Looking for a partner.....

by LouBelle 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • ruderedhead

    I think the advertising profession is just a tough one, Loubelle. My one child also had an advertising/pr degree with a couple of specializations. She has had a couple of internships, and had disliked the one, and now has a job that is certainly not her dream job, but she is getting experience and paying her bills. I think you just have to get some time under your belt and keep applying for other positions. Don't get discouraged, at least you have something, and you know it's not forever. You will get something that you like better. And all the best on your journey to lose weight. I am doing the same thing, but it is slow going. I'll be rooting for you. And you certainly don't sound like someone who needs a partner to be happy! Your posts sound like a woman who really has it together.

  • perfect1

    Lou Belle,

    from what I can tell here you are awesome- spunky- loyal- with determination and a heart of gold.

    I wish you luck in your search!

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Please tell me this is a gimmick post you copied from somewhere else.

  • LouBelle

    RuderRedHead - I have 16 years experience in advertising, started when I was 19. Barrold - This thread is not THAT serious. The facts are that I have a very slim chance of not getting a job because I don't fit into a colour, the facts are I am in a job I hate. Maybe a different country would be good. Only thing is SA passport....

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Hope you find a better position soon ,it sucks to be stuck in a job you hate .

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    I'm pretty sure Affirmative Action isn't the problem here. I did get a kick out your racist statement. 'OH NO I'M A VICTIM OF REVERSE RACISM.'

    You don't realize that by default you already have every advantage by being white. I HATE this phrase, but you need to check your privilege.

  • sammielee24

    You don't realize that by default you already have every advantage by being white. I HATE this phrase))

    That attitude is so over and gone and I HATE that phrase........sammieswife

    If you had cousins or relatives somewhere else you could visit Loubelle, that might be a way to visit outside the country for a start. Of course you have to apply for a passport first - what's that saying....think you have reached the goal by working on the first step? Have you tried Cape Town area for work?

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Holy crap you live in South Africa? Yeah you have zero right to complain about affirmative action.

  • Quendi

    I can understand the frustration you are feeling, LouBelle, based on my visits to South Africa in the past. The efforts being made to correct gross injustices during the apartheid era have created other problems in the country. We saw much the same here in the United States when privileges and opportunities that previously were enjoyed almost exclusively by white males were opened to women and people of color. I was one of those who benefited from affirmative action in those years.

    Horrific unemployment rates in South Africa are exacerbating an already bad situation. Some good is being done and progress is being made, however. A friend of mine in Cape Town, who is white, had to hire a black computer programmer/technician as part of the affirmative action program Stellenbosch University was compelled to put into place. The technician he hired had little practical experience and my friend was very reluctant to give him the job. There were some problems initially, but now my friend says he doesn’t know how he managed without the new man. The programmer/technician has quickly got up to speed and now is an indispensable member of my friend’s team. Not every such situation has had a happy ending, but I’m glad this one has.

    So please hang in there and keep on looking. I know that is easier said than done, but patience, persistence and perseverance do eventually pay off. I had been without work since July 2009. This country was facing its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Real wages were falling and I faced the additional handicap of rampant age discrimination in the job market. I’m glad to say that I’ve finally found work and now have hope that I can start climbing out of the very deep financial hole I find myself in. If I can get a job, I’m certain that a woman of your many talents and abilities will do the same. I have every confidence in you.


  • LouBelle

    oh barrold bond please do educated me as to why i didn't get the position, since you clearly have a grasp of what is going on in south africa... you've travelled here? have business investments here? you,ve written a thesis on affirmative action? apartheid? you do know where south africa is on the map?

    the email i received from the recruitment agency cited affirmative action as to why they would not put my cv forward even though i am very qualified for the position. companies are forced by government to apply affirmative action and it becomes a sore point for anyone when skills and merit are then not considered. if everyone was on an equal playing field, may the best person be awarded the position.

    it amazes me how some people will point and say "racisit" without having the slightest clue as to what they are talking about. reminds me of a certain julias melema or even a vuvuzela.

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