Elders finally took me to the back room...

by OneDayillBeFree 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OneDayillBeFree

    After several months of leaving the meetings as soon as they ended or only staying for "the first meeting" then leaving the "second part", the elders finally cornered me at last night's meeting.

    They said they were concerned about me and that being that I am a young brother in a recently divided congregation they saw so much potential in me to help out the congregation and become a MS.

    I told them I was thankful for their thinking of me to help the congregation but that at the moment I could not due to my job. Then the began asking personal questions that got on my nerves.

    They asked where I worked and how much I made. They asked if I was going to college and what I was studying and for how long. They asked if I was "emotionally involved" with another sister or a worldy person. They asked me if I was angry at any brother in the congregation or if I had done anything to upset Jehovah. One of them even said if I had sinned "behind closed doors".

    I got mad. But held my tongue! Before getting inside the back room I opened up an app that makes it look as if someone is calling you and set it for 5 minutes... And just before they could ask any further, it went off and I kindly but firmly asked to be excused.

    Then I came back in after about 30 seconds and, still holding the phone, told them that it was work and that they needed me ASAP so I had to go.

    The look on their faces was priceless. As I exited the hall one of the elders who really gets under my skin said out loud, "you must set your priorities ____!". To which I replied, "I have! Thanks!" got in the car and left.

    I'm afraid they will try to talk with me again & I don't know what I should do next time.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi OneDayillBeFree, Sorry about the elders asking you so many personal questions. What are your reasons for staying in the WTBTS? Is it family or friends? If friends, you should spend more time making new non-JW friends. If family, how many family members are JWs and do you have any non-JW family members who you could enlist to help your JW family members to awaken.

    Have you read any of Steve Hassan's books ( (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones to Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Organizations") or visited his website? Reading Steve Hassan's "Freedom of Mind" book would at least help you awaken JWs who you care about before the elders get more concerned.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    "As I exited the hall one of the elders who really gets under my skin said out loud, "you must set your priorities ____!". To which I replied, "I have! Thanks!" got in the car and left."


    ETA : If they ask again, tell them you'll get back with them. You're under no obligation to meet with them. Ever.

  • wasblind

    Keep a pack of Alka Seltzer in your pocket

    when they call you in the back slip one in your mouth

    look all google eyed and act batshit crazy. They'll leave you alone

    They won't see no potential in you at all

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    The elders only have as much power over you as what you give them.

    The next time they say they want to talk to you, just say, "I'm right thanks" and DON'T get into further discussion with them.

  • DavePerez

    Lol! That iPhone app saved your bacon! I have it, too... (Fake Caller, I think?).

    The "offer" they made you wasn't really anything besides an offer you cannot refuse, just like the ones the Mafia would make to their victims (thug picks up framed family portrait off the desk and says, "Gee, that's a nice lookin' family you got there... It would be a real shame if anything unfortunate were to happen to them....")

    They asked how much you made? You told them you're in college?

    As you were asked above, remind us of your particular situation (eg baptized, living at home, family members who'd shun, etc).

    Unless there's extenuating circumstances, you have a clever iPhone app (and had the presence of mind to use it! That's the BEST use of it I've heard!), you're in college, have a job, and you've had doubts for a long time (registered in 2011): you're smart enough to know what you've gotta do, and time is passing and you ain't getting any younger. :)

  • Satanus

    Most of those questions they asked are personal matters, and none of their business.


  • jamiebowers
    They asked where I worked and how much I made. They asked if I was going to college and what I was studying and for how long. They asked if I was "emotionally involved" with another sister or a worldy person. They asked me if I was angry at any brother in the congregation or if I had done anything to upset Jehovah. One of them even said if I had sinned "behind closed doors".

    Oh yes, nothing upsets the creator of the universe more than a young guy having a job, going to college, being emotionally involved with a woman, and sinning behind closed doors. How much better it would be if you were a slacker with no job, not pursuing an education, too socially awkward for romance, and masturbating in public!

    If this conversation does't scream "INSANE CULT", I don't know what does. If you get cornered by these assholes again, answer their questions with, "Why do you want to know?"

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    They sure have a lot of gall. The answers to those questions were none of their business. The nerve to ask how much money you make. That totally blows me away. -Leslie

  • Hortensia

    when the elders ask those questions again, ask THEM why they are asking. Then tell them those are personal matters, and you don't see how it's their business.

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