I love it, Loubelle. To me, that brings home the whole cultural disconnect - how can we in the west really relate to what you are experiencing in terms of reverse discrimination? We do have some similar things in CAnada. Federal government jobs are mostly limited to those who speak French (which is most of Canada outside of Quebec) and they are often limited to First Nations people. Personally I don't care what wrong might need righting - discrimination and refusal to accept equality is wrong. Period. So I feel for you, because I'm fighting my own set of prejudices in getting hired - ageism is also rampant.

    Perhaps you should start seriously investigating what might be required to emigrate? Marriage can't be the only criteria? We have a huge meat packing plant in my province that is almost completely staffed with immigrants from Africa. We have a website that targets foreign workers, inviting them to come work here. As jgnat says, you may want to check out the opportunities.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think the advertising profession is just a tough one,

    The media admits and the WT rejoices that there are plenty of unemployed graduates. A degree does not = a good job.

    A degree in the RIGHT FIELD = a good career.

    Advertising? Businesses are cutting their budgets.

    Right now it's health care (at least here, but we our health care industry is bloated and waiting to bust).

    Good luck,


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