Looking for a partner.....

by LouBelle 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    You've straight up said that you gotta leave the country to get a job because blacks are taking your jobs.

    In the US we see the same racist sentiments except it's directed toward hispanics. Your attitude tells me that racism is alive and well in South Africa and that affirmative action is a good thing.

  • LouBelle

    your reasoning from the scriptures power astounds me. you must be friends with juju, you're spurtings are too similar. and that is all i have to say to bond - not the cool 007 type.

  • perfect1

    I dont think you can compare hispanics taking all the fruit picking jobs to what Lou is describing.

  • tiki

    awww.....hang in there girl.....i'm sorry you are going through a down-time jobwise.....have you thought about alternative career tracks? even if advertising is your heart and soul, there are related fields that might work for you....

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    you know what, it's not worth arguing. I hope you find a job but you should stop blaming blacks for it.

  • LouBelle

    tiki - you may be right - i may have to look outside that comfort zone (i've done that to some degree but not focsed on it) the job i have now falls under that, perhaps that is why i'm battling a bit. i will keep looking.

    potential hubbies: contine to send your proposals ;)

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    LouBelle>>>>>From your posts, I find you a fun loving, entertaining, educated, good cook, (somewhere back a recipe for curry with international invites, freely given) young woman, with lots of life and love to share.

    Many of us JW women, have gotten screwed out of a good love life (no pun intended). We all want a soul mate, someone to love and care about, and be loved and cared about in return. I think you are headed in the right direction, with your opening paragraph.

    Best wishes LouBelle in your search. I will be thinking about you.


  • VampireDCLXV

    Well, you've spoken up a couple of months too late, Loubelle: THIS amorous vampire might be tied up for the forseeable future.

    OTHERWISE I would've welcomed you to my little corner of the world in western Canada; namely, British Columbia... It's just better here.


  • LouBelle

    ah lois - the invite still stand - always happy to cook and share a meal with friends.

    vampire - ok now i'm so bummed - i have such a huge thing for vamps - seriously fascinated with you creatures of the dark.

  • Sulla

    I might be in the market for a second wife, now that i've converted to LDS. I find I'm behind my peers on this score, but we may not be "legal" in some "states." Don't know if that's important...

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