Whacky comments! What the craziest comment you've ever heard?

by toweragent 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • notjustyet

    From an elder

    " Man is so smart that he can fire a spacecraft all the way to the moon and never hit a star!!"


  • Rattigan350

    Not a comment, but in service an older sister said to the householder 'We have the truth because we have the Faithful and Discreet Slave teaching us'.

    As if that means anything to anyone.

  • Heartofaboy

    Early 1960's 'You young ones will NEVER have to finish school & find jobs as Jehovah will have so many opportunities for you in the New World'

  • HillCountry

    I can't remember any specific wakey comments off the top of my head (there were many, I'm sure), but I will always remember how much I enjoyed the (rare) WT studies that dealt with science. I loved it because many brothers and sisters in my KH were, unfortunately, uneducated and had trouble grasping the depth of what was being presented. I remember a study that dealt with the universe's size and having brothers and sisters pause and try to think of how to pronounce the large numbers correctly (e.g. 13 billion 500 million for 13,500,000,000).

    I also got a kick out of Roman numerals larger than III being placed in the text of articles being read and commented on; the number of people who struggled with reading basic numerals was astounding.

    While I personally feel bad that many in the congregation had limited proficiency in math and science, it made for some very interesting meetings that kept me awake as a child .

  • Bella15

    That's an all saying ...

  • WhatsInaName

    Just like ÁrbolesdeArabia, we also had a brother saying 'Orgasm' instead of 'Organism' during book study. Man, he just kept on going....

    One other crazy comment was from a CO that said that you shouldn't let your hair cut by a homosexual. In order to be funny, he then impersonated a gay guy (that is, he impersonated a gay guy according to what he thought a gay guy acts like). I felt very sorry for the brother sitting in the hall, being single and obviously very gay...

  • NoRegrets

    There was a visiting speaker in a very rural congregation where we were visiting family. Though in a very rural, very white area, there was nice guy from Mexico who had ended up there and had lived there for many years. The visiting speaker was muttling through the outline and came to a part about Jehovah's organization being a diverse one. He went on : "So, Jehovah's organization is a very diverse one, made up of people with many backgrounds. Well, here, maybe not so much. I guess we've got Manuel there. He's Mexican! And back in our congregation we have a sister that's half black. I don't know which half though!" Then he almost waited for the rimshot and boisterous laughter that never came. My wife and I's jaws nearly hit the floor!

    There was also another one in our own congregation where an older sister somehow got on some warning example about a barn burning down and a baby dying in the fire that came totally out of nowhere and baffled us as she sobbed into the microphone!


  • Zordino

    "This week the CO said that when u don't get up for service there's an angel standing by your bed who goes back to Jesus and says "I wanted to go out in service but he wouldn't get up". This was part of his talk where he said the angels want to serve God and go out in service but the only way they can is by following us around while we do it. They NEED the publishers to take them out in service."

    NE, That is about one of the Funiest things I've ever Heard on JWN... That is a Classic! Still Laughing...

    ''In the new system Jehovah will let us use computers to make a DNA.''



    ........................  mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • Zordino

    An Elder in my Hall once said from the Platform, Being curious about and speaking to or listening/reading apostate Literature is Like Picking up and studying a dead rotting animal corpse full of disease. I guess he made his point clear.

    What a Mental Case

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